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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

Seriously, how desperate are you to stir things up?


Get a life.

I'll ignore the personal remark and assume your answers are NO followed by YES, which is why you got a bit touchy.

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So many people posting on this forum who are anti RBB which is very sad from the lot of you and now you all crying the RNB were not active. Carry on the lot of you and I'm starting to lean towards the RBB to STOP doing what most clubs fail to do, get the non active, active! That's what half of you pelicans in here deserve, to not get that 5 minutes of active to get your fix.


Good night and farkkk off you haters.

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No I accept the punishments, I couldnt give two farks about the protest. We lit flares at an ACL game and we got fined 35k. This is what we did. I couldn't give a F*** if the protest was about flares, sausage rolls or a memorandum of understanding, it doesnt affect me in anyway shape or form. It was a waste of time and achieved f*ck all. End of rant.

Edited by Jukes01
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Leaving aside all the debate about the protest, at least those in the Northern Terrace today clapped following the chants from the two grandstands. I might not be a fan of the RBB's collective ego, but by acknowledging the efforts of the grandstands the RBB have actually improved their standing with me, if just a little.


Anyway, I'm placing $10 on tonight's protest being a belated whinge about the off season price hikes of that rubbish they call stadium food. $5 says it was about the rumours that Dicko is about to return to Wanderland.

Edited by Generator
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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

Seriously, how desperate are you to stir things up?


Get a life.

I'll ignore the personal remark and assume your answers are NO followed by YES, which is why you got a bit touchy.



You've spent the whole thread answering your own questions, so who would I be to stop you now?

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NickosCPC's is the only post that actually matters in this whole debacle of a thread. It's Derby week coming up. 


We unite as one. Look how far we've come  :woah:


If you don't agree with the RBB today. No worries make your thoughts known but respect what they have brought to the club. Wait and see what they have to say.

I can't believe some of the posts in here people turning on each other... it's like reading ESFC forum seriously. 


Shut all these threads down Mack it's all negative energy - nothing else.


Sad day because not of what happened in the stadium but what's happen online via social media and forums  :diablo:

No leave it , we get to see some people's true colours

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Lets be realistic. No Del Piero, Ono or whoever the hell else marquee you bring here will make the A-league football amazing to watch. The league has a long way to go for that to occur. Whether its money, people, whatever, it still has a long way to go before you can go to a game and watch it for the THEATRE that is in the big european leagues. I understand we are still growing and accept this.

Now, who made headlines across the world in november last year with the sydney derby???? That was the greatest game ever, made and delivered by us all and orchestrated by the RBB.

Atmosphere at any other sports games in australia is ****.

RBB is not above the club but they sure as hell deserve some more respect for being an integral reason that the memberships were sold out this year.

They made the a league heard more than any marquee. They give something extra to the game that the player quality can't deliver just yet. Players might actually want to stay in this country with the sort of support they get at the wanderers! RBB has to be one major reason for this!!! My kids are too young to understand football and if it wasn't for the atmosphere at our games would fall asleep on the seats!!! 


RBB.....respect to you. You guys have turned the a league up a notch and i look forward to joining forces with you against the smurfs next week.

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I missed the rbb today. I'm disappointed. I understand the sentiments and respect everyone's position, but fu€k I missed the wanderland experience today. But having said that, thank you to all those from the three other sides who tried without warning to fill in. Just my opinion and I'm not saying it's right or better than anyone else's but I think we should never let our support be hindered by FFA or any other organisation, S2S.

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1 - There is a culture of entitlement with many people here. The RBB does not have to sing. They chose to. Their decision to do otherwise has nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of WSW fans. If you think the RBB is letting the team down, by all means, start up a chant or two. More productive than whining about it. 

2 - I do think that the RBB leadership equivocate somewhat on the issue of flares. But, that does not justify some of the ridiculous sentiment over the past week or so. Pull your ******* head in; acting like a bunch of scabs.

3 - When, and how, did ATP become a mod?


A couple of flares and everybody loses their ****. Ffs.

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1 - There is a culture of entitlement with many people here. The RBB does not have to sing. They chose to. Their decision to do otherwise has nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of WSW fans. If you think the RBB is letting the team down, by all means, start up a chant or two. More productive than whining about it. 

2 - I do think that the RBB leadership equivocate somewhat on the issue of flares. But, that does not justify some of the ridiculous sentiment over the past week or so. Pull your ******* head in; acting like a bunch of scabs.

3 - When, and how, did ATP become a mod?


A couple of flares and everybody loses their ****. Ffs.


Very well said.

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

Seriously, how desperate are you to stir things up?


Get a life.

I'll ignore the personal remark and assume your answers are NO followed by YES, which is why you got a bit touchy.

You've spent the whole thread answering your own questions, so who would I be to stop you now?

If someone told me that Im not allowed to support my team I would tell them to get effed, even more so if they didn't give me a reason for this.


Passion for your club is not something you switch on or off each week.

I hope you are allowed to support the boys next week.

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I await to here the official RBB response.

As a RBB member, I was disappointed that the vast majority such as myself were not notified why we were protesting within reason before the match. We come to support our side in an active manner and we failed to do that today. It's obviously not the end of the world but for future reference if we are to protest again, it would have been good to know why we were doing it today before the match. A clarification and intention before the protest is what I'm asking for I guess and I feel I'm probably not the only one in that regard.


To the supporters from outside the RBB, I fail to see why today's protest had such an impact on you and why you feel the need to directly attack the RBB. You supported the side as you usually do today and we joined you in that style of support today. It was disappointing that the RBB wasn't in all it's glory but it was not the reason why we lost the match. The boys just simply played poorly and were quite lackluster in their performance. It was a lazy Sunday for almost everyone haha


Here's hoping the issues are clarified shortly and the RBB is back doing what it does best, supporting the Wanderers in an active manner. I'll see you at the derby :)

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People are just frustrated. With the result, flares, points deduction hanging over our heads, poor communication about the protest and some here who seem to post in this thread not to vent / give their opinion or some insight but rather to put gas on the fire, like I was about to do... By page 4 of this thread I was ready to write a expletive filled post to vent but decided I should instead take a bit to calm down.


Ultimately I realized, I don't need to understand their actions, I'm not one of them, and as long as their actions don't affect me, I'm good. The atmosphere is better when they're singing but ultimately I just want to watch the game... So unless you kill puppies and kittens... I don't need to be angry and should just chill the **** out like a lot of people here should. So have some endone and a glass of scotch and look at this:



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1 - There is a culture of entitlement with many people here. The RBB does not have to sing. They chose to. Their decision to do otherwise has nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of WSW fans. If you think the RBB is letting the team down, by all means, start up a chant or two. More productive than whining about it.

2 - I do think that the RBB leadership equivocate somewhat on the issue of flares. But, that does not justify some of the ridiculous sentiment over the past week or so. Pull your ******* head in; acting like a bunch of scabs.

3 - When, and how, did ATP become a mod?


A couple of flares and everybody loses their ****. Ffs.


Well Said


& mind your own moderating business ;-)

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

Seriously, how desperate are you to stir things up?


Get a life.

I'll ignore the personal remark and assume your answers are NO followed by YES, which is why you got a bit touchy.

You've spent the whole thread answering your own questions, so who would I be to stop you now?

If someone told me that Im not allowed to support my team I would tell them to get effed, even more so if they didn't give me a reason for this.


Passion for your club is not something you switch on or off each week.

I hope you are allowed to support the boys next week.



Still going for it?


How do you display your passion for Wanderers each week?

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If no one turned up I can understand people getting pissed at a lack of support from the RBB, but we all turned up, sat there during the game, enjoyed a nice and refreshing afternoon shower and waited around at the end to clap the players off, despite how poorly they played.

Should'nt they also be noting the fans from the East and West stands who were walking out with plenty of time still on the clock? People have blinkers on just to suit their rage.

Having the cops barricade us in during the first half should've been reason enough for us to protest and the lack of communication prior to the game wasn't great, but hopefully this will be either remembered for the right reasons come Monday or forgotten about by the seething few once they've had a chance to settle down.

I must say though, good work from the stands in an almost all in show of solidarity for the poznan.

Non active by name, active by nature.

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sounds like there was a lot of garbage by the police and security happening in the RBB, hopefully everything calms down, i honestly dont believe the RBB would protest unless they had a good reason but i guess we just have to wait and hope for the best

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While the atmosphere is always better when the RBB is in full flight, today they simply participated in the game day festivities as many other people from the remaining stands when they come to watch WSW play football. This is no reason to jump on their back and say they deserted the team, or they were the reason why the team lost. It was a bad performance by the players, simple as that. I look forward to reading the statement to completly understand the backstory, but people should not be hating on the RBB for simply deciding to be "non-active" for a day.


People are more than welcome to start up chants anywhere around the ground, which was great to see others in the stands try to get the chants going, however it isn't the same. Whether people like it or not, it is the organisation of the RBB, with the entire North Terrace in unison, that allows others around the stadium to join in as part of that experience and make Wanderland what is usually is.

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I've read so much crap I actually don't know what to think - and without an official statement I can't even form my own opinion - as I believe many others feel as well.


I've only got one thing to add. We're a young club, and the first thing a young club needs is followers. Surely many wondered how does a new club function, how do we get bums on seats to pretend they like this new club, considering most fans follow euro teams formed a century ago. Well, WSW did exactly that and while the RBB may not be the sole reason why that happened, they surely were the catalyst for the club's growth! If it wasn't for the bloc and a courageous display from the players on a random game that I visited last year I would've never been hooked on to this team, and now I'm addicted!


Moral of the story, while the RBB may not always be right, they damn well need to have their side of the story heard. And considering today's shenanigans, I'm very keen to hear that story.

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

Seriously, how desperate are you to stir things up?


Get a life.

I'll ignore the personal remark and assume your answers are NO followed by YES, which is why you got a bit touchy.
You've spent the whole thread answering your own questions, so who would I be to stop you now?
If someone told me that Im not allowed to support my team I would tell them to get effed, even more so if they didn't give me a reason for this.


Passion for your club is not something you switch on or off each week.

I hope you are allowed to support the boys next week.

Still going for it?


How do you display your passion for Wanderers each week?

Lol, you don't have a single thought or answer on the topic, but all I can hope for is that maybe it got you thinking.


I'd be happy to answer your question.

I got a lot of friends/ family to join, travel to away games, buy merchandise ( how consumer of me) you know, just the usual stuff. I like to swear at the ref and not do anything that will result in a fine for the club. I don't get involved in silent protest. I fill in club surveys. If i see a WSW sticker on a car, i let them merge. I try to support clubs Sponsors. That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure theres more.


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