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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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Hahahaha look at all the back stabbers in this thread..... yeh rbb you lost us the game thanks hahahaha








If you don't mind me asking, what is your role in the RBB.? 

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I'm just waiting to see the reason behind this protest - because it better be good.



That said, I didn't know about this until I got home - and I just thought the RBB looked really empty for some reason, maybe lots of people weren't allowed in or something but... yeah.

Edited by Unlimited
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To those members in East/West stands getting their hate on for the silence, realise this;


The RBB are not a group of paid entertainers placed in the Northen terrace to entertain you.


It is fantastic that you enjoy their songs/tifos/flags/banners etc on match days.


However you have no right to "demand" anything of them.


When you say "sing" don't expect the answer to be "how loud?"


******* this.

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Hahahaha look at all the back stabbers in this thread..... yeh rbb you lost us the game thanks hahahaha







If you don't mind me asking, what is your role in the RBB.?

Just one of those guys that sit in bay 58 crossed arms.

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did all you rbb haters enjoy the match day experience today

Umm....Actually, I was too busy watching the football. I didn't really give a flying **** about what the upset little boys who took their ball and went home crying. It was great to see the real passionate fans around the ground fill the void left by the self important and selfish minority in the Northern Terrace.


^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^

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To those members in East/West stands getting their hate on for the silence, realise this;


The RBB are not a group of paid entertainers placed in the Northen terrace to entertain you.


It is fantastic that you enjoy their songs/tifos/flags/banners etc on match days.


However you have no right to "demand" anything of them.


When you say "sing" don't expect the answer to be "how loud?"


Sorry Zip but that's not entirely true. We have active member tickets where we are "expected to sing". If I sit in my seat next home game and I am not active I would be removed from the active end.


We benched our 12th man tonight. Not happy.

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(Pointing to RBB) ..... who are ya, who are ya!

Are you here to support the boys on the park or yourselves?

You break the rules you pay the consequences - support your foorball team or go support a lawn bowles club!

The RBB support YOUR team more than anyone in the stands.


What complete and utter bullish*t.  This is the elitist attitude that shows what is wrong with some in the RBB.  Its all about self aggrandisement for them, not the club.


BANG ON, there were concerns in season one about the RBB become elitist and it has come to pass today. The RBB made my **** blood boil today.

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Deep breaths all round.. you know what the most effective strategy is to topple any group???


Divide and conquer.


Don't let it happen... that goes for everyone.

When is the RBB going to stand together with others, it is they who continue to cause their own misery..

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To those members in East/West stands getting their hate on for the silence, realise this;


The RBB are not a group of paid entertainers placed in the Northen terrace to entertain you.


It is fantastic that you enjoy their songs/tifos/flags/banners etc on match days.


However you have no right to "demand" anything of them.


When you say "sing" don't expect the answer to be "how loud?"



Also to all you people out there berating the actions of the RBB. Did you not see the capo applaud your efforts to make some noise? Did you not see how the RBB stayed as usual after the final whistle to applaud the boys when many in the stands had left?


Kind of flies in the face of your argument that we dont give a sh*t about the club and we only care about ourselves doesnt it? 



Edited by MCHammer
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Sorry but I lost all respect for RBB tonight. You guys acted like a bunch of children. You have tried to put yourself above the team and club, not cheering not lifting a finger when the team needed you, the streets of Western Sydney obviously mean nothing. No respect, the fact that the players went over to you annoyed me, but clearly they respect you more than what you showed them. All I will add is suck it up act like grown ups,

This pretty much sums up my view point now. Bunch of ******* spoilt brats in the Northern Terrace, Personally I  don't give a **** what the official RBB statement will say.

Edited by WSWBoro
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To those members in East/West stands getting their hate on for the silence, realise this;


The RBB are not a group of paid entertainers placed in the Northen terrace to entertain you.


It is fantastic that you enjoy their songs/tifos/flags/banners etc on match days.


However you have no right to "demand" anything of them.


When you say "sing" don't expect the answer to be "how loud?"


Sorry Zip but that's not entirely true. We have active member tickets where we are "expected to sing". If I sit in my seat next home game and I am not active I would be removed from the active end.


We benched our 12th man tonight. Not happy.



The East and West stands did their best to get something going.

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Honestly this in fighting between fans is sickening. If this is what the FFA wanted then they've certainly achieved it. I can see the fracture that this silent protest has caused between fans and I can also see both sides to the argument but I think I'll reserve final judgement till after the official statement is released by the RBB. In saying that I do hope the statement clears all this speculation up and isn't just some b/s fed to fans. Here's to hoping!

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To those members in East/West stands getting their hate on for the silence, realise this;


The RBB are not a group of paid entertainers placed in the Northen terrace to entertain you.


It is fantastic that you enjoy their songs/tifos/flags/banners etc on match days.


However you have no right to "demand" anything of them.


When you say "sing" don't expect the answer to be "how loud?"


Sorry Zip but that's not entirely true. We have active member tickets where we are "expected to sing". If I sit in my seat next home game and I am not active I would be removed from the active end.


We benched our 12th man tonight. Not happy.



Whether the silent protest was a good idea or not is a legitimate talking point. However the way some people are coming and their tone is just unacceptable.


What are we dogs?


I've got thick skin when it comes to this, some people are venting, i understand that. But to be brutally honest if someone talked to me face to face like some people are on here, well it wouldn't be enjoyable for anyone.


People need to get off their phones and computers, and when they've calmed down in a day or two, then, post their thoughts. Most of the **** here is absolute rubbish. It's far more damaging than a few ripped flares could ever be.


Rancho Relaxo.

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Hahahaha look at all the back stabbers in this thread..... yeh rbb you lost us the game thanks hahahaha





If you don't mind me asking, what is your role in the RBB.?

To cheer very loud n to have a beer and a good old aussie pie........ STRAYA MATE why whats your job in the RBB. my fellow wanderer???

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just returned from tonight's game,

No one should be above the game, win or lose we will always follow you. Pathetic response from the North end .

If a statement had been issued before the game or via the club you may have had my respect.


Over and out Howie. 

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Honestly this in fighting between fans is sickening. If this is what the FFA wanted then they've certainly achieved it. I can see the fracture that this silent protest has caused between fans and I can also see both sides to the argument but I think I'll reserve final judgement till after the official statement is released by the RBB. In saying that I do hope the statement clears all this speculation up and isn't just some b/s fed to fans. Here's to hoping!

The statement should have been before the protest. RBB lost a lot of respect today.

Edited by WSWBoro
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(Pointing to RBB) ..... who are ya, who are ya!

Are you here to support the boys on the park or yourselves?

You break the rules you pay the consequences - support your foorball team or go support a lawn bowles club!

The RBB support YOUR team more than anyone in the stands.


The RBB are the reason why you get to walk around proud when attending football games today in Australia.


The RBB are the reason why you and everyone else sing songs all week at home and in the car during the week.


If you can't realise the RBB are protesting for certain reason then that is YOUR problem mr keyboard warrior. Next time your doing the poznan or singing WDYSF, remember why you are doing it son! Son I call you because for someone to say a comment as you have your either very young or just a dumb ars with a low IQ who has no appreciation or how far we have come as a club.


Support one support all or go support Syd FC and those **** ***** in Melbourne.

That's a pretty bold statement saying you follow the club more than anyone else and I wear my jersey proudly because of the RBB.


As I posted a while back...tonight brought new opportunities. Well done to you CPC boys- who were clearly visible and audible  from where I sit opposite you!! You were fantastic in doing what we usually have from the RBB-  support the team with passion.


What tonight shows, is that if the current leadership are not going to be there FOR THE TEAM  at  EVERY SINGLE GAME , others within our amazing ranks can and would step up..Sure  It might never  be as good and it might take a while, but we would not revert to sitting quietly on the sidelines in my opinion. 

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