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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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Well you blokes get fired up if someone hangs crap on you on forums etc...but if some tool rips a flare and everyone in the RBB is so concerned about that image, im amazed how that person doesn't find themselves on the short end of a snap kick, instead we see frenzied footage of excitement when flares are ripped and booing when security escort someone out..again this is the perspective from outside.  I would have thought that these people sabotaging your environment and reputation would be thrown head first onto the pitch. I dont know,  it feels like there two things at work here, 1 being the projection and performance that gets put on for others benefit (we dont like flares, they are bad..), 2. what actually happens and how the people around the flare rippers respond..I think security is an absolute farce, and they might as well sack the lot of them because nothing should get past the gates, but you cant blame your car when you get done for speeding, we need to assume some role in changing this culture. 

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lol so do i stavup. I have read a draft of the statement and its pretty damn good and will open a few peoples eys whats funny is that 99% of those people with "no pyro no party" are probably not even the ones who commit the crime in the stadium. Unfortunately and it comes with social media, a lot of people like to gloat for being part of something Majority of the time, these arguments on forums is about HOW authorities go about things and not actually the laws themselves FOR EG, we all know pyro is banned yeah? however the dispute is not about 'aww why can't we use them' but more the fact why am I, you and joe bloggs in south terrace getting punished for one dude?


Fully supportive. Just makes you wonder what the other supporter groups are doing if they are willing to just cop it.


This will benefit the majority... those that do the right thing.

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alright I think everyone should just STFU now and stop going round in circles. We all await the statement and then we can debate about that.


BigDukes, I'm also very sorry for the score this morning. Juve 2-0 Milan ;)

Why be sorry?


Are Juve paying for wins again?????

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No consistency in the ffa decisions, the media always criticises the rbb never has any good things to say, we get treated like shiit ! The rbb falls under the bikie law with police and yeah list goes on there are many issues relating to this! WE AREN'T CRIMINALS WE ARE FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS

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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.



I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.


RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.



I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.

That last poinf is the exact same point I made in this thread, why should the rbb be held responsible for the incompetence of stadium security and police on Wednesday night and pay the consequences for it?

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Regarding the protest, anybody managed to find any feedback from the players through social media/twitter?

'I didn't notice that (RBB protest), you concentrate just on the game,' Popovic said.


The players as professionals should be able to preform their jobs to a certain standard, regardless if there is a crowd or not.


To the people who blame the RBB for the loss, please think about how stupid that sounds.

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Regarding the protest, anybody managed to find any feedback from the players through social media/twitter?

'I didn't notice that (RBB protest), you concentrate just on the game,' Popovic said.


The players as professionals should be able to preform their jobs to a certain standard, regardless if there is a crowd or not.


To the people who blame the RBB for the loss, please think about how stupid that sounds.



No one is blaming the RBB for the loss, but are you also saying that the RBB has no impact on the players or the match. Are you saying that being the 12th man is a myth. What are we doing in the RBB if we are no help at all.

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Regarding the protest, anybody managed to find any feedback from the players through social media/twitter?

'I didn't notice that (RBB protest), you concentrate just on the game,' Popovic said.

The players as professionals should be able to preform their jobs to a certain standard, regardless if there is a crowd or not.


To the people who blame the RBB for the loss, please think about how stupid that sounds.

No one is blaming the RBB for the loss, but are you also saying that the RBB has no impact on the players or the match. Are you saying that being the 12th man is a myth. What are we doing in the RBB if we are no help at all.

That argument is redundant. We have lost when the RBB is at full force. When the team is as terrible as they were last night, there is nothing a few chants can do.

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What is the line from the song " we will follow you forever" - what a dead set joke. You aren't football fans, you are so full of yourselves it is not funny. Give up your season tickets and let the 1000's that can't get tickets enjoy their local football team without this regular carry on.


The roar of the crowd when we did "who do you sing for" was by far the loudest I've heard in the 2 seasons I've been a member , so much for the RBB.


Stay at home, play with your flags and your drums, because in a short while no one will care as the fans are already starting to find their individual voices, and don't need the RBB's petulant carry on.

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My first game back in 2 months since the ban, silent protest ffs :o

That was you!? Wow. I didn't even realise.

Yes. Front row big bearded fella with the big head :D






OH ****! Did not realise that was you at all. Thanks for the sandwich brother. 

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Guest ZipGunBop

What is the line from the song " we will follow you forever" - what a dead set joke. You aren't football fans, you are so full of yourselves it is not funny. Give up your season tickets and let the 1000's that can't get tickets enjoy their local football team without this regular carry on.

The roar of the crowd when we did "who do you sing for" was by far the loudest I've heard in the 2 seasons I've been a member , so much for the RBB.

Stay at home, play with your flags and your drums, because in a short while no one will care as the fans are already starting to find their individual voices, and don't need the RBB's petulant carry on.



Welcome to the forum.

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