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What Floats Your Boat 4

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47 minutes ago, Cynth said:

So there is one fiftieth of one percent chance of a serious adverse effect after vaccine (0.02%) (in Germany) 

There is a 0.1% chance of death from Covid. (Higher if unvaccinated)

The vaccine protects you to  high degree from hospitalisation and death from Covid.

By your own statement, Covid is nothing to be afraid of. 

But you are 5 times more likely to die of Covid then have a serious adverse event after vaccine. 

So if Covid is nothing to be afraid of than the vaccine isn’t either right? By your own logic, 

I read further as Wendy said - its 1 per 5,000 shots - not people. Even more scary when they are advocating 3-4 shots are year / 18 mths.

You tell me any vaccine in the world with such high serious adverse effects ? 

I'm content now - they mandates are more or less gone in most places. 

People that want it - go for your life, line every month if that's your choice. Just don't mandate it. 

Everywhere in the world people have moved on and its no longer talked about .... here we have some advocating going back to WFH and masks again ..... FML

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25 minutes ago, Cynth said:

wow she’s still a poster girl for the right…..

Wow those hives of woke lefty communism aren't what they used to be, are they? 

Apart from the horror that is a night out with Catherine Deves, look at the pubs they are going too. All of them are hives for cashed up bogans, and all owned by Justin Hemes. @Unlimited might be worth a shot though.

The should take her to the Imperial in Newtown she'd love it

So which politician would you most like to go on a pub crawl with and where?

I'm thinking an Albo tour of Marrickville breweries would be good.

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1 hour ago, Cynth said:

So there is one fiftieth of one percent chance of a serious adverse effect after vaccine (0.02%) (in Germany) 

There is a 0.1% chance of death from Covid. (Higher if unvaccinated)

The vaccine protects you to  high degree from hospitalisation and death from Covid.

By your own statement, Covid is nothing to be afraid of. 

But you are 5 times more likely to die of Covid then have a serious adverse event after vaccine. 

So if Covid is nothing to be afraid of than the vaccine isn’t either right? By your own logic, 

Logic? he doesn't do logic. He does emotion, blind faith and random statements that are either wrong or irrelevant. 


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2 hours ago, Legionista said:

Yeah the expectation of what constitutes a decent standard of living has skyrocketed.

In a lot of cases people aren’t prepared to sacrifice anything to save up for a deposit. 

The first line is probably true, but so it should be, if we are progressing as a society then standard of living should be going up.

The second line is just completely made up, emotive cliche nonsense. You should write for the Daily Telegraph. 

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1 hour ago, Stokz said:

I read further as Wendy said - its 1 per 5,000 shots - not people. Even more scary when they are advocating 3-4 shots are year / 18 mths.

You tell me any vaccine in the world with such high serious adverse effects ? 

I'm content now - they mandates are more or less gone in most places. 

People that want it - go for your life, line every month if that's your choice. Just don't mandate it. 

Everywhere in the world people have moved on and its no longer talked about .... here we have some advocating going back to WFH and masks again ..... FML

Yes. 1 in 5000 shots, therefore 0.02% chance of adverse per shot, if you get 4 that’s 0.08 chance in total. We still talking teensie bud, but don’t worry, like I have said before, logic and facts don’t change hearts and minds. You do you. 

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3 hours ago, Stokz said:

I read further as Wendy said - its 1 per 5,000 shots - not people. Even more scary when they are advocating 3-4 shots are year / 18 mths.

You tell me any vaccine in the world with such high serious adverse effects ? 

I'm content now - they mandates are more or less gone in most places. 

People that want it - go for your life, line every month if that's your choice. Just don't mandate it. 

Everywhere in the world people have moved on and its no longer talked about .... here we have some advocating going back to WFH and masks again ..... FML

Wish I was confident that there'll be no going back.

One of the disturbing things about the explosion of Covid in the UK atm is that it's the middle of Summer. Highest ever rates, with highly restricted Scotland leading the pack.

The virus is now ignoring the seasonality usually associated with viruses. 

And people are increasingly getting reinfected.

Going on for three years in, this virus is still wreaking havoc...not so much in terms of hospitalisations and deaths, thankfully, but in terms of rampant infections, and the disruptions to peoples' lives/society.

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2 hours ago, ZachMercer said:

You know what's wrong with the world today........... floats your boat has descended into a grinds my gear.

Since Mack has relented on suppression of the most discussed topic I can remember, maybe he should reopen the Armaggedon Thread.

It certainly doesn't belong here.


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3 hours ago, StringerBellend said:

So which politician would you most like to go on a pub crawl with and where?

I'm thinking an Albo tour of Marrickville breweries would be good.

So predictable. :lol:

Jacqui Lambie round Devonport might be good. Or Katter round Mt Isa. You'd know you'd be in for a batshit time.

Doug Cameron in Newie would be good I reckon.






Edited by marron
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2 hours ago, Cynth said:

Yes. 1 in 5000 shots, therefore 0.02% chance of adverse per shot, if you get 4 that’s 0.08 chance in total. We still talking teensie bud...

How many billion vaccines have been delivered globally now?

And, what's .08 of that figure...anyone?

All poor souls thinking/trusting they were doing the right thing... protecting themselves, their loved ones and their communities.

The irony of that is shocking and horrifying. And unnecessary if they weren't  vulnerable individuals.

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