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RBB Silent Protest During Jets Match

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Before I write anything here i'll admit to not having read any of the thread, I wanted to voice my thoughts without them being clouded by everyone else first. If I cover ground that already been covered i'd apologise but I think it just adds weight to my thought as i'm not the only one thinking that way. 


There are few people associated with the A League, let alone our club, that would argue against the RBB being one of the main things that set the Wanderers apart from the other A League clubs. Yesterday many claimed that we (the stands, non actives) don't understand the commitment and amount of personal time and money that many of you (RBB) put towards ensuring its success. It is this fact that has precipitated much of frustration, anger, disappointment, (insert emotion here) of yesterday.


I'd argue that we do understand, which is why we were quite happy to support the last protest, Stand shoulder to shoulder at away games, sing along with lyrics of "these colours unite us all", "all our differences are put aside", "together we sing", "This club and terrace no it wont divide, none could ever emulate our pride" etc and back up and be proud of the claims about lifting the bar that the RBB have made. We were all very happy to pour scorn upon the comedic cove protest of a few weeks ago, and many of us have passed comment upon the ineffectiveness and increasing irrelevance of the North terrace ongoing protest. So when the events of yesterday descend into a farce on par with these we can no longer claim that we are any different and that is disappointing. 


We are proud of the difference the RBB makes, we are proud that the RBB commitment is greater, but if we are going to claim that is the case then it needs to be continuously upheld through its actions. If that is a step to far, too much to ask or expect then that is fine, provided we don't continue to make those claims. If we continue to do so we become the same as every other active support, making claims that everyone knows are not true or will not stand the test of time. 


I can understand the need for time to compose a response/statement that is not half arsed or whinging after the events of last week, But to protest without explanation, even to many members of the RBB, is to drop to the level of all those who support other clubs. The RBB has raised the bar and expectation is high within tits ranks and with the other supporters. Yesterday that standard was dropped and rumours and untruths allowed to start, grow and fester.


Hopefully, like many other times in the past where the stands have criticized the RBB the comments are listened to and appear to be taken on board because the events are rarely repeated. This is another part of what has made the RBB different, lets make sure we don't lose this as well. 

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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.

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Missed the game due to family commitments so i wasn't there yesterday. Was there on Tuesday though so had a good view of the incident from where i was sitting.


I think the lesson for the club is you cant just let non season ticket holders into the NT. My guess is that if this had been enforced then we wouldn't be in this situation.


The way forward. Not sure. Need to see the statement but in the end this will blow over and we have 2 massive games where we need to get behind the team. A few precious views from both sides (RBB and stands) but in the end if we are in a **** fight for points, and the way we are playing we will be, we know we will all band together - its the westie way.


these colours unite us all - rite

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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!

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Before I write anything here i'll admit to not having read any of the thread, I wanted to voice my thoughts without them being clouded by everyone else first. If I cover ground that already been covered i'd apologise but I think it just adds weight to my thought as i'm not the only one thinking that way. 


There are few people associated with the A League, let alone our club, that would argue against the RBB being one of the main things that set the Wanderers apart from the other A League clubs. Yesterday many claimed that we (the stands, non actives) don't understand the commitment and amount of personal time and money that many of you (RBB) put towards ensuring its success. It is this fact that has precipitated much of frustration, anger, disappointment, (insert emotion here) of yesterday.


I'd argue that we do understand, which is why we were quite happy to support the last protest, Stand shoulder to shoulder at away games, sing along with lyrics of "these colours unite us all", "all our differences are put aside", "together we sing", "This club and terrace no it wont divide, none could ever emulate our pride" etc and back up and be proud of the claims about lifting the bar that the RBB have made. We were all very happy to pour scorn upon the comedic cove protest of a few weeks ago, and many of us have passed comment upon the ineffectiveness and increasing irrelevance of the North terrace ongoing protest. So when the events of yesterday descend into a farce on par with these we can no longer claim that we are any different and that is disappointing. 


We are proud of the difference the RBB makes, we are proud that the RBB commitment is greater, but if we are going to claim that is the case then it needs to be continuously upheld through its actions. If that is a step to far, too much to ask or expect then that is fine, provided we don't continue to make those claims. If we continue to do so we become the same as every other active support, making claims that everyone knows are not true or will not stand the test of time. 


I can understand the need for time to compose a response/statement that is not half arsed or whinging after the events of last week, But to protest without explanation, even to many members of the RBB, is to drop to the level of all those who support other clubs. The RBB has raised the bar and expectation is high within tits ranks and with the other supporters. Yesterday that standard was dropped and rumours and untruths allowed to start, grow and fester.


Hopefully, like many other times in the past where the stands have criticized the RBB the comments are listened to and appear to be taken on board because the events are rarely repeated. This is another part of what has made the RBB different, lets make sure we don't lose this as well. 



This is spot on.



Then there is a silent protest with no announcement / communication. I don't think anyone is saying the RBB cannot protest or withdraw its support, when there was a silent protest last year for the first 20 mins we all knew it was coming and what it was about and it was a success.


To withdraw the support for an entire match it pretty much last resort stuff.


Also some of the communication that has been from RBB members has been along the lines of 'You don't understand, your not one of us' or 'your not as passionate a supporter as an RBB member' non of which helps this situation.

Edited by WSWBoro
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Missed the game due to family commitments so i wasn't there yesterday. Was there on Tuesday though so had a good view of the incident from where i was sitting.


I think the lesson for the club is you cant just let non season ticket holders into the NT. My guess is that if this had been enforced then we wouldn't be in this situation.

Sorry your wrong. Obviously it was planned as all the flares were ripped at a certain time. Opening the gates to non members in the RBB is the only way to go to fill the block up or it's back to yesterday's atmosphere.

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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!


I didn't diss the RBB. My beef is with the handful of people who decided on their own that there would be no active support yesterday for a reason that still hasn't been made clear.

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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!

I didn't diss the RBB. My beef is with the handful of people who decided on their own that there would be no active support yesterday for a reason that still hasn't been made clear.

You got a license for those guns bro? :P

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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.


I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.

Edited by WestGrub
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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!


I didn't diss the RBB. My beef is with the handful of people who decided on their own that there would be no active support yesterday for a reason that still hasn't been made clear.



Quick question, do you sit in the RBB or in the stands?

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Missed the game due to family commitments so i wasn't there yesterday. Was there on Tuesday though so had a good view of the incident from where i was sitting.


I think the lesson for the club is you cant just let non season ticket holders into the NT. My guess is that if this had been enforced then we wouldn't be in this situation.

Sorry your wrong. Obviously it was planned as all the flares were ripped at a certain time. Opening the gates to non members in the RBB is the only way to go to fill the block up or it's back to yesterday's atmosphere.



Mate the next time the north end is open to non-members, there will be a free cavity search on entry for everyone. Very appealing! 

Edited by OglenLangden
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Also what's the deal with coppers not letting the members smoke on the hill, leave the terrace, confiscating banner? I sure as hell hope the RBB release in their statement as much as they can about the wrongdoings of the police.


Something's not right, whole season the cops had no issues at home, all of a sudden they act like this... What's their motive and who's behind it?

No-one is supposed to smoke inside the stadium (if the cops wanted to, they could let someone light up then fine them).


The other stuff I don't know why.


he wasnt smoking inside the stadium. The cops were just not letting people stand on the hill (where many people stand every week) and were giving no reason. Its like the cops were there looking for trouble

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Also what's the deal with coppers not letting the members smoke on the hill, leave the terrace, confiscating banner? I sure as hell hope the RBB release in their statement as much as they can about the wrongdoings of the police.


Something's not right, whole season the cops had no issues at home, all of a sudden they act like this... What's their motive and who's behind it?

No-one is supposed to smoke inside the stadium (if the cops wanted to, they could let someone light up then fine them).


The other stuff I don't know why.


he wasnt smoking inside the stadium. The cops were just not letting people stand on the hill (where many people stand every week) and were giving no reason. Its like the cops were there looking for trouble



I guess if they deploy thousands of dollars of public resources, they really want something to show for it. A few evictions and a couple of arrests makes it all look worthwhile. 

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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!


I didn't diss the RBB. My beef is with the handful of people who decided on their own that there would be no active support yesterday for a reason that still hasn't been made clear.



Quick question, do you sit in the RBB or in the stands?


I sit in the RBB it is my only escape  and cheap addiction and high that i look forward to each week. To be told last minute we would not be active was a bit sh!t.  I was feening for the energy and vibe the RBB creates.


As a member of the RBB I supported the protest as we are one family. I just hope the RBB statement justifies the protest and it wasn't over some petty crap

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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.


I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.



Actually that last point cant be emphasised enough !!

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First question in the office today...

Did your crowd seriously shut up for the whole game yesterday???


Apparently fat heap Gus waughland was having a crack on the Grill Team...

Roosters, clap clap clap!

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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.

I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.

Actually that last point cant be emphasised enough !!

Totally agree but that's also an easy excuse due to the fact that the RBB control all other aspects vigorously. Heck they even managed to control and intimidate the people yesterday who sat in the RBB by having people threaten them into not cheering at all.

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Is there a time yet when we can expect this statement? Curious to know why my matchday experience was sabotaged yesterday. And why still no one knows why were were protesting. What a fcking joke.

You poor thing, your match day experience was sabotaged. WTF!!


You go to the games to watch the RBB and you dis them too. Your a fcking joke!


I didn't diss the RBB. My beef is with the handful of people who decided on their own that there would be no active support yesterday for a reason that still hasn't been made clear.



Quick question, do you sit in the RBB or in the stands?


I sit in the RBB it is my only escape  and cheap addiction and high that i look forward to each week. To be told last minute we would not be active was a bit ****.  I was feening for the energy and vibe the RBB creates.


As a member of the RBB I supported the protest as we are one family. I just hope the RBB statement justifies the protest and it wasn't over some petty crap


Couldn't agree more.


If Westgrub's question was directed at me (for whatever reason), I stand in Bay 54.

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The RBB lost a lot of fans yesterday.

No Fan or fan group should put themselves above the club.

The real fans support the club through thick and thin.

The club issues a statement regarding flares.....which are illegal in every half decent civilsed country,and some knucklehead gets upset and calls a silent protest.


Really not sure what percentage of the RBB are actually football supporters  or there to support the club.

My fear is that a considerable proportion are bandwagoners,hanger-oners or rebels without a cause.

Many have become elitist and refuse to interact with other fans.

They look for confrontation where there is none.

Guys this is Australia 2014.

Everyone has food on the table and if they try hard enough will find a job.

We are not ruled by Dictatorships.....just chill out


We are a young club,we will go through growing pains.

WSW will only survive in the long haul,through real football fans that turn up to every game and support the club.


Supporter groups will come and go,most of the RBB will get bored and find another pasttime to follow in the near future.....mark my words

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started reading the thread and i got bored with the back and forth bullshit.


can anyone tell us why the RBB could not have protested the next home game, allowing time for people to understand why they are protesting?


i, like many of us did not find out about a protest until it was nearly kick off.


if the core RBB wants or even cares about the support from the rest of the stands (and much of the rest of the RBB), why would they not try and be more organised and let people know?

There's no perfect way to protest.


I just dont understand how the "core" that put in countless hours of their own time to help create a vibrant home end are accused of not caring.


Maybe you'd like to expand on that point a bit.



the point i was trying to make, is this time the boys who call the shots have made a decision without letting anyone (using that term loosely) know why they are protesting. they cant seriously expect everyone to follow blindly like sheep (which for some silly reason a few people do) and just do what they tell them. the way i see it, no one seems to be doubting any decisions they have made before (flares aside), but this time they have ****ed up and have lost a lot of respect from those in the stands, and you saw it when the rest of the stadium did the poznan - to me that looked like a big **** you to the RBB.


the RBB let a lot of people down yesterday, and many of those who were let down were also in the RBB.


now i'm only in active support on away games and home ACL games (so my opinion will be dismissed by many i'm sure) , but from the outside, it seems like there is the tiniest portion of the RBB making all the decisions, whether the majority of the RBB agree them or not, and frankly, in my opinion, i don't believe thats how it should be done.


and i can't wait to hear the reasoning from the RBB in their "official statement". a lot rides on what is said.


lets hope it was all worth it.

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Hahahaha look at all the back stabbers in this thread..... yeh rbb you lost us the game thanks hahahaha




If you don't mind me asking, what is your role in the RBB.?

To cheer very loud n to have a beer and a good old aussie pie........ STRAYA MATE why whats your job in the RBB. my fellow wanderer???



Beer and a pie? You should be in 55.... Feel free to come and visit... Your shout, of course.

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FFA are a mess. They should really stop trying to "Australianize" football. i.e. The finals system (fail), not playing the last game of the season at the same time(fail), all stars?? seriously. WSW management seem to be bending over for FFA why? A league was **** until the wanderers and RBB came.

Now this mentality filters on to the supporters. Newcastle and Central coast can only dream of getting crowds and atmosphere at their home games ....that is until the RBB went there.

Central coast, despite arguably being one of most dominant sides of the league in the past few years, have nothing to show for it. Watch any of their home games there and their support is embarrassing...not the RBB .

We all really need to wake up and respect what the RBB has done not just for this club, but for the league in general. Couple of flares go off and people are acting like someone got murdered. RBB is a massive part of the wanderers success story!

Without them everyone else can go on and try to emulate WDYSF etc (that was created by the RBB anyway!!!!)

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:fool:. is the best way to describe this thread. im not going to go through it agian you all know how i feel and there is some much wrong with this thread and others like it its not funny. it is derby week people do you understand?????? forget this crap stand with each other and show the rest of the country that no matter what problems we may have with each other or the club or the FFA we will always stand by each other that is what being a wanderer is about. we are westie's no one know's how to get through hard times like we do we learn from it and get stronger i guarantee the rbb will learn a few things from what has happened over the last week and i suggest you do to. move on and focus on the derby and lets show the country why we are the best supporters in the league.


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RBB will win back their credibility by outing the people who let off the flares on Wednesday. It's very simple !!! If the RBB say they had nothing to do with it and it was a minority of people who did it then get rid of this cancer straight away. We need to realise we have new owners at the club now who have asked the FFA to protect their invested money and that means coming down hard on the RBB and keeping bad press away from the club. RBB I support you and your right to protest but someone needs to show leadership and get things right.

I've sat in the RBB every game that we have been in existance & travelled to many many more. I have had flares & smokies go off around me more than enough times & i can promise you that i could never point the finger at someone & say it was him. I / we are there to support the team, we are singing & jumping up & down, We do our best to catch a moment of the game. What we dont do is spend our time monitoring one another, looking for suspects. There is police, security & hatamato (scum) there spread throughout. Isnt it their job to find the perpetrators? Why are they there otherwise? We do our job, they should do theirs. Simple.

Actually that last point cant be emphasised enough !!

Totally agree but that's also an easy excuse due to the fact that the RBB control all other aspects vigorously. Heck they even managed to control and intimidate the people yesterday who sat in the RBB by having people threaten them into not cheering at all.



No one was threatened & we were freely able to cheer the team on. There was just no coordinated chanting & chereo.


We stayed back & cheered the players after the game, you may have missed this.


We even cheered the stands on when they tried to create their own chants.


Keep trying...

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Seriously RBB, no more flares. And in future fans should unit as one NOT chant in portions. Sunday game was sign of weakness from the non active fans booing the RBB. Shame on you. Let's get back in full force for the derby people it's close to the finals we don' want to go south. 

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lol some of these comments belong on a comedy channel


"rbb let me down", "disappointed with the rbb" "rbb ate my homework" etc......lol are you guys for real ,rbb don't owe you anything, its an absolute privilege to have them entertain us in the stands and I for one back whatever choice they make....... 


ill say it again , I guarantee that come sat night those that haven't torn their tickets up because the rbb didn't sing yesterday , will all chant , will all participate and will all say how fu^%en unique and special was that no matter where you're sitting..... 

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