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FFA Attempting To Destroy Active Support

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Much respect from Melbourne for this. It is heartening to know that even when it looks like the Northern Terrace is under the biggest threat it has faced, we have allies like Mack and the RBB in this fight who actually have the ability to spread the word of the Hypocrisy and Lies coming from the authorities, media and FFA regarding active support. Fighting the FFA and the club admin is hard enough without having to take on the AFL puppet media which rules EVERYTHING in Melbourne. We thought we were over this crap after Ben Buckley finally got canned and the police got told to back the f*** off in 2010 but alas we're back to fighting everyone in a suit again.


At least you guys will stand up for what is right rather than just dropping your trousers and bending over for the FFA like The Cove. Remember that this news obviously directly affects you because make no mistake, Hatamoto and the FFA WILL come after you next and gut your core members with bans like they did to us. I just hope you guys never have to go to the extents of boycotting games like we did 3 years ago because we only just recovered from that last season.


Ultras Liberi

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One of your best ever Mack.

I dont sit in RBB however If the FFA continue lube up for the media and rival sporting organisations to impose draconian measures to kill active support in the league i too will hand back the memberships of myself and family. I love the Wanderers but for me the Wanderers are a mix of the football and the atmosphere that our fans generate, led by the RBB. Take that away and i'll stick to foxtel.

It saddens me to see whats happening at the Victory, and I'll admit pre wsw days i used to watch in awe at the atmosphere their supporters generated and smile in the knowledge that Australian sport had finally had an opportunity to feel what real sporting atmosphere was. The RBB topped that off and provided so much goodwill and positive publicity for FFA that the powers at FFA should be bending over backward to accommodate.

I'm in shock reading this today and now like the rest of us know doubt i wait nervously to see what dribble De Bohun comes up with next. To him i say **** off and be replaced by an overseas expert who will defend and grow the fans, not suffocate them with your bullshit.


Chris Moore - keep fighting the good fight brother. We at WSW feel for you and have your backs (even though you are #2 ;) )


As for Muscat... Football became family friendly when that grub retired and people didnt have to watch him plany and wonder if their kids would get snapped in half when they grew up.

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Well said Mack.


Dirty games here. Money is power. We could well our souls to the IMF/World Bank.


why in my area do we have 32 football teams and only one part time AFL team yet whave to share football fields with the AFL. Why does my local school have AFL goal posts on no football goals.


Need to unite. I was speaking with one politician a few years back. He gave me a specific example (we were speaking about a particular subject) but said politicians will more readily do things to particular groups whom they know are not united or have strength.


They know we will yell and scream but do very little unless we unite.

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its one thing to have this sort of stuff led by biased media and ignorant police who don't understand football and seek to damage it. its a whole different situation when its your own federation and club doing this and stooges like muscat giving quotes to a story. then they have the nerve to run an ad campaign championing active support as the key selling point of the comp (which it is).


as much as gallop has done a good job in other areas it does make you think we would be better off with administrators being football people - even if we have to import them like we do with coaches and technical staff.


great article mack - using evidence to back up claims putting actual paid journos to shame.

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Putting it out there now as a last resort if **** seriously hits the fan...


Full boycott of a round of football.


No silent protest, no food and bev... Nobody turn up. Go to Roxy or Woolie and watch.


Will it hurt the team? Possibly.. but its 'FFAs' team and if they are trying to sell it they certainly cant have an empty stadium.


Will it look like AFL have won.. yes and no. If FFA grow nuts and realise fans really do power the game they will quickly go into damage control. No rent a crowds with freebies when 75% of stadiums are member ticketed.


Out there idea and definitely not for now, but worth keeping in back pocket i think.

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FFA don't care about fans, if they did they wouldn't hire Hatamoto to profile active supporters.

I know of a few people who are confirmed to have Hatamoto files, none of them have done anything criminal, violent or anti-social, and all of them are there for the football, they have simply put their hand up to do hard work for RBB and WSW fans but Hatamoto is still building profiles on them. Hatamoto is blatantly targetting the leadership of active support. Why is this acceptable to the FFA?

If I go to an AFL match and wave a pom-pom I don't have to worry about some wannabe blackwater/pinkertons compiling a dossier. What makes it ok for this to happen at an A-league match? We live in a society with laws where it is already illegal to be violent, its already illegal to light flares, why does the FFA believe they need an extra-legal system with an opaque and secretive body to police this?

Why is it acceptable for Hatamoto to issue a ban delivered with Police to an RBB members workplace? He lost his job 6 months after the game for entering the field after a W-League match. There are approximately 12 similar bans for the W-league match (no one was banned for flares at W-league match, only going onto the field to celebrate with the girls) but all we hear about is how the bans are for anti-social behaviour when WSW fans brought the best atmosphere the W-league had ever seen. De Bohun the **** stated publically these bans would be looked into, and I've had email exchanges arranging meetings with him to discuss this issue where he says he will meet but then backs out, he's scared that if he overturns those 12 bans the line they are pushing about anti-social elements will be null and void. De Bohun is the reason the A-league is still a bush league, and the fact he can't even ensure the ******* stadium is booked for MV vs WSW should have cost him his job.

PS. I know for a fact WSW have a precondition on all pre-season venues (Gabbie Stadium, Jensen, Campelltown) that several tickets are reserved for Hatamoto to get free entry. WSW is promoting the atmosphere and the fans on one hand and inviting Hatamoto along to turn the RBB into an AFL cheer squad.

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Even just simple things that they should notice like the seats being full at the north end and fans scattered at the south end( I mean in the grandstand). People want to be near the RBB and it is something that these people who have light connections to football in the west have never seen before.


No matter what there will always be one d1ckhead and if the police and hatamoto want to focus on this one idiot and bring the whole force over they can do that, but people will one day focus and not see it as bad as this compared to other codes. They will not break the RBB because you guys are too good for that and this team needs you. I can't imagine it and it won't happen.

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Makes me sick. 


A key point that Mack brings up though is FFA's interest in Terrace Australis. If those involved tell the FFA to stick their socceroos active support up their ass, could this possibly open positive talks regarding A-League active support? 

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Makes me sick. 


A key point that Mack brings up though is FFA's interest in Terrace Australis. If those involved tell the FFA to stick their socceroos active support up their ass, could this possibly open positive talks regarding A-League active support? 

That could happen soon.

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If I go to an AFL match and wave a pom-pom I don't have to worry about some wannabe blackwater/pinkertons compiling a dossier. What makes it ok for this to happen at an A-league match?

Wait wait. You wave pom poms at an AFL match? ;)


All seriousness the treatment of fans after the W-League match makes me sick.


Boycotting active support for the national team would send a clear strong message to the FFA especially with the upcoming Asian Cup.


Though I dont know is that simple.

Edited by westofcentre
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Yeah another nail in the coffin and it's really developing into us and against them mentality from the FFA which isn't positive for the future.


I agree with one point though the sniffer dogs for flares. (know we aren't supposed to mention it Mack but it's a point in the article) Everything else they have tried is ineffective and Wanderer fans have been the worst offenders so I'm sure you will see that at Parramatta for game one.


For the hero's who still think it's cool to rip a flare I suspect their days are numbered. 

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Yeah another nail in the coffin and it's really developing into us and against them mentality from the FFA which isn't positive for the future.


I agree with one point though the sniffer dogs for flares. (know we aren't supposed to mention it Mack but it's a point in the article) Everything else they have tried is ineffective and Wanderer fans have been the worst offenders so I'm sure you will see that at Parramatta for game one.


For the hero's who still think it's cool to rip a flare I suspect their days are numbered. 

Doubt it mate, its more widespread than ever.

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I think everybody needs to take a deep breath... and Mack I hope you got some sleep, as you posted around 4.32am.


The Herald-Sun has a tradition of being 'anti-football' and police and security, just like any other individual in our society have their own private sporting passions and biases. The AFL has clearly had significant persuasive interest when dealing with government and organisations of all kinds - police included.


Could there be a conspiracy between the AFL and police to undermine active support in the A-League? Possibly, but we have to get our own act together first.


As far as filming is concerned, it has been going on for years - police had cameras on Sydney United fans at the 1997 Grand Final in Brisbane (versus Brisbane Strikers), where a number were evicted.


We should welcome cameras, for our own protection, and for the prosecution of those who place their own narcissism ahead of the best interests of the game, in lighting and/or throwing flares.


If such behaviour (and of course any physical violence) is universally condemned and the perpetrators identified and excluded, then we should have little cause for concern.


Are Gallop and de Bohun so naive as to threaten the momentum of what has been developed at WSW? I believe not. However, they have a responsibility to ensure that football is a safe, positive and welcoming environment for all.


WSW is bigger than any individual and bigger than the RBB. Its power and attraction derives from the fact that it has been able to expand the colour and an increasing degree of the support provided by the RBB beyond the North Terrace and amongst family groups and all ages. Long may it continue to do so.

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I just thought of something, this is from my point of view of what I can and cannot see from where I stand in the RBB, only problem i see is the flares, if we can stop them, we really don't have anything to worry about, flares are our big problem.


Is there something I am missing that I can't see durin the games?

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