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Sanctions From ACL Flare Incident

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Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?

Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.

It's the fine that the club gets is what annoys me the most about it,

Money doesn't grow on trees,





Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?

Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.

Because it is affecting the club. We are copping fines. We might have to play behind closed doors soon. Investors won't want to invest in a basket case. You see in Europe when Ultras start controlling the club it basically goes up **** creek. People don't want to be associated with guys who revel in criminal behaviour. It will be the beginning of the end if we are not careful.


Does that answer your question?



So if the RBB is responsible for $35 000 fine, do they get credit for a significant percentage of the $12 000 000 the club is being sold for?

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Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?


Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.

I'm angry about the fines, other than that I agree with you.

I think today is not a bad development, the club is starting to crack down on those it should be cracking down on, and leaving rest of the RBB alone.

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Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?

Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.


It's the fine that the club gets is what annoys me the most about it,

Money doesn't grow on trees,




Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?

Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.


Because it is affecting the club. We are copping fines. We might have to play behind closed doors soon. Investors won't want to invest in a basket case. You see in Europe when Ultras start controlling the club it basically goes up **** creek. People don't want to be associated with guys who revel in criminal behaviour. It will be the beginning of the end if we are not careful.

Does that answer your question?


So if the RBB is responsible for $35 000 fine, do they get credit for a significant percentage of the $12 000 000 the club is being sold for?

It's always about the RBB. Isn't it? I mean I might soon start forgetting that I chose to support the Western Sydney Wanderers. Try showing a bit more modesty and you'll find you might start to get people onside with you again.

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I'm glad these incidents bring out the most ridiculous statements from some thick individuals. I can't wait until all of the pro pyro penis compensator party members are all eradicated from the game completely maybe then you might realise some of the crap you dribble isn't that great after all.




I don't know what is your obsession with my penis. I haven't heard an insult about my genitals since I was in high school. 


Oh no! Did I commit a thought crime? :( Do I have a different opinion to you? :( 


Like I said before; when the team starts losing, you'll "magically" lose in interest in the club, stop attending games and you won't ever have to even worry about me.

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Firstly - I am anti flares because of the trouble they cause our club

Secondly - If you blame their first goal on the flares do you also credit our first minute goal due to the amazing tifo and atmosphere created by rbb

Thirdly - I doubt I would have become such a passionate supporter of WSW without what the rbb provides
Fourthly (is that even a word) - some idiots rip a flare = someone else cannot take their flag in - I dont see the connection

if someone is thrown out for being drunk do they then stop serving everyone else beer -

Come down as hard as you want on the people causing the trouble I have no sympathy for them but dont punish everyone for the actions of a tiny minority 

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I know I'm in the the minority on this site that believe that the smoke cloud led to the goal even if polenz headed back across goal and NTS nutmeg'd himself. It was maybe a 5-15% distraction if you had to measure it.

It's a bit like mind games you know, when Jose comes out in the media and talks about little horses and big horses or the specialist at failure talk, it only ever just plays on the mind of players or managers. In the heat of battle tactics and how your team play account for 85% of the result with the mind games only accounting for a minor portion.

It might not have blocked the view, but these guys are human and it's hard not to be distracted by such things even if it meant the players switched off for even just a second you have to say it had an impact.

Hahahahaha, I loved that mourinho quote,


If I remember correctly he said something about feeding the horse the right milk and then the horse can run faster?

Not sure of the exact quote but I know why the media love him over there, every press conference he says something that means that the journalists have columns and back pages to fill with every word he speaks! It's threatre and sensationalism at its best!

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Firstly - I am anti flares because of the trouble they cause our club

Secondly - If you blame their first goal on the flares do you also credit our first minute goal due to the amazing tifo and atmosphere created by rbb

Thirdly - I doubt I would have become such a passionate supporter of WSW without what the rbb provides

Fourthly (is that even a word) - some idiots rip a flare = someone else cannot take their flag in - I dont see the connection


if someone is thrown out for being drunk do they then stop serving everyone else beer -

Come down as hard as you want on the people causing the trouble I have no sympathy for them but dont punish everyone for the actions of a tiny minority 


I'm not having a go at you, but that's kind of the point mate.

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Firstly - I am anti flares because of the trouble they cause our club

Secondly - If you blame their first goal on the flares do you also credit our first minute goal due to the amazing tifo and atmosphere created by rbb

Thirdly - I doubt I would have become such a passionate supporter of WSW without what the rbb provides

Fourthly (is that even a word) - some idiots rip a flare = someone else cannot take their flag in - I dont see the connection


if someone is thrown out for being drunk do they then stop serving everyone else beer -

Come down as hard as you want on the people causing the trouble I have no sympathy for them but dont punish everyone for the actions of a tiny minority

They haven't punished everyone, read the thread. Only couple of sub groups lost their privileges, not the entire RBB.

The victim mentality runs deep...

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Firstly - I am anti flares because of the trouble they cause our club

Secondly - If you blame their first goal on the flares do you also credit our first minute goal due to the amazing tifo and atmosphere created by rbb

Thirdly - I doubt I would have become such a passionate supporter of WSW without what the rbb provides

Fourthly (is that even a word) - some idiots rip a flare = someone else cannot take their flag in - I dont see the connection


if someone is thrown out for being drunk do they then stop serving everyone else beer -

Come down as hard as you want on the people causing the trouble I have no sympathy for them but dont punish everyone for the actions of a tiny minority 

Well if someone is thrown out for being intoxicated they have caught the culprit... The intentsions of the restrictions is so people speak up about the people who have thus far gotten away with it.


and the correlation between the flares causing us to concede and our first goal because of atmosphere is hyopcrisy.. their goal wasnt covered in smoke now was it

Edited by Gauntlet
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You ***** are acting like a bunch of children and are becoming an embarresment to the club! You know exactly who the cock snorkels responsible for the lighting of the flares are. I encourage the club to ban the whole of the RBB until such time where all the responsible shitheels are made accountable and re-emburse the club for the fines imposed by AFC. Never forget you are not bigger than the club and you're only heroes in your own lunchboxes. PULL YOUR HEADS IN OR THE **** WITH THE LOT OF YOU LOUDMOUTH PRICKS!

I think it is unfair to brand the whole RBB as the problem when it is clear it is only a small group. Regular season matches when the RBB is only full of members and security check bags and frisk. Call it excuse making or whatever you want but it just seems too much of a coincidence that this **** happens when the tickets went on sale to the general public.


Even then, it was only 7 irresponsible people not the hundreds or thousands who make up the RBB.

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It's always about the RBB. Isn't it? I mean I might soon start forgetting that I chose to support the Western Sydney Wanderers. Try showing a bit more modesty and you'll find you might start to get people onside with you again.



Not all, but they are a significant part of the reason people choose to attend whether directly in the terrace or indirectly through "matchday experience" for everyone else. To say otherwise is being dishonest. One could easily argue they are responsible for over 30% of the revenue generated by the club. 


I'll start being modest when people stop overreacting. Deal? ;)

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Why is everyone so angry? I thought most of the usual complainants went to games to watch the team not for the rbb, so what's it matter to you if everythings banned?


Also calm down, three fence banners have been banned.

I think most people are angry that our hard earned money that has paid for merchandise which is instead reinvested into the club has to be used to pay for fines!! Incredibly disappointing!


Also, the fact that it is only a handful of people are ruining the image of all wsw and RBB supporters who are law abiding citizens except for a few that are hell bent on doing all they can to prove the media that they are right.


You are kidding yourself if you think that wsw would be what it is without the help of the RBB

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It seems very specific (ie 3 groups within the RBB) so no blanket ban indicating to me that the club probably went into bat for the fans and there was a more level headed approach.


Offcourse there is always the potential issue of the wrong groups been accused but I think someone is on our side.


Frank Farina?

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This is currently what's up on RBB FB and I'd agree with the question posed by this fellow fan...


I'd really like to see the RBB come out with some sort of statement and soon. The fact that 6 flares were let off in simultaneous fashion doesn't hold well for us fans who still want to believe the issues are with a rogue element that can't be controlled.


By staying silent it builds confusion and the club obviously is losing patience. 


RBB leadership group either support the idiots doing this or don't.

TIme to come out of the closest once and for all. 




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It seems very specific (ie 3 groups within the RBB) so no blanket ban indicating to me that the club probably went into bat for the fans and there was a more level headed approach.

Offcourse there is always the potential issue of the wrong groups been accused but I think someone is on our side.



Frank Farina?

I think the South End infiltrated the RBB and lit the flares. But thats just me ;)

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It's not rocket science - how can you claim to support the Club and do things that are detrimental to the finances and image of the same Club.  PYRO = NOT A REAL SUPPORTER simple.  **** this I dont know who they are bullshit, its a flare ffs hardly inconspicuous by design, you see someone with a flair in their hand beat the ******* life out of them then shove the ******* thing up their ass.   


Sick of this ****, you chant til your ass is hanging out trying to do everything in your power to help get another 3 points and these ****ers will just cause trouble and make us lose 3 points.  Yea great supporters.

Edited by scarcev
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You ***** are acting like a bunch of children and are becoming an embarresment to the club! You know exactly who the cock snorkels responsible for the lighting of the flares are. I encourage the club to ban the whole of the RBB until such time where all the responsible shitheels are made accountable and re-emburse the club for the fines imposed by AFC. Never forget you are not bigger than the club and you're only heroes in your own lunchboxes. PULL YOUR HEADS IN OR THE **** WITH THE LOT OF YOU LOUDMOUTH PRICKS!

I think it is unfair to brand the whole RBB as the problem when it is clear it is only a small group. Regular season matches when the RBB is only full of members and security check bags and frisk. Call it excuse making or whatever you want but it just seems too much of a coincidence that this **** happens when the tickets went on sale to the general public.


Even then, it was only 7 irresponsible people not the hundreds or thousands who make up the RBB.


Then it should have been easy to point out the blow-ins make an example of 'em.

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It seems very specific (ie 3 groups within the RBB) so no blanket ban indicating to me that the club probably went into bat for the fans and there was a more level headed approach.

Offcourse there is always the potential issue of the wrong groups been accused but I think someone is on our side.

Frank Farina?

I think the South End infiltrated the RBB and lit the flares. But thats just me ;)
I believe that they're infiltrating everywhere, next thing we know there will be jumping castles popping up all over the ground



You ***** are acting like a bunch of children and are becoming an embarresment to the club! You know exactly who the cock snorkels responsible for the lighting of the flares are. I encourage the club to ban the whole of the RBB until such time where all the responsible shitheels are made accountable and re-emburse the club for the fines imposed by AFC. Never forget you are not bigger than the club and you're only heroes in your own lunchboxes. PULL YOUR HEADS IN OR THE **** WITH THE LOT OF YOU LOUDMOUTH PRICKS!


I think it is unfair to brand the whole RBB as the problem when it is clear it is only a small group. Regular season matches when the RBB is only full of members and security check bags and frisk. Call it excuse making or whatever you want but it just seems too much of a coincidence that this **** happens when the tickets went on sale to the general public.

Even then, it was only 7 irresponsible people not the hundreds or thousands who make up the RBB.

Then it should have been easy to point out the blow-ins make an example of 'em.

Safety in numbers, it's difficult to pick out the exact perpetrators in a huge crowd

Edited by Nnnnnathan12
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so they are only banning 2 or 3 particular groups flags - so presumably they know who it was and are dealing with it - my mistake - no big deal then


and Major melons what do you mean the victim mentality runs deep - Im not even in the rbb ( although i was there for this game ) I sit in the east stand with my family .

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Make up your own minds from the Eastern Stand perspective




That was what I saw too- in addition to watching the first flare lit- I'd say second row from the fence- about 2-3 metres from the capo stand. 


Perfect conditions to play a game of football in....anyone would have to agree!

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It's always about the RBB. Isn't it? I mean I might soon start forgetting that I chose to support the Western Sydney Wanderers. Try showing a bit more modesty and you'll find you might start to get people onside with you again.

Not all, but they are a significant part of the reason people choose to attend whether directly in the terrace or indirectly through "matchday experience" for everyone else. To say otherwise is being dishonest. One could easily argue they are responsible for over 30% of the revenue generated by the club.


I'll start being modest when people stop overreacting. Deal? ;)

Take it easy guys, at the end of the day we are all wsw supporters and the last thing we want to do is start ripping into each other like esfc supporters (dimaxtaa chill dude you are way to tense)


I share your point of view montslbano that we are here to support wsw and no one person or body is bigger than the club.


Rodz also makes a very good point that when people value wsw they very rarely point out how much the RBB add to the club. The members attracted to sitting in the club, atmosphere they create, brings in more members who buy merch and don't forget they make away trips worth it! So it would be silly to say that they don't add to the value! However they aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the passion and love for the sport not in it for their percentage of the sale of the club.

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1. People should stop whinging and comparing this to other incidents. There is no justice and life isnt fair. Other people have stuff and get away with things. You get picked on and victimised all the time in life just accept the consequences.


2. This is the price for having flares ripped. Fines for the club, sanctions and having members whinge at you. So people must weigh up whether its worth it or not.


3. Do flares add more atmosphere in a game when the team is being forced to play behind closed doors in subsequent games? Every good deed basically gets cancelled out by this. Which is a real shame.


4. Like I said before and as some have mentioned already, can the pro pyro party please start raising money to pay for the fine.

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why is there so much aggression, we can only voice our disapproval our added aggression is only going to be divisive. no one is going come forward on account of being called names and im sure the perps are unlikely to be on here anyway. although if someone thought i was a cock snorkel it would make me question where im going in life.

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I know I'm in the the minority on this site that believe that the smoke cloud led to the goal even if polenz headed back across goal and NTS nutmeg'd himself. It was maybe a 5-15% distraction if you had to measure it.

It's a bit like mind games you know, when Jose comes out in the media and talks about little horses and big horses or the specialist at failure talk, it only ever just plays on the mind of players or managers. In the heat of battle tactics and how your team play account for 85% of the result with the mind games only accounting for a minor portion.

It might not have blocked the view, but these guys are human and it's hard not to be distracted by such things even if it meant the players switched off for even just a second you have to say it had an impact.

There was a hell of a lot of smoke. On another night it might have distracted them and saved us a goal. But I guess karma always comes back and bites you on the arse.



Yeah except that most of the 11,000 people hadn't done anything to attract that karma   :angry:  

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