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What Really Grinds My Gears 5

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Why did you take that post down, Mack?

I was responding to something Legia had addressed to me?

I hadn't continued to post endlessly about politics beyond the day you permitted it.

What's going on over there is potentially a seismic shift in US politics, and hence global politics. It will dominate informed peoples' discussions for the next few months 

13 years ago, you created what felt like a thriving community, which ranged beyond football.

Via the Off Topic Thread, discussions delved more broadly into personal fields, like mental health, relationships and history, as well as current affairs and politics.

People were engaged here virtually 24/7, and many got to know each other personally via not just attendance at football matches. If I recall correctly, a few romantic partnerships developed?

That sense of a wider ranging community is undermined when those community members can't share their experiences, thoughts and opinions.

My 2 cents worth. :hi:

Edited by wendybr
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WGMG..went for my run this morning and on the way back stopped for a quick piss in the park bogs...

I opened the door and a tucking brush turkey was in there! Would have got under the door gap I guess...The thing freaked out and charged past me..

Absolutely **** myself..not expecting that one!

More and more of these bastards around like.

Edited by Smoggy
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Don’t really engage in Covid conspiracy stuff anymore, it’s boring and irrelevant but “the report from the Australian Senate Inquiry into excess deaths is out. Excess deaths between 2021 and 2023 were primarily caused from COVID - both directly and indirectly. XS deaths would have been much worse without vaccination.”

And the part that grinds my gears is that dickhead Senator Babet was given a lashing in the report for manipulating videos and putting witnesses at risk. So disgusting. Worth the read to see what strategies he used to mislead fools that the inquiry was exposing something it wasn’t. 


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WGMG… going to your dental check up and getting that dreaded pause from the dentist followed by poking around a specific tooth and then some other bit of equipment requested……you know what’s coming….




Back again next week and a lighter ******* bank balance :rolleyes:

Edited by Smoggy
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7 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

WGMG… going to your dental check up and getting that dreaded pause from the dentist followed by poking around a specific tooth and then some other bit of equipment requested……you know what’s coming….




Back again next week and a lighter ******* bank balance :rolleyes:

It’s the like the old MOT mate, poking the sills with a screwdriver until goes through in a soft spot, yep that’s going to cost you😟

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43 minutes ago, mack said:

People taking their old nanna to the election so they can jump the hour long early vote queue instead of just doing postal votes or going in the afternoon of the election when there aren't any lines :nono:

Applied for a postal for my dad in the Penrith Council election. Turns out the ward we are in only has the number of candidates required to be elected so we don't have to vote. Only found out that bit when I quizzed them about no postal vote arriving. When I asked why no notification the guy simply said...."Oh well,you know now don't you."


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I hate the way these days everything you order through the post gives you heaps of updates about when its coming (before invariably being taken somewhere else cos they ignore the "leave even if there's no-one home" instruction).

I dunno i just kind of miss not knowing when it would come and therefore not thinking about it - or anticipating but not knowing- and getting a surprise or whatever.

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When the booklet says just plug in and connect the devices together to transfer data from one mobile to a newer one.....easy as 1.2.3.....turns out it takes about 8 or 9 attempts......:nono:.....lucky there was no hammer nearby,I would of used it I swear.....:ninja:


Edited by sonar
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Just did that one on the weekend haha.

I did it wirelessly and it all worked fine.

Then I downloaded the apps I wanted and organised them all perfectly so it wouldn't be the shitfight my old phone had turned into with things everywhere. Took a good while.

Then the phone said "new update" or something so I pressed it and it took across the way everything had been organised on my old phone.

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