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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.


East and West stands did ok I thought, they tried their best, So you are suggesting the silent protest was an effort to obtain appreciation for the hard work the RBB does? The hard work the RBB put in is appreciated but 5 year old child tactics aren't required for the RBB to get it.

Edited by WSWBoro
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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.


Was up last night reading through the pages and pages on this thread, with no indication of what the protest was over. I too was biting my tongue not to respond. Your last line was what did it for me! No I haven't seen the clip for the tifo, but I understand the time and effort taken. Not the same, but, I help out in my local soccer team. On the committee, do the BBQ, help out in the canteen, line the field etc etc. So I know what a thankless job it is to put in the countless hours with not so much as a thank you by 99% of the parents that just show up and then complain about this or that! But I still do it because I love football and I do it for my kids. Yeah the RBB has sh*t put on it, but I would like to think that you would still do it for the love of the club.


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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.


Was up last night reading through the pages and pages on this thread, with no indication of what the protest was over. I too was biting my tongue not to respond. Your last line was what did it for me! No I haven't seen the clip for the tifo, but I understand the time and effort taken. Not the same, but, I help out in my local soccer team. On the committee, do the BBQ, help out in the canteen, line the field etc etc. So I know what a thankless job it is to put in the countless hours with not so much as a thank you by 99% of the parents that just show up and then complain about this or that! But I still do it because I love football and I do it for my kids. Yeah the RBB has sh*t put on it, but I would like to think that you would still do it for the love of the club.


Great post, I also help out at my sons football group and drive stuff all over the place. I do it out of the love of the game and to help the kids out, not to use as an argument to beat someone down with.

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Only good images and posts from now on


B.Santalab's goal agaisnt scum FC last derby,






I like the flag in your display pic :good: Where can I get that jacket from? Edited by simz
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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.


Was up last night reading through the pages and pages on this thread, with no indication of what the protest was over. I too was biting my tongue not to respond. Your last line was what did it for me! No I haven't seen the clip for the tifo, but I understand the time and effort taken. Not the same, but, I help out in my local soccer team. On the committee, do the BBQ, help out in the canteen, line the field etc etc. So I know what a thankless job it is to put in the countless hours with not so much as a thank you by 99% of the parents that just show up and then complain about this or that! But I still do it because I love football and I do it for my kids. Yeah the RBB has sh*t put on it, but I would like to think that you would still do it for the love of the club.


Great post, I also help out at my sons football group and drive stuff all over the place. I do it out of the love of the game and to help the kids out, not to use as an argument to beat someone down with.


Wasn't a put down! Just trying to give you RBB another perspective, which looks like you can appreciate. So why the protect yesterday and not just soldier on?

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All this comes down to really is a small simple issue of communication breakdown. I believe that the rest of the WSW support would back the RBB to the hilt and beyond over anything but we needed to know. Why protest and then not communicate the reasons, it just leaves it all open to misinterpretation which is what has happened.


And then the response we get it 'but you are not part of us so you would never understand'. That creates even more division.


But then some of the responses on both sides or the argument have been unfortunate.


Communication breakdown?? Some of you couldnt get on here quick enough to have your say & let us know how you felt the had RBB let them down.


You're just back tracking now, in the knowledge that people on your side of the arguement have jumped the gun & that there may be legitimate issues that need to be resolved, maybe be even through taking unsavouary measures.


I can imagine that had a hastily put together official statment been released, you would have cursed the unprofessional response to an important matter that should have been released when heads had cooled.


At the end of the day, you dont NEED to know anything. Its just more want, want , want.

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Only good images and posts from now on


B.Santalab's goal agaisnt scum FC last derby,






I like the flag in your display pic :good: Where can I get that jacket from?


Its from an Swedish-Assyrian team, i got the jacket from my relatives from Sweden, its only usually worn but the members of ZELGE (supporter group), you can buy gear from this site but i don't think they sell the jacket there but theres plenty of other goodies www.assyriskashop.com/

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Look, I think in a nutshell (awaits Austin Powers references), the general supporterss (i.e. non-RBB) are not annoyed at the protest but the lack of info surrounding it.


I can I see how it's easy to assume that it was because of the flares. The flares get ripped on Wednesday (probably by a non-RBB regular seeing as its a big coincidence it happens when they allow anyone in there for the ACL), an e-mail goes out from the club on Friday about the actions within the RBB and have imposed sanctions, then there's a protest on Sunday. People have connected the dots.


Now, obviously there are a few more dots in there that the club and the leadership group at the RBB have yet to allude too, which will no doubt see those dots and the line lead down a very different path than the assumed one.



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Only good images and posts from now on


B.Santalab's goal agaisnt scum FC last derby,






I like the flag in your display pic :good: Where can I get that jacket from?


Its from an Swedish-Assyrian team, i got the jacket from my relatives from Sweden, its only usually worn but the members of ZELGE (supporter group), you can buy gear from this site but i don't think they sell the jacket there but theres plenty of other goodies www.assyriskashop.com/


I bought mine from the stadium shop, jelly?

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reading over most of the posts you can see that most of the ppl do not want flares... so the core of the RBB need to make this clear to their "mates" who bring them!!!


We would rather have big a55 TIFO's then a few flares between matches... dont get me wrong i love seeing a flare at a game BUT its Illegal so its out of the question!


someone throwing a flare led to the club sending out an email led to RBB not chanting... see where all this started (i know the protest was not over a flare), but thats how it started.


I've been in the RBB since day1 and would much prefer a tifo to a flare, i think most of us would agree

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Only good images and posts from now on


B.Santalab's goal agaisnt scum FC last derby,






I like the flag in your display pic :good: Where can I get that jacket from?

Its from an Swedish-Assyrian team, i got the jacket from my relatives from Sweden, its only usually worn but the members of ZELGE (supporter group), you can buy gear from this site but i don't think they sell the jacket there but theres plenty of other goodies www.assyriskashop.com/

Cheers fellow Atoraya ;)

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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!
Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.

Was up last night reading through the pages and pages on this thread, with no indication of what the protest was over. I too was biting my tongue not to respond. Your last line was what did it for me! No I haven't seen the clip for the tifo, but I understand the time and effort taken. Not the same, but, I help out in my local soccer team. On the committee, do the BBQ, help out in the canteen, line the field etc etc. So I know what a thankless job it is to put in the countless hours with not so much as a thank you by 99% of the parents that just show up and then complain about this or that! But I still do it because I love football and I do it for my kids. Yeah the RBB has sh*t put on it, but I would like to think that you would still do it for the love of the club.

Great post, I also help out at my sons football group and drive stuff all over the place. I do it out of the love of the game and to help the kids out, not to use as an argument to beat someone down with.

Wasn't a put down! Just trying to give you RBB another perspective, which looks like you can appreciate. So why the protect yesterday and not just soldier on?

Your missing the point, the rbb attended the game like everyone else. We applauded when the stands tried.


So why such hate? We were watching our club like everybody else.

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I bought mine from the stadium shop, jelly?




aware me?



Sarah Jelly - Foxsports Twitter Expert...  :crazy:


^Active support section that's why!

Tbf there was some pretty active clapping in the North End. It was getting outta control at times.



It was hektic!

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People can sit anywhere and be active at Wanderland. We've even got our southern legion.


That's not a good enough reason to put such animosity and hate on the rbb.

This is in reply to your earlier post, couldn't re quote any more!


True. I could also just take my son to his game and then go home!


But that's not what the Northern end is, is it? I really don't care what you do. Does it enhanse the experience, yes. But I'm just getting this feeling and think others are as well, that there is a holly than thou attitude going on. Maybe I'm wrong but that's just what I'm sensing. As you can see I don't post much, usually lurk. Sometimes I think people should just shut up. Maybe I should as well? Put there are countless post from countless people banging on about how great the RBB is and how they are better than any other active group in the country. The RBB has shown to be all this, but after yesterday I get the feeling that they are just like any other group people on this forum have ridiculed in the past.

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All this comes down to really is a small simple issue of communication breakdown. I believe that the rest of the WSW support would back the RBB to the hilt and beyond over anything but we needed to know. Why protest and then not communicate the reasons, it just leaves it all open to misinterpretation which is what has happened.


And then the response we get it 'but you are not part of us so you would never understand'. That creates even more division.


But then some of the responses on both sides or the argument have been unfortunate.


Communication breakdown?? Some of you couldnt get on here quick enough to have your say & let us know how you felt the had RBB let them down.


You're just back tracking now, in the knowledge that people on your side of the arguement have jumped the gun & that there may be legitimate issues that need to be resolved, maybe be even through taking unsavouary measures.


I can imagine that had a hastily put together official statment been released, you would have cursed the unprofessional response to an important matter that should have been released when heads had cooled.


At the end of the day, you dont NEED to know anything. Its just more want, want , want.



If a hasty response has been put out which wasn't well thought out then wouldn't we all be a bit disappointed? But that is neither here nor there as this hasn't happened, thankfully


Ok, we don't need to know anything on the outside of the RBB, lets just leave the RBB to get on with it all then hey.


I am *** over all this myself now, as mentioned before I go with my son to watch the football and enjoy doing so and will continue to do so.


**** THE RBB

Edited by WSWBoro
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