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FFA Attempting To Destroy Active Support

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Simple, fans rights. All of TA are active supporters of their various clubs as well.



hate page breaks....that's in reply to Llama.

benched i was in a PM conversation with someone that is part of TA and they made no mention of the group being gone.


This was a week or two ago

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as much as I sometimes voice my thoughts over certain issues about supporting the Wanderers..I would not bother going if it were not for the RBB..that expansive atmosphere was the reason I have introduced another 13 members to the Wanderers family...If its about money..they are backing the wrong f$#king horse t im afraid...what dick heads are running this show...

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Simple, fans rights. All of TA are active supporters of their various clubs as well.



hate page breaks....that's in reply to Llama.

benched i was in a PM conversation with someone that is part of TA and they made no mention of the group being gone.


This was a week or two ago


happened today.

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All power to you Mack for making it clear that this issue takes precedence over writing an A-League preview for the attempt to eradicate active supporter groups under the guise of 'eliminating football violence' will - make no mistake - rip the heart out of the code. How dare Clint Bolton and of all people Kevin Muscat now become the poster boys for the boys in blue and this entire sordid campaign. Each measure the officials and state try to enforce reveals their own fear in the face of a beast they cannot control. During Season One's silent protest the stands turned to the RBB for a lead and to ignite the game and if the establishment learnt anything it was that a power shift was underway. Lyall Gorman said at the outset that you cannot build a club based on on-field results so forgive us for taking this literally and truly building the foundations of a club that whatever the personnel changes remains the red and black built from the terraces in. Anything short of absolute submission from us is considered violence by them. In any event if you want to see some violence and flares look around the world at some real horrors and wars that they all participate or remain silent on. If we decide to boycott and not just be silent let us see then what remains of 'the unique atmosphere of an A-League game'.    

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Simple, fans rights. All of TA are active supporters of their various clubs as well.



hate page breaks....that's in reply to Llama.

benched i was in a PM conversation with someone that is part of TA and they made no mention of the group being gone.


This was a week or two ago

happened today.

I thought TA might be our only way to negotiate with the FFA, or more likely just get them to the table.


However I like this reaction more. Sends a clear message.


Anywhere I can get more details on all this benched?

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For those wh dont think these securoty measures wont hit us in a big way next season look at the gating off of the RBB on a simple fan day. A taste of things to come. We can just wait for it to hapoen or get organised.


This is absolutely coming our way. Mack, thanks for taking the time to make us all aware of this and having lived in Melbourne for the better part of this year, this has been boiling under the surface for the majority of last season as well.


If you think the media are biased against football in Sydney, Melbourne is another world completely. You wouldn't even know that there was a score in a football game down here as they don't ever report on what the outcome was, just a group of guys celebrating the win they just had...oh wait no, there's a flare. Use that footage and off you go on a fabricated story.


But in saying that, there have been long running problems within the Victory ranks as many of you will know with the splitting of the two major active supporter groups. Increasing issues with this led to the creation of their Charter two seasons ago with the club involved the Club, Security, Police and the supporters all signing up to an agreed set of rules that they would abide by.


This originally worked like a charm and all looked like it was going well, but over the past season, there have been numerous breaches, predominantly but not entirely by supporters which has resulted in a knee jerk reaction. When the club brought in the reps from the Northern Terrace to tell them how it was going to play out, they were given no legitimate right of reply, no avenue to go down, zero negotiation ability whatsoever.


The NT guys are always preaching that we should learn from their mistakes and that what happens to them will happen to us.


While I agree that we're in for a rough ride, there are some things that we have to do to as a collective group to try and not end up in the same boat.


Namely, we need to stay united across the entire membership base. I don't have the feeling that the RBB will dissect itself as we all have gathered with a common cause (unless Bay 57 never gets its own thread of course ;) ), but also ensure that the RBB maintain the support of the stands. If we do need to go down the road of fighting for our rights (more so than usual), than we will need to utilise all our members through ensuring they will join us in any displays of solidarity (ie boycotts, partitions etc). A perfect example of Melbourne's problems, is that the NT were left high and dry and the blue and white brigade offered their support for the new rules. Not exactly solidarity amongst the ranks and makes everything much harder to achieve an outcome when you're divided.


Ian and the crew do a fantastic job liaising with the club, police, community and of course giving us the final outcome in a nicely worded post which belies the effort and turmoil that most likely went into getting the outcome over the line. As much as we'd all like to help out in whatever way we can, the easiest way, as it has also been noted many times, as regular readers of this forum and knowing how we want to be seen as a collective group, we have a duty to encourage others to support our club in this manner and pull others into line as a group, not just one sole voice amongst the throngs. It seems cliched to say and it happens to a degree, such as the number of guys that tried to pull back that retard who cost us our Church St march, but with the current state of play, we need to be hyper vigilant.


I also like Gavo's idea of pulling formal numbers, but perceptions are a b****. But the more we back ourselves with tangibles that we can use as proof of our plight, the better.

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Look..its been argued about on here many times to the point where people tell each other to get ****`d and call others lame C&nts...but i really think if we piss of the flares..we give them nothing to run with...what else do we do wrong...sing, chant yell...I will hand my membership back tomorrow if the RBB go...I remember what that 20 minutes was like during the silent protest...I thought I was at a NRL game....thats not for me..People need to keep cool heads here..meaning us...give them nothing to crucify us with.....Long live the RBB...the most significant thing I feel to ever embrace the sports arena..

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Simple, fans rights. All of TA are active supporters of their various clubs as well.



hate page breaks....that's in reply to Llama.

benched i was in a PM conversation with someone that is part of TA and they made no mention of the group being gone.


This was a week or two ago

happened today.

I thought TA might be our only way to negotiate with the FFA, or more likely just get them to the table.


However I like this reaction more. Sends a clear message.


Anywhere I can get more details on all this benched?


check your pms.

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we have given up flares, can't help what individuals do.

As far as the media and authorities are concerned we are those individuals..all of us who wear red and black..This has been my point from the beginning....flares and singing about F#cking peoples mums, throwing glasses at restaurant patrons...they all wear red and black..this is whats seen...How do you and I separate ourselves from that stigma...wake the **** up to ourselves and smell the roses is how..I ask you all please do this , because the RBB is so very special and there are a few that will **** this up for everyone..and it will spread like cancer on the Wanderers..then it will all be over and the red neck NRL, AFL mob will have won, because we had our immature heads to far up our own asses...And Yes ive had one too many beers this afternoon and my head is a little sun burnt from being at the Wanderers launch today..where was everyone by the way..great support...

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It doesnt matter what we do, even of we eliminate flares they will find something else. This is the whole point of an agenda. They want to demonize us. What method they use can change. The end result is the same.


We Dont only need unity amongst our own fans but between fans.

We cant play the victim though..that just wont fly..WE ARE THE BENCHMARK..BE THAT, BE THE BEST,...We will all unit under a banner that is right...Please dont go down the path of self pity..

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We Dont only need unity amongst our own fans but between fans.


Agreed. Despite the general distaste for each other being rival fans, there is a mutual respect between at least ourselves and the Victory with what we want to achieve for the greater football cause in this country. Is there something we can organise as a show of solidarity for our common cause for their visit in November?

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Police "happy with the crowd behaviour at yesterdays NRL Grand Final with less than 30 ejections."


(Channel 10 News)

I would like to see the official stats regarding the GF..I doubt if that was all...including before and after events...conservative I think...

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It doesnt matter what we do, even of we eliminate flares they will find something else. This is the whole point of an agenda. They want to demonize us. What method they use can change. The end result is the same.

We Dont only need unity amongst our own fans but between fans.


We cant play the victim though..that just wont fly..WE ARE THE BENCHMARK..BE THAT, BE THE BEST,...We will all unit under a banner that is right...Please dont go down the path of self pity..

Agree and this is why the battle cannot just be fought in the stadium with boycotts or protests. You need to utilise other strategies to leverage. Get organised, get people who have connections, people versed in law and set up a fan alliance to protect the rights of fans much like the PFA protects the players.

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Benched - you and the boys involved did an honourable thing trying to get Australian active support going.


You have again done the honourable thing by canning TA, despite all the effort you put into it.


Respect brother.

Unfortunately, the writing was on the wall for TA when FFA refused to discuss HAL active support with us. We truly believed we could have been a platform for better relations for all active supporters. Unfortunately, FFA just don't understand active supporters. The very supporters they are shitting on are the same ones they want for TA. This latest episode was just the final nail in the coffin.

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We Dont only need unity amongst our own fans but between fans.


Agreed. Despite the general distaste for each other being rival fans, there is a mutual respect between at least ourselves and the Victory with what we want to achieve for the greater football cause in this country. Is there something we can organise as a show of solidarity for our common cause for their visit in November?


Are you serious....How about we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya, wearing Archie Thompson masks.... The mantra from The Western Suburbs of Sydney is... We look after our own....we have enough of our problems to sort out. **** Victory and **** NT, they can all wallow in their own excretement for all I care. I'm only worried about what happens to our team and my red & black brothers and sisters.

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