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Parramatta Stadium To Be Rebuilt!

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So it exists but none of us have seen it?


Will it make the trek from central to allianz easier/quicker on derby day?

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I don't know what stage it's at.


Basically if you come up through Surry hills between Cleveland and foveaux streets and want to go as the crow flies to Moore park, instead of going up to the corner where the captain cook hotel is, or going around the boys and girls high schools, then, yes, I suppose it will. But it needn't have ccost that much surely...



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Footbridges in this context are warranted. The cost however...


Yes... I want to catch sight of this $38 mill footbridge. It has boggled my mind.
A bridge from central to the SCG would cost about that much, but surely the cost of a bridge spanning 6-7 lanes surely couldn't cost that much, $20m on a bridge? WTF?


It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that they spent an extra $10m making aesthetic changes to make it less vulgar on the eyes then another $8m speeding up the construction process.

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The article refers to a bridge from Central to the Sporting arenas.


Marron's map shows something fairly limited.


I've got no idea.


The footbridge cannot be all of the project- not for that price.



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^^^^Soooo it's just that structure marked in blue..... literally the overpass which is also a cycleway????  That's all???


That surely can't be worth $38 million. No way!

Hang on....are you saying that the so called wonder bridge we've been hearing about ONLY extends across ANZAC Parade???

I'm afraid so, here are a few links that contain photos and artists impressions of what was built.









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Yes. The bridge is in place. It was hurriedly built so it would be ready in time for the Cricket World Cup last February.

What I find weird about it is that it doesn't really link up with any paths/walkways that were existing.

It was just plonked in that location in the middle of the park. It is neither the best nor most practical place for it to have been, unless they rework paths.

Most people walking to the stadiums from the west come up Foveaux and Fitzroy street, then cross Anzac Parade at the Captain Cook Hotel/Moore Park Rd intersection. That's where it was needed.

Edited by Wanderboy
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Thanks for posting those, FCW!!


We usually park in the grounds of Sydney Boys High going to games at Allianz. The walk is reasonably direct to the stadium from there -  via the pedestrian crossing outside the school.


This bridge will be worth using once... to see whether it shortens  the trip to and from the stadium. If it doesn't, we won't use it.  


The race to get back to the car for a long drive home means whichever means is the quickest is what will be used. The big loops, I guess, are there for cyclists?? wheelchairs and strollers...


I still struggle to see how that structure cost $38 million- that price tag seems beyond absurd!!   :unknw:

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All I needed to read was this: "If you are walking from Central Station it's completely out of the way to use."


Who comes up with these kind of brain farts, and who approves them on which grounds? We don't have to ask who pays for it which is rather depressing.


Reminds me of this example of forward thinking and careful planning:



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Yes. The bridge is in place. It was hurriedly built so it would be ready in time for the Cricket World Cup last February.

What I find weird about it is that it doesn't really link up with any paths/walkways that were existing.

It was just plonked in that location in the middle of the park. It is neither the best nor most practical place for it to have been, unless they rework paths.

Most people walking to the stadiums from the west come up Foveaux and Fitzroy street, then cross Anzac Parade at the Captain Cook Hotel/Moore Park Rd intersection. That's where it was needed.


This is absolutely true.  But I guess those pedestrians will use it instead of the big crossing near the Captain Cook Hotel..... and that will be safer for them, and better for motorists trying to escape.


Having said that, if the big loops mean it takes much longer to cross the road on the bridge compared to the usual, fairly direct route back to Central, I imagine pedestrians will go which ever way saves them time.

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This bridge is exactly where I go, or more specifically, wwhere i want to go. It always annoys me that you can't go as the crow flies to clevo but have to go around the schools.


So. This is the first time anyone ever spent 38 mill on me.... and I feel.... empty.




Well that's gratitude for you!    :acute:


Glad it works for someone.... hopefully it will work for ......er.... a lot more too!    :D

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Thanks for posting those, FCW!!


We usually park in the grounds of Sydney Boys High going to games at Allianz. The walk is reasonably direct to the stadium from there -  via the pedestrian crossing outside the school.


This bridge will be worth using once... to see whether it shortens  the trip to and from the stadium. If it doesn't, we won't use it.  


The race to get back to the car for a long drive home means whichever means is the quickest is what will be used. The big loops, I guess, are there for cyclists?? wheelchairs and strollers...


I still struggle to see how that structure cost $38 million- that price tag seems beyond absurd!!   :unknw:


I've checked the cost of a few long pedestrian bridges and they come out around $250k per metre which is dearer than this one but they had the difficulty of working over water and/or architectural roof systems.


The spirals are required to minimise disruption to the park because any walkway has a maximum allowable slope set by Australian Standards.  From memory the maximum slope is 1 in 14.


The location of the bridge is set to suit the new light rail station and its length is due to having to cross Anzac Parade, the trees that line it and the special busway..

Edited by Flytox
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 The big loops, I guess, are there for cyclists?? wheelchairs and strollers...


I still struggle to see how that structure cost $38 million- that price tag seems beyond absurd!!   :unknw:


I've checked the cost of a few long pedestrian bridges and they come out around $250k per metre which is dearer than this one but they had the difficulty of working over water and/or architectural roof systems.


The spirals are required to minimise disruption to the park because any walkway has a maximum allowable slope set by Australian Standards.  From memory the maximum slope is 1 in 14.


The location of the bridge is set to suit the new light rail station and its length is due to having to cross Anzac Parade, the trees that line it and the special busway..


$250k per metre - extraordinary!!


Thanks for having a go at explaining this Flytox!


It's good to know that the seemly odd location was chosen for a purpose!

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there was several reasons for the blow out; 

1. they did some work for the lightrail at the same time

2. idiots forgot to factor in the cost of steel (i kid you not) 

3. All the rain last year saw the delivery time go over, which was meant to be completed in full before the cricket world cup.


$18m dollars worth of work? Work for light rail but how much work did they actually do? They didn't account for the cost of steel, just how?


I think when it comes down to it, people aren't unhappy at the bridge but it's more so that they've blown so much money on such a small project. Ridiculously amateur hour, you just hope that this sort of planning isn't repeated with the stadiums :unknw:

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there was several reasons for the blow out; 

1. they did some work for the lightrail at the same time

2. idiots forgot to factor in the cost of steel (i kid you not) 

3. All the rain last year saw the delivery time go over, which was meant to be completed in full before the cricket world cup.

$18m dollars worth of work? Work for light rail but how much work did they actually do? They didn't account for the cost of steel, just how?


I think when it comes down to it, people aren't unhappy at the bridge but it's more so that they've blown so much money on such a small project. Ridiculously amateur hour, you just hope that this sort of planning isn't repeated with the stadiums :unknw:



Wow, some builders just made a massive profit.

Like a local primary school I know, got charged just under a million for a new toilet block, under the Rudd governments recession busting BER scheme!

Edited by beatsurrender
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Like a local primary school I know, got charged just under a million for a new toilet block, under the Rudd governments recession busting BER scheme!

I'd say that was more to do with how they decided the money was going to be spent, it is very well known that due to the high demand during that period & limited supply of builders that they were easily able to quote projects with a ridiculously high premium. The NSW government doesn't really have that excuse.

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there was several reasons for the blow out; 

1. they did some work for the lightrail at the same time

2. idiots forgot to factor in the cost of steel (i kid you not) 

3. All the rain last year saw the delivery time go over, which was meant to be completed in full before the cricket world cup.

$18m dollars worth of work? Work for light rail but how much work did they actually do? They didn't account for the cost of steel, just how?


I think when it comes down to it, people aren't unhappy at the bridge but it's more so that they've blown so much money on such a small project. Ridiculously amateur hour, you just hope that this sort of planning isn't repeated with the stadiums :unknw:



Wow, some builders just made a massive profit.

Like a local primary school I know, got charged just under a million for a new toilet block, under the Rudd governments recession busting BER scheme!



Yeah. Heard a few stories following the School BER scheme... local one near me for a $2 million dollar 'hall'... that was really just a large pergola over the basketball courts.

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