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Parramatta Stadium To Be Rebuilt!

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Even the Moore park stadium is more justifiable than that idea. This 'agreement' with the Tigers sounds more like some sort of chat that was had over a payed lunch and I call bullshit on the talks with Liverpool. He's probably tried to contact them and is awaiting a reply, they probably don't know a single thing about this.

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Gazmon.  The Government has already included an extra stadium in the west in its plans announced last month.  Ayres has been talking about it being started in about a decades time.  Penrith, Liverpool and Campbelltown will all be lobbying for it.  Liverpool has already modified its 35k August proposal down to 30k to fit the Government's plan.  A Campbelltown group had a press release about their plans a week or two ago.  No doubt the Panthers won't be far away with their latest bid.


That rings a bell now that you mention it.


Still, I can't see it getting off the ground anytime soon. We'll get bids from Penrith & Campbelltown and see which is the most outlandish and unlikely to happen. The roll-out pitch concept, whilst a great idea if the venue is being used for concerts, just can't see it being used to lure big name acts. Can you imagine Taylor Swift headlining at a Liverpool Stadium?

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Sth West - Yes


Penrith - NO (more like Hell No)


im a panthers fan and Penrith/pepper does not need to be upgraded, they take games out to Bathurst/rural NSW now to make money as they cant entice people to go to Pepper.


and Pepper is in better condition than Pirtek personally....


Ayres will do all he can to ensure Penrith gets upgraded.....

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Love to know who it is making all these deals at Tigers anyway, last I checked Tigers were floating around the bowl with the debt collectors reaching for the handle. I expect them to fold in the immediate future and become Magpies top to bottom, especially since Liechaardt became North Newtown. They'd be better off merging with Manly

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plans for an upgraded Penrith stadium usually come out near election time.


never happens - doesn't need to happen.


The amount of money that Panfers Club generates they shouldn't get a cent of Govt. funding.



the amount of money panfers makes can fund the government

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plans for an upgraded Penrith stadium usually come out near election time.


never happens - doesn't need to happen.


The amount of money that Panfers Club generates they shouldn't get a cent of Govt. funding.



the amount of money panfers makes can fund the government



In the Riff they ARE the government

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Love to know who it is making all these deals at Tigers anyway, last I checked Tigers were floating around the bowl with the debt collectors reaching for the handle. I expect them to fold in the immediate future and become Magpies top to bottom, especially since Liechaardt became North Newtown. They'd be better off merging with Manly

Yeah but even the Magpies don't know what they want to be. They've been at Lidcombe, Campbelltown, Parra, since the merge they've tried Homebush. The merge even went to SFS. The only consistent has been Leichardt, but the inner westies won't go to Campbo to watch a game.


Isn't the Liverpool area more a Dogs area anyway?


If they get both clubs wanting to go there, I could see enough pulling power to get this mooted 4th stadium. But another a-league club? Why ruin the perfect east-west rivalry?

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This is the latest on the Allianz replacement.




Plans to redevelop Allianz Stadium include giant LED screens to create a ‘small’ stadium
  • OCTOBER 16, 2015 12:00AMTHE proposed new arena to replace Allianz Stadium will include giant LED light screens to create a more intimate atmosphere for club games that attract smaller than capacity crowds.

There has been concern the stadium that would hold at least 55,000 spectators is too large for regular season NRL, A-League and Super Rugby games, which often attract crowds of less than half that capacity.

The SCG Trust, however, has tendered for a stadium that can be used in two distinct modes — “championship mode’’ where the stadium is fully open and “club mode’’ with a more intimate atmosphere for about 30,000 fans.

The drawings are only initial impressions. But the Trust has asked architects that all proposals include a vast LED curtain that will block the upper tier for smaller events in order to create a virtually smaller stadium.

Home teams would be able to display branding and advertising on the screens which could also contain noise potentially improving atmosphere in the lower stands and reduce disturbance in the surrounding neighbourhood.

“We’re looking at the future needs of NSW’s major sports and providing the best possible rectangular stadium for all three codes (rugby league, rugby union and football),’’ said Jamie Barkley, the chief executive of the SCG Trust.

“I’m not aware of this being done anywhere else in the world because elsewhere they design stadiums for the expected demand of one club or one sport. But we think the two modes will allow us to deliver super match day experiences for fans of football codes on different occasions.’’

The State Government announced recently that a new 35,000 seat Parramatta Stadium would be the first priority as it distributes $1.6 billion in stadium funding. A new stadium in Moore Park precinct is next on the agenda.

Barkley did not want to speculate on the exact capacity, cost or location of new Allianz Stadium with negotiations with the State Government and sports bodies continuing. But as some measure a 65,000 seat AFL stadium currently being built in Perth is expected to cost about $1.1 billion.

REDEVELOPMENT: Cross-code bid to keep Allianz open for business



An artist’s impression of how the LED screens could create a more intimate atmosphere.


The new plans to cater for both small and large crowds are timely given the NRL last week admitted its goal of increasing average crowds to at least 20,000 by 2017 would not be achieved.

The major sports have not been officially briefed on the SCG Trust’s plans. But the feedback from those who have seen the concept of two modes in one stadium has been positive.

There has been some argument a 55,000 capacity would not be sufficient for major events now mostly held at ANZ Stadium. Barkley did not wish to be drawn on the debate about the stadium’s potential upper limits. However the Trust has previously expressed confidence that it could deliver a stadium capable of hosting events such as NRL grand finals, State of Origin, A-League grand finals and Bledisloe Cup matches.

“We’re very confident talking to the architects that this can and will be done,’’ said Barkley. “For the future needs of New South Wales this has to be rectangular stadium and it has to be able to cope for different crowds and we think this will be the best in Australia.’’


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If you're having to build a specific feature into a new stadium to make the capacity smaller then you really don't need the new stadium to begin with. That's like buying a Ferrari and then putting a corolla engine in it instead. Waste of money.


I can understand your logic Hughsey but to be honest it's not a bad idea. Assuming that a rebuilt/new Allianz with the ability to adjust its capacity is put in place it effectively future proofs it's usage for at least another 30, 40or so years. It may be that it only reaches say a 45-55K capacity 3 times a year for the next 5-10 years. But 15, 20, 30 etc years down the road? Maybe that may change to 5 times a year. Or 8.


Put it this way; how many of us have driven on the M7 and wondered why the fook did they make it only 2 lanes each direction when traffic hits a peak or there is an accident? That piece of infrastructure should've been built with excess capacity when done, and then the ability to decrease usage if the traffic situation demanded it. When it comes to capital works I'd rather see more capacity to counter future changes, than only build for short term needs, then have to spend big dollars for add-ons or rebuilds down the track.

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If you're having to build a specific feature into a new stadium to make the capacity smaller then you really don't need the new stadium to begin with. That's like buying a Ferrari and then putting a corolla engine in it instead. Waste of money.



I can understand your logic Hughsey but to be honest it's not a bad idea. Assuming that a rebuilt/new Allianz with the ability to adjust its capacity is put in place it effectively future proofs it's usage for at least another 30, 40or so years. It may be that it only reaches say a 45-55K capacity 3 times a year for the next 5-10 years. But 15, 20, 30 etc years down the road? Maybe that may change to 5 times a year. Or 8.


Put it this way; how many of us have driven on the M7 and wondered why the fook did they make it only 2 lanes each direction when traffic hits a peak or there is an accident? That piece of infrastructure should've been built with excess capacity when done, and then the ability to decrease usage if the traffic situation demanded it. When it comes to capital works I'd rather see more capacity to counter future changes, than only build for short term needs, then have to spend big dollars for add-ons or rebuilds down the track.

The thing about the roads debate is that they was done one the cheap - hence the 2 lanes each way. Whereas this is the complete opposite. I mean what is LED technology going to cost? If you have to go to those lengths to try and fix the oversized stadium issues, why do it at all? If this kind of spending mindset were applied to the M7, you would have 8 lanes and a free McFlurry hand delivered to you at the end of every trip.


Which would be awesome

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I can see the merit in the idea, I'll admit it is pretty clever. I just imagine that it would be bloody expensive though and that's extra money that could be spent better elsewhere when we have a number of stadiums in Sydney that need some loving. Plus, as Manfred said, it'll only be filled to capacity 3 times a year max so would the costs be worth the benefit of building that big a stadium if 95% of the year, 25,000 seats are covered over, not even in sight?


On the idea itself, I'm pretty sure I've seen a similar thing in America or Canada for the MLS I think it might be, I'm pretty sure someone posted it on this forum. Not with an LCD screen though. There's a stadium where they do a similar thing but with a canvas cover type thing that brings down the capacity of the venue. I'm pretty sure it's also being proposed for the new Atlanta Stadium should an Atlanta team enter the MLS and share the venue with the Atlanta Falcons NFL franchise.

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Seattle Sounders use the canvas covers for non Derby matches.


Yep, is a good idea to restrict capacity and drive memberships, as well as keep stadium rental costs down (apparently).


I did hear that the Mariners were considering it for their upper tiers for some matches, to keep everyone closer and try and drive demand.


Vancouver lower tarps to block off the upper sections:



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Anyone seen any feedback from fans at Vancouver and Seattle?


I trust the fan feedback on stadiums more than the officials. Officials talk up the comfort and design, fans tell you if the atmosphere is actually any good.


I'm just wondering because from that picture it looks like the height of the roof could make the place feel too big anyway?


if it happens, hopefully they use whatever keeps the sound in and makes the atmosphere better.

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Anyone seen any feedback from fans at Vancouver and Seattle?


I trust the fan feedback on stadiums more than the officials. Officials talk up the comfort and design, fans tell you if the atmosphere is actually any good.


I'm just wondering because from that picture it looks like the height of the roof could make the place feel too big anyway?


if it happens, hopefully they use whatever keeps the sound in and makes the atmosphere better.


Taken from Stadium Journey website:





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I like the idea it makes it better then say what they do at  ANZ with 1/4 full. 

I wonder if the screens would keep in the noise. 




Depends what they're made of. Probably not. However, it may force people to sit closer to one another... a new roof design could also assist in that. So yes, it could be louder on derby days when the RBB are in town.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The selection of temporary venues will be massive cause it could be a real slippery slope if they stuff it up. If you have too many different venues going on and people are travelling all around Sydney, you could start to have people pissing off cause they find it all too difficult.


The article mentioned Leichhardt oval for example... That would turn home games into almost an all day thing once you factor in travel time for some people. I attend every game but sometimes I don't have the time to make it an all day thing, I have stuff on so just heading down to Parra 30 mins before kick off is a lot more convenient. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that, we've all been there before. That might not be possible if we are forever going all over the place though.


I never thought I'd say this but the more I think about it, I'd be willing to put up with ANZ for the two seasons if it meant some consistency. I suppose the club could make a decent profit from it at the same time too...


Unfortunately I think it's gonna be a very difficult two years for everyone involved.

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Just think about memberships for a start. If we're at different venues with different capacities that will be a nightmare. They're not going to let the rbb on hills either you would imagine.


What do you do? Do you make it GA but have different sections - like red GA, black GA etc? Do you have opt in/out for ever game and then you get allocated a seat then? Do you have 3 different membership packs for 3 different venues?


It's gonna be messy.

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That's why I think we should just bite the bullet and put up with ANZ... At least you'll never have to worry about capacity, particular seating, categories, GA etc.


Would save a massive headache.


My one condition would be to at least make inroads into the chances of temporary seating to be used similar to what they do sometimes at Etihad for MV games to bring the game closer. Don't see why that can't be done. Isn't the stadium on rolling tracks anyway?


One positive would be that we could even grow the fan base in that time with it being made easier to access tickets for the general public I suppose.

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