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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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I am quite annoyed at what this thread has become and I must say that many have read something then interpreted it differently.


When I say that the protest contributed to the loss I AM NOT SAYING RBB WERE THE REASON FOR THE LOSS. That is two different statements with two different meaning.


I am not disappointed that the RBB protested by not coordinating active support because that is their right. What I am disappointed at was that the team needed us yesterday, playing against a top Asian team must have been physically and emotionally draining experience. The team needed the RBB and WSW supporters to unite behind them to get them over the line and win the game. This is why I feel the team was abandoned because the RBB wasn't all it could be and felt that we weren't 100% supporting the behind the team maybe 1-2% of all they could be!


Another problem that I am finding is that the pro and anti RBB arguments are becoming circular. There is no point of the pro RBB arguments to say you'll never understand what active support doesn't explain why you are arguing. You'll find that we are reasonable people but no reasonable arguments are being put forward. Many of the anti RBB arguments are from people who love this club and contribute what they consider to be their all to this club (attending home and away matches, buying merch, giving time where they can, chanting from the non active stands), it's incredibly unfair to call them not passionate. Many of these people are reasonable but some are unhappy with the way the protest happened or the last minute aspect of it or the fact that we weren't given notice or we weren't given a reason for it or that it lasted the whole match instead of just for 20-45mins. These are reasonable things to expect from the leaders of the RBB but the wsw fans didn't get this so how do you expect them to feel, how were they supposed to react?


I just hope going forward, the childish manner of some responses are kept to themselves from both sides of the argument and this divide can stop! Please try to consider or understand people's point of view before attacking them!


PS: RBB ole ole ole was chanted by the fans partially cause we support the RBB and the face that it is a catchy chant which ordinary fans can remember!


PS2: why did it have to be at a match with the premiership on the line? Why couldn't it be at a acl match when not as much is at stake?


PS3: People like Btron, need more posts from your side of the argument!


PS4: I also agree with the sentiments that we could fairly criticize the ESFC, Melb City and MV situations with active support saying that the RBB and WSW were different. It would have to be a pretty good reason for this protest for to happen to be able to hold ourselves above the teams listed above.

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Why is the RBB obligated to do something no other stand does?


So if you have a rant about RBB not singing for one game, where have all the other stands been since day one? The Wanderers played. You support the Wanderers and they did play. If you don't care about the RBB then you got what you paid for. Admission to a Wanderers game.


It is a privilage to have an active support as it is to have a Western Sydney team.

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My guess is northgate/ rbb will say that they didn't know that ACL would impose fines for flares, or dispute that a memorandum of undertanding exists. Either way - ***** yaawwwn.

Definitely has to be bigger or more than that, it would have to be that negotiations or relationd have broken down between the RBB and the club.


You don't have to look far to see that the Asian confederation fine for use of flares in their competition. On the MoU, it would have to a pretty huge misunderstanding or issue to cause a full match silent protest.

Weeks before the acl games they were informed that flares will cost the club fines so i don't know what the situation is

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My guess is northgate/ rbb will say that they didn't know that ACL would impose fines for flares, or dispute that a memorandum of undertanding exists. Either way - ***** yaawwwn.

Definitely has to be bigger or more than that, it would have to be that negotiations or relationd have broken down between the RBB and the club.


You don't have to look far to see that the Asian confederation fine for use of flares in their competition. On the MoU, it would have to a pretty huge misunderstanding or issue to cause a full match silent protest.

Weeks before the acl games they were informed that flares will cost the club fines so i don't know what the situation is

I'm clutching at straws here, trying to explain why the protest was happening. I don't know what has happened for the RBB to make this stand which seems a last resort

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Why are people so anxious for the RBB statement? It’s pretty self explanatory RBB were forced into a corner they had no other option but a protest. FFA and the Club over reacted, I would have been pissed off if the RBB did nothing and took the restrictions on the chin.

If anything people should direct their anger towards the FFA and the Club not the RBB not only am I disappointed at other clubs “active†support groups not being on board but I didn’t expect this level of stupid from our own.

“Suits will come and go but the bloc will never fallâ€

Edited by UltrasRBB
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I am quite annoyed at what this thread has become and I must say that many have read something then interpreted it differently.

When I say that the protest contributed to the loss I AM NOT SAYING RBB WERE THE REASON FOR THE LOSS. That is two different statements with two different meaning.

I am not disappointed that the RBB protested by not coordinating active support because that is their right. What I am disappointed at was that the team needed us yesterday, playing against a top Asian team must have been physically and emotionally draining experience. The team needed the RBB and WSW supporters to unite behind them to get them over the line and win the game. This is why I feel the team was abandoned because the RBB wasn't all it could be and felt that we weren't 100% supporting the behind the team maybe 1-2% of all they could be!

Another problem that I am finding is that the pro and anti RBB arguments are becoming circular. There is no point of the pro RBB arguments to say you'll never understand what active support doesn't explain why you are arguing. You'll find that we are reasonable people but no reasonable arguments are being put forward. Many of the anti RBB arguments are from people who love this club and contribute what they consider to be their all to this club (attending home and away matches, buying merch, giving time where they can, chanting from the non active stands), it's incredibly unfair to call them not passionate. Many of these people are reasonable but some are unhappy with the way the protest happened or the last minute aspect of it or the fact that we weren't given notice or we weren't given a reason for it or that it lasted the whole match instead of just for 20-45mins. These are reasonable things to expect from the leaders of the RBB but the wsw fans didn't get this so how do you expect them to feel, how were they supposed to react?

I just hope going forward, the childish manner of some responses are kept to themselves from both sides of the argument and this divide can stop! Please try to consider or understand people's point of view before attacking them!

PS: RBB ole ole ole was chanted by the fans partially cause we support the RBB and the face that it is a catchy chant which ordinary fans can remember!

PS2: why did it have to be at a match with the premiership on the line? Why couldn't it be at a acl match when not as much is at stake?

PS3: People like Btron, need more posts from your side of the argument!

PS4: I also agree with the sentiments that we could fairly criticize the ESFC, Melb City and MV situations with active support saying that the RBB and WSW were different. It would have to be a pretty good reason for this protest for to happen to be able to hold ourselves above the teams listed above.

Ohh hasn't your tone changed now lol hahahaha

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I thought that a 20 minute protest against the FFA unfairly banning members of the RBB was reasonable, the protest matched the cause. Remember it was a cause that WSW supporters stood shoulder to shoulder with the RBB.


For the RBB to be backed into a corner and protest at such a critical match so a full 90 minutes, WSW supporters expected a similar sort of statement and/or explanation to match the cause of the protest.


You talk about it was due to the restrictions. Do you think that the removal of banners for the groups of where the flares were released on Wednesday night a good enough reason for the flares?

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As I trIed to explain in the flares thread I think its a massive oversimplification. The flares are bad - rbb used flares - They got punished - now they are sooking. This is daily telegraph moron logic.


This to me is about rights and fair process.


If you get caught drink driving you expect to lose your license. The consequences are known and fair. If you get caught drink driving and they take your car and slap a 10pm curfew on you and the 5 mates you were drinking with that to me violates the rule of law.


This is the equivalent of what has happened to the rbb. The authorities have retrospectively added a series of new sanctions that were not known at the time the offence was committed and aimed them at the group rather than the individuals responsible.


The club/ffa has basically said 'i know we said that the punishment for flares was a 5 year ban but we are really mad about you doing it this time so we are also going to punish you by taking away banners, instruments etc as well.'


To me this is a violation of the rule of law in the same way as my drink driving example and those effected have every right to be questioning the legitimacy of the actions of those in authority.


Even if you hate flares and dislike the method of rbb protest i can't understand how anyone can support the lack of fair process and retrospective punishment by the ffa/club.

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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

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wow...5 weeks away and i come home to this


Statement is being worked on and will be released we are hoping by tonight. No use rushing something if its going to be inaccurate.


Just have some patience people


And please, quite saying your dissapointed in us etc etc, you sound like my mother.


I am going to reiterate this once and once only - THE PROTEST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FLARES THAT WENT OFF ON WEDNESDAY...PERIOD!


All along since day one we have stated, you want to pop a flare u do it at your own risk. If you get caught, well tough titties cop it on the chin and dont come crying to RBB spokespeople saying you were mistreated


This protest occurred due to some very shitty information we received late saturday night. How many of you honestly read the club email and thought 'WTF THEY BANNED EVERYTHING!!'. When really that wasn't the case at all and as a result RBB is hammered by its fellow WSW supporters on all forms of social

Would it not of been simpler to state, only the banners of the subgroups in question were banned and everything else is business as usual?


This is just 1 example of the hasty decision to do something about this BS. More will be outlined in detail in the official response which is being worked on as we speak and should be out later tonight

thank god someone posted something with substance regarding the situation. I was confused as f*** what the reason was for. I agree that the email was confusing and implied the whole stadium would suffer. I did see one of the WSW reps posted in a thread clearing it up, but it would have been nice for a follow up email from the club to all members. Poor PR decisions there by WSW


also, thank you for stating the protest had nothing to do with the flares, i think thats where a lot of frustration was tied to

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All this comes down to really is a small simple issue of communication breakdown. I believe that the rest of the WSW support would back the RBB to the hilt and beyond over anything but we needed to know. Why protest and then not communicate the reasons, it just leaves it all open to misinterpretation which is what has happened.


And then the response we get it 'but you are not part of us so you would never understand'. That creates even more division.


But then some of the responses on both sides or the argument have been unfortunate.

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Unconditional support is being thrown around a lot here. How would you feel if we lost 3 points, not for flares but a similar incident to Melbourne? Where the opposition causes drama at our stadium and then we're all punished with a 3 point deduction by association. Would you not be a little upset? Especially if this kind of thing was a constant issue? The RBB is continually explaining themselves not only to the FFA and the club but also police and our own fans. When it gets old and there's something done, our "brothers and sisters" in the stands sling ****. Negative comments will fix nothing, being positive will help resolve things. I'm not core RBB, just enjoy creating the atmosphere we all have enjoyed.

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I've bit my tongue quite a number of times before posting in this thread.


But I am disgusted at some of animosity of the people that aren't part of the rbb.


I sit in bay 57.


Yesterday was just a reminder how wanderers match day atmosphere would be if the rbb wasnt there week in week out...

So this is what's it's all about? Trying to prove a point that Wanderland is nothing without the mighty RBB. Have you handed over a list of demands to the club, ala Cove, and they have been knocked back? Now we'll show them!

Again more animosity.


No mate, nothing to do with me. I didn't know there was a protest until I came. The boys didn't let me down in the past, so I supported them.


People are quick to judge.


Did any of you see the clip of the tifo being created??? How much hours was spent doing that. But yeah quick to criticize.


All the stands had the opportunity to make noise yesterday, but no 1 could be arsed. Just shows much work goes into it to do it for 90 mins.

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reading over most of the posts you can see that most of the ppl do not want flares... so the core of the RBB need to make this clear to their "mates" who bring them!!!


We would rather have big a55 TIFO's then a few flares between matches... dont get me wrong i love seeing a flare at a game BUT its Illegal so its out of the question!


someone throwing a flare led to the club sending out an email led to RBB not chanting... see where all this started (i know the protest was not over a flare), but thats how it started.


I've been in the RBB since day1 and would much prefer a tifo to a flare, i think most of us would agree

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