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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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Isn't that Sarah Jones? Or am I missing something here


Me thinks you might be right... I googled Sarah Jelly Fox Sports, came up with that... and well, they both are blonde:



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(Pointing to RBB) ..... who are ya, who are ya!

Are you here to support the boys on the park or yourselves?

You break the rules you pay the consequences - support your foorball team or go support a lawn bowles club!

The RBB support YOUR team more than anyone in the stands.

What complete and utter bullish*t. This is the elitist attitude that shows what is wrong with some in the RBB. Its all about self aggrandisement for them, not the club.

BANG ON, there were concerns in season one about the RBB become elitist and it has come to pass today. The RBB made my **** blood boil today.

Absolutely. I recall the end of last season I expressed fear at this and was attacked for offending core members which was ******* bullshit. The fact that some in the rbb and on this forum claim that being in the rbb automatically means you cheer for the team harder than any of other red and black blooded fans is both pathetic and sad.

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

1 yes


2 yes

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Just to get this thread back on topic ( the topic is the protest fwiw)


1) does anyone who joined the protest actually know WHY you were protesting?


2) once RBB explain to you why you are protesting and those issues are not resolved, will you renew your membership?

1 yes


2 yes


1) No


2) Forever.

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Please read this and listen to whats being said


Every Monday I come to work and get the usual jibes about the Wanderers  (soccer) and various aspects of what may have been in the media over the weekend. Though most of these lot are haters of football anyway and (let a hater hate I say), I still feel compelled to argue the point and defend the Wanderers and active support ( RBB).  (I guess much the same way many of you are defending the RBB now)

However, today I had nothing in response really and from more of a negative perspective I found myself not caring. Im sure many people are left with the same knot in the guts today. It made me aware of a few things, like, there needs to be far more transparency, accountability and ownership of the issues regarding the big issues and the RBBs position on things like flares. Its not hate that I feel towards those individuals who throw flares (that’s what this is about), I guess its more of a reaction the fear I have of losing my enthusiasm for a group that shits on the rest of us, and pushes anyone out if they have differing ideals. I’m sure there are many that would say, good piss off to me and those like me, however I won’t allow a few rotten apples to ruin something that means a lot to me and our family.

In my rage over the past few days I have used some colourful and even harsh terminology in describing how I feel, (as many others have on both sides), some of it I still stand behind, and some of it could have been best left as a thought, as vomiting rage ultimately serves no purpose.


Our club and our culture is still very new and developing in many aspects both on and off the field. When you look at other club models and examine their heritage, much of what is happening is normative.

Most people though have short memories and have no right to pass fire and brimstone upon another when there is only speculation and innuendo at best. The RBB should have had a more pragmatic approach and response to Wednesdays events, as some kind of leadership group could have steered the ship in the right direction at least, instead of the protectors and deflectors abusing anyone who felt the RBB had let them selves down.


On a side note, its intimidating and threatening to invite people who have different views to come to the front of the RBB on game day and have their say, and singling people out and suggesting you’d LIKE TO MEET THEM. I don’t have a problem telling people their behaviour is **** to their face, hell I have raised three kids.

However my point here is that its not about the hate, its frustration that you are seeing here and the backlash on social media. Just listen and cop the other stuff on the chin, because you guys like it or not have done wrong as a group, just be mature, acknowledge it and move on..thats all people want.


Yes the derby is this week and I hope its not going to be another I will show you fest, on either side of the equation, sure people will sing again, but this stuff may remain under the surface for a little while until its addressed properly. Its very important though not to let this fester.

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the fact a lot of you actually take to heart some of the words people post here is what gets me. There is a section in this forum which outlines the forum names of the committee memebers who formed the RBB even before penrith pre season. Of those, not many come on this forum for their own reasons (as they are entitled to). I come on to simply post information or answer questions. The RRBB section of Pirtek sold out this year, so there is 2300 or so people who claim to speak on behalf of the RBB. Many of them talk out of their ass half the time without any knowledge of whats actually going There is nothing more that pisses me off when someone comments to someone who sits on the sidelines and says "you people". On behalf of the RBB committee (who prefer to remain anonymous cause quite frankly its not about us, its about the team and the fans) i want to thank our sideline fans for being the best across any code in this country. Please in future do not get offended when someone claims to be speaking on behalf of the RBB or criticises you for some comment. This is a forum and it is open for debate, discussion and ideas and from time to time it will get heated however, for those who criticise others just plain rudely pull your heads in and at least be constructive about why you disagree with someones opinion. I can tell you the honest truth in that this is not the way us in the committee speak about any WSW fans. Never have and never will.

The words of leadership, sorely missed in recent times.

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the fact a lot of you actually take to heart some of the words people post here is what gets me. There is a section in this forum which outlines the forum names of the committee memebers who formed the RBB even before penrith pre season. Of those, not many come on this forum for their own reasons (as they are entitled to). I come on to simply post information or answer questions. The RRBB section of Pirtek sold out this year, so there is 2300 or so people who claim to speak on behalf of the RBB. Many of them talk out of their ass half the time without any knowledge of whats actually going There is nothing more that pisses me off when someone comments to someone who sits on the sidelines and says "you people". On behalf of the RBB committee (who prefer to remain anonymous cause quite frankly its not about us, its about the team and the fans) i want to thank our sideline fans for being the best across any code in this country. Please in future do not get offended when someone claims to be speaking on behalf of the RBB or criticises you for some comment. This is a forum and it is open for debate, discussion and ideas and from time to time it will get heated however, for those who criticise others just plain rudely pull your heads in and at least be constructive about why you disagree with someones opinion. I can tell you the honest truth in that this is not the way us in the committee speak about any WSW fans. Never have and never will.


Best post.

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apologies to all..had this trip planned for a long time and well...when your in vegas and miami for example....last thing your thinking of is a forum when the booze is flowing and the women dig an aussie accent


anyway - all i ask is for your patience and to those who think we protested cause we got a little punishment cause a few knobs ripped pyro, seriously pull your head in what are we 5 year old girls?


To those who did and i have received word that some have already been banned...well tough luck


bring on the derby

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Its people’s democratic right to protest if they believe they are being treated unfairly. Personally, I support the protest!


The supporters are the only ones that pay to attend matches! Club officials, ffa reps, hatamoto bulldogs, security, police, players, and all others are paid attendees. We are the ones that will be there in 50 years with our grandkids! Any sporting club can’t survive without fans, but for a football club the active fans are the beating heart. One of the reasons our membership doubled is because of the RBB last year and what it brings on game day. It’s the truth, despite some that want to deny it. Yesterday highlights this perfectly with many people having a cry about the silent protest. If the rbb is so irrelevant and doesn’t matter, then why do you care? Because it does matter, but everybody and everything has its breaking point!


If somebody lights a flare at the match, they do so @ their own risk, and do so knowing the consequences. Coming down with an iron fist on all active members does nothing other than breed resentment within the group towards management and authority. If the authorities are incapable of doing their job and catching the culprits of this alleged “anti-social behaviourâ€, then why penalise every paying attendee in the active end? The way I see it, it’s like speeding; not everybody that speeds gets caught, but once you are, then you can either contest it or cop it on the chin. Zero tolerance is not the answer imo, it will only make ppl rebel and that is what we are seeing now.


The fact that the ffa is coming down with an iron fist on active supporters makes me wonder if it was a great decision to put a cricket man as the head of the HAL and a NRL man as the head of FFA. Do these people really understand and embrace the fan culture of our sport? These people run a reactionary administration based on media driver hype and hysteria (written by R.Wilson and Co.). D.Gallop did it for his entire stint as the CEO of the NRL, if it didn’t make the news, the guy didn’t blink at it, but as soon as it was portrayed with a bad light by the media, he would come down hard!


I am uncertain whether I find it sad or comical how some/most ppl on this forum who do not have an active membership tell rbb members how to behave. You do not experience the ridiculous amount of policing that takes place every match day. The active members are constantly made to feel like a caged criminal. For what? Is it really justified? You would think the way things are policed in that area of the stadium that somebody had been killed there or set alight at a previous match! This treatment is doing nothing other than killing what was created last year. The rbb is the WsW active supporter group, not a bunch of woman attending a kitchen team or a baby shower. There will be some elements which are unsavoury and not for all. All in all, I would say that 99% of the time its good with 1% bad or borderline. It comes with the territory.


** end rant **

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to bili - its a lot to go in detail but in a nutshell there are a number of factors which i will briefly highlight


1) poorly communicated email from the club which lead to everyone on social media hammering the RBB leadership and its members. It came across as though everything was banned, so as a result we decided to say you caused this hysteria here is how it will sound without anything




2)in recent times, a few stadium and FFA bans have been overturned after these individuals were proved innocent, however we still dont have any form of appeal process nor do FFA or the club offer an apology the victims



3) intimidation tactics from police/riot squad/security. For those in the RBB end on saturday, close to 50 just sat on the hill doing nothing. Great way to spend tax payers money


these are just off the top of my head, there is more to come in the official statement later tonight

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to flyerone - RBB web page has been down for a week or so now. just getting some fresh maintenance work


RBB statement will be on all social media and WSF



finally - ****in oath i got the guts on this. I love what i do for this club and this home end. No matter how many days off work i take off without pay, how much phone calls i get from police (who despite my heads up still busted my balls when i was in New York, but hey i took the time to answer them) and no matter how many times i have to read posts criticising the RBB. I have thick skin and ill bear the brunt


all this and you don't even know who i am...cause its not about me its about this team i've been craving in our area since the a league stadium. If the RBB leadership was soooooo elitist, i would flaunt my name and pic everywhere but i don't and neither does anyone else in the decision making team.


#end rant im going back to work

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apologies to all..had this trip planned for a long time and well...when your in vegas and miami for example....last thing your thinking of is a forum when the booze is flowing and the women dig an aussie accent anyway - all i ask is for your patience and to those who think we protested cause we got a little punishment cause a few knobs ripped pyro, seriously pull your head in what are we 5 year old girls? To those who did and i have received word that some have already been banned...well tough luck bring on the derby


Are those that have been banned................are they members of the club.

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I think its that most people (correct me if im wrong), are tired of the cycle of flares get ripped, response.. not us sir, however no pyro no party man attitude, endless defending of flares and how pretty they are, telling people that unless the sit in the RBB they know nothing, and then when the authorities need to take action because every time we get a little rope we hang ourselves..breathe...we then sit in the corner and wont play..that is the appearance of things and the view from the outside looking in. And this statement must be the mother of all statements to change people opinions here..I really hope that there are hundreds of apologies on here tomorrow, me included when we are enlightened to the truth.

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to bili - its a lot to go in detail but in a nutshell there are a number of factors which i will briefly highlight 1) poorly communicated email from the club which lead to everyone on social media hammering the RBB leadership and its members. It came across as though everything was banned, so as a result we decided to say you caused this hysteria here is how it will sound without anything 2)in recent times, a few stadium and FFA bans have been overturned after these individuals were proved innocent, however we still dont have any form of appeal process nor do FFA or the club offer an apology the victims 3) intimidation tactics from police/riot squad/security. For those in the RBB end on saturday, close to 50 just sat on the hill doing nothing. Great way to spend tax payers money these are just off the top of my head, there is more to come in the official statement later tonight

Thanks. I'm sure this is what people were looking for yesterday.

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lol so do i stavup. I have read a draft of the statement and its pretty damn good and will open a few peoples eys


whats funny is that 99% of those people with "no pyro no party" are probably not even the ones who commit the crime in the stadium.


Unfortunately and it comes with social media, a lot of people like to gloat for being part of something


Majority of the time, these arguments on forums is about HOW authorities go about things and not actually the laws themselves


FOR EG, we all know pyro is banned yeah? however the dispute is not about 'aww why can't we use them' but more the fact why am I, you and joe bloggs in south terrace getting punished for one dude?

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