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Ray Hadley 2GB Sydney Derby coverage

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numbered seats won't work. i don't even know what my seat number is.


members only in the RBB is how i can see it going. and i would be all for that.

the whole rbb end must be members only no ga admission then so no one can take rbb seats.i was sitting near rbb and didnt enjoy seeing the blow ins ruining all that which you guys have created.


I did mention this in the other thread on Saturday night and I do hope these are considered for next season and beyond


>I reckon these needs to be considered.

- Bays 55-57 should only be for active support.


- Bays 55-57 should also be members only, if people want to be in the active support bays, they have to buy a membership, no ifs or buts about it. This should be the way not to have flogs in the active support area.


- When you sign up as a member in the active bay, you will have already agreed to be part of the active support by participating in songs and chants with RBB, if they choose not to participate their membership should be revoked and be re-sold via the club.


- People may not agree with this but we need to stop the flogs walking into the active support bay, to do this, anyone who wants to get into the active support bay, they must display their ticket/membership to the secco before entering, if they dont have the membership to the active support bay, they will be refused entry to there.


- In regards to the gates outside the stadium, Gate C is hard to get into, people are pushing and shoving to get in and there are only 3 turnstiles while there are a couple of thousands of people trying to get in through there, I know there is another gate outside the NT and I think it will be wise to have gate c only for members and the other gate for the fans who have bought tickets online or at the stadium.


nice needs to happen for next year,i remember mentioning something similar about numbered seats for rbb end would like a compromise pretty sure the club will have a end of year review to fix this up.


(Posted 19 January 2013 - 03:44 PM

simple solution been saying it for a while.all seats should be numbered eg. bay 56 all seats have a number and most sitting in that bay would have a membership and have a numbered seat so they know were they sit permanently.this should be for most parts of the ground.


so a numbered seats that match your membership then your garanteed your seat and no one can sit in your seat as its yours every week)

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i flicked over in a similar manner to yours, to see what was being said. to hear that the things that many people have worked so hard to acheive are being threatened by a few people is worrying. It doesnt matter what you think of him, we all think the same, the guy has had the Commissioner on his radio station promising to crack down on sokkah hooligans, threatening our march etc. to suggest that listening to what this moron has to say (& more importantly his guests in positions of power) is worse than what happened is missing the point.

Can you evidence this alleged suggestion? I'm damn sure I made no such thing.


I read it as you suggesting that people who tuned in to listen to what Hadley (like yourself) were as much an issue as those invloved in the ugly scenes caught on film. i apologise if i have misunderstood the nature of your post.

As much definitely. Worse no.

To clarify my position....

Certain elements of the media always have and always will be out to take shots at our sport, our club and our supporters wherever they can. As the radio broadcasters who paid vast sums to secure rights to NRL games, 2GB is such an element.

Fanning the flames of vitriolic garbage by tuning in to it is just as counter-productive as providing the initial spark.

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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 


Ray Hadley is a right wing, rugby league loving tool.  His listeners are mostly from his own parish.  He has zero credibility on most issues.

This. And also the fact that anyone who seriously listens to him and takes anything he says seriously is someone that would probably never come to an A-League match anyway


And this.

Although your idea is he has zero credibility the fact of the matter is within the click of his fingers whether you like it or not he has the police commissioner and premier of the state on the phone bringing this issue to light and they ARE the ones who can act and make things happen. He has links in high political places so him talking about this is a problem that is not as easily solved by ignoring him.


Politicians and the Commissioner are all about image.  Lip service is mostly what they afford Hadley and anyone else in the media for that matter.  


It's one big game.  

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.


You are spot on there.


Sure is!

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the people in the video throwing **** & that arnt in wanderers colours just blow in knobs have a good look.


that's the 3rd or 4th time i have seen you post this mate.....and it's not true.


i always wear colours, but there are plenty of good RBB guys who don't,


Yeah looks like an away jersey to me.


Any idea on who the bald guy with no shirt was?  I can't tell but it looked to me that he was trying to talk to the ppl in the restaurant at the end there.

name and shame them to find out who they are most likely not regular fans just the flogs you guys dont want at the club.not acceptable from a true wanderers fan if so.respect to the guys trying to stop them.


ray hadley effect is putting negativity on the club for his own ratings

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In the off season a lot of people need to have a deeper think about all this.


Both supporter groups need to think about the tone they are setting.


When you are pissing on a sydney fc scarf all day and walk outside and see a smurf off your head these things will happen.

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 Problem solved.


I'd also be up for card carrying paid RBB membership (in addition to club red/black season ticket). Show your RBB card for entry in to 55,56,57. The biggest and best active support groups around the world are very well organised and disciplined along these lines. Check out Torcida's website. They have their code of conduct and group rules published on their site, and they control who is in and who is not. Membership of these groups is seen as an honour, not a right. We should be the same. Want to be a member of the RBB? This is how we expect you to conduct yourself.

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...this isn't about him.  It's about the behaviour of our fans.  Is the behaviour acceptable?  If not, what can be done about it.

Possible scenarios:


One thing is there will be no more marches.

RBB will be disbanded.


All you will hear next season will be:


"Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!"

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why do you people listen to Hadley? He is biased and has no credibility.


Why do people listen to talkback at all... One sided garbage


This. There's absolutely no point to it because once somebody comes on and disagrees with Hadley he just cuts them off.


Had a listen to 7 minutes of highlights from his show this morning, just to see what all the fuss was about. In that 7 minutes of highlights we were said to be worse than outlaw bikie gangs and apparently we're going to start a full scale riot if we lose a semi lol

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F*ck Ray Hadley. If he had a brain he'd be downright dangerous. But... 100x more than Ray Hadley, F*CK EVERY DICKHEAD WHO WOULD DARE WEAR WANDERERS COLOUS AND ACT LIKE THIS!!




They are the school-yard bullies.

They are the guys who can't hold down a job but will blame the world instead.

They are the guys who will stare into a mirror all day looking buff, but cannot look into a mirror to see what a massive piece of sh*t they are.

They are the guys you hear about who bash their girlfriends and blame her behaviour for it.





They should be identified, reported to police and have the book thrown at them.


I guarantee the Oporto's flare incident was done by asswads like this.


Ian, vest me up again for the next march! I'm making it my mission to stop this sh*t from happening again. I know its a drop of water in the ocean, and in reality there's f*ck-all I could do on my own, but I cant handle seeing this sh*t anymore. It's bringing everything down and making dimwitted inbreds like Ray Hadley's job waaaay too easy.


Enough is enough - we need our clubs support. We need to pull together. Call in the cavalry.


First tifo's are banned. Next the march will be banned. Then the entire RBB. This simply MUST stop.




i'm sick of arguing with outsiders who think we are all hooligans

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.



Just seen the footage on 2gb and i can honestly say i'm disgusted as a WSW supporter. i'm no core RBB or anything like that, i do however sit in bay 55 and sing my lungs out every game. i agree with you PUP, the behaviour was appalling and unacceptable. This was my biggest fear come true, Idiots/floggins/ what ever you want to call them ruin it for the majority.


i feel sorry for you mate, pistol  ( just to name a few ) who were racing up and down on saturday cheering everyone on.


the future doesn't look bright!

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Irrespective of the fact that this report came from Jabba the Hutt, we shouldn't be dissuaded from dealing with this appropriately. We've all witnessed varying degrees of unpleasantness which for the better part of legal discretion, haven't been aired in public.


What is to be done? More marshalls? Reconsidering our no dobbing policy?


I don't know.

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Really the whole Northern terrace should be Active Support, Club and RBB membership.


This year has been great having little kids sitting in bay 53, being able to sing along but take a break to attend to kids bla, bla.


But that is me being selfish.


Having the entire north end as above is the only feasable way.

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First tifo's are banned. Next the march will be banned. Then the entire RBB. This simply MUST stop.


When you consider the display in the stadium, it's an easy touch for the stadium and police to say no to large banners.  I was sad for everyone on Friday given all the work put in.  Today I think the police and stadium were spot on.


It's well and good having a go at no-marks like Hadley, but if we give him nothing to go on in the first place, we're not going to have these disturbing discussions today.


Very disappointed with whoever these guys are.  There's no excuse for the behaviour.  None whatsoever.


If something like the march is banned because of this,  don't get angry or spiteful.  Sort the house out so crap like this is prevented.

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In the off season a lot of people need to have a deeper think about all this.


Both supporter groups need to think about the tone they are setting.


When you are pissing on a sydney fc scarf all day and walk outside and see a smurf off your head these things will happen.


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i flicked over in a similar manner to yours, to see what was being said. to hear that the things that many people have worked so hard to acheive are being threatened by a few people is worrying. It doesnt matter what you think of him, we all think the same, the guy has had the Commissioner on his radio station promising to crack down on sokkah hooligans, threatening our march etc. to suggest that listening to what this moron has to say (& more importantly his guests in positions of power) is worse than what happened is missing the point.

Can you evidence this alleged suggestion? I'm damn sure I made no such thing.


I read it as you suggesting that people who tuned in to listen to what Hadley (like yourself) were as much an issue as those invloved in the ugly scenes caught on film. i apologise if i have misunderstood the nature of your post.

As much definitely. Worse no.

To clarify my position....

Certain elements of the media always have and always will be out to take shots at our sport, our club and our supporters wherever they can. As the radio broadcasters who paid vast sums to secure rights to NRL games, 2GB is such an element.

Fanning the flames of vitriolic garbage by tuning in to it is just as counter-productive as providing the initial spark.

yeah i agree & understand this about aspects of MSM. His target audience, as already suggested, are probably not ever going to attend one match. to call in & try defend our position, i agree would just add fire, would him a chance rant again. i think we are on the same page.


However, if we wish to grow our supporter base & have more members, more families on halfway then we need to address these issues. if we want to remain a small, fanatical fanbase, fighting the police weekly then we dont address the issees & embrace the tag. im sure you agree?


either way, i dont mind.

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Guest Southy

How is it possible to disband a fan group ?


The only way I could this happening is if all the fans become disillusioned and stop contributing and don't go.


In time another group will form in its place, this is football and there is always people wanting to support the team actively.


Naming and shaming not something I would think the RBB would do the whole shoulder to shoulder thing ect


I would suggest if you know who the people are point them out to your leadership group and give them a friendly word in their ear. If they are flogs well deal with it how you will.


Edit: If the leadership group aren't big enough consider beefing it up, Self Policing doesn't have to be handing them over to the police either. Just ensuring the leadership group has a big enough presence to deal with this on the spot .




...this isn't about him.  It's about the behaviour of our fans.  Is the behaviour acceptable?  If not, what can be done about it.

Possible scenarios:


One thing is there will be no more marches.

RBB will be disbanded.


All you will hear next season will be:


"Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!"

Edited by Southy
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I mentioned somewhere else about being given enough rope by cops on the marches.


Well I fear we went and hung ourselves with that rope at the 11th hour no less.


Very dissapointing.


As mentioned above we have dealt with these things in an insular way (comments deleted from here, no filming etc AND that is understood completely), but

I think it needs a rethink. Because rightly or wrongly it isn't working.


We need to attend the weeds before the whole garden is farked.

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Do WE need a media release stating that we distance ourselves ENTIRELY from the actions of these idiots?? Send it direct to Ch7,9,10 and all radio stations.


Then if they ignore it we can say that statements were released which you chose to ignore. It would bring their creditability down. I'd be proud to put my name to such a release and circulate the sh*t out of it.

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Gents, whilst we are pissed off at Ray for being Rugby biased, the issue here is not RAY but what has happened. We must stop it from happening. We need to have a united front and if something does happen we need to be in a position to police it ourselves or be open to the fact  that there is a problem, no matter how small it is.


Too many young kids are **** taking this as an excuse to go mental and be stupid. I've seen it in Gosford with flares in the family section of the stadium. Some **** idiots set a flare on fire among parents and kids. These were so called WSW fans.


There must be proper communication from RBB to the media to advise that we do not support this sort of behaviour. We should use Dicko to promote the fact that these idiots are not the true WSW fans.


I was very pleased to see some of the RBB boys calming down the tension on Saturday night when that fan got ejected on the night. This is sort of resposne we need to have on our marches. How it gets done requries further braing storming, something that my brain can't cope with at the moment.


Anyhow, my suggestion is as follows:

* March to be done by RBB alone.

* TO be part of RBB (drink at Woolpack, walk to the stadium, sit in the bay) you must be accepted by RBB.

* Have a group of three or four leaders per group policing action of others. Have them wear different jackets / shirts / colours, something they can only wear and respect to be shown to these guys. If not, respected we kick the fans out of the march, ban them yourselves. 

* Have these groups placed strategically through the mob. You would need 20 to 30 guys to do this who can ensure that no stupidity is recorded.


Only once we can manage it will we get the respect we already deserve. We live in a city that is very much against Football and will do anything to discredit the game. Lets not give them the fuel they need.

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Do WE need a media release stating that we distance ourselves ENTIRELY from the actions of these idiots?? Send it direct to Ch7,9,10 and all radio stations.


Then if they ignore it we can say that statements were released which you chose to ignore. It would bring their creditability down. I'd be proud to put my name to such a release and circulate the sh*t out of it.


Not your concern, or anyones concern for that matter.


This is being discussed amongst the appropriate parties so we will leave it out.


Just a warning for anyone who thought of taking it upon themselves to talk to the media...


(not having a go SRSEN, just the perfect time to raise the point!)

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How is it possible to disband a fan group ?




The only way I could this happening is if all the fans become disillusioned and stop contributing and don't go.


In time another group will form in its place, this is football and there is always people wanting to support the team actively.




Naming and shaming not something I would think the RBB would do the whole shoulder to shoulder thing ect




I would suggest if you know who the people are point them out to your leadership group and give them a friendly word in their ear. If they are flogs well deal with it how you will.


Edit: If the leadership group are big enough consider beefing it up, Self Policing doesn't have to be handing them over to the police either. Just ensuring the leadership group has a big enough presence to deal with this on the spot . 


Mate I IN NO WAY stand Shoulder To Shoulder with those f*ckwits. They are not RBB.

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How is it possible to disband a fan group ?


The only way I could this happening is if all the fans become disillusioned and stop contributing and don't go.


In time another group will form in its place, this is football and there is always people wanting to support the team actively.


Naming and shaming not something I would think the RBB would do the whole shoulder to shoulder thing ect


I would suggest if you know who the people are point them out to your leadership group and give them a friendly word in their ear. If they are flogs well deal with it how you will.


Edit: If the leadership group aren't big enough consider beefing it up, Self Policing doesn't have to be handing them over to the police either. Just ensuring the leadership group has a big enough presence to deal with this on the spot .




...this isn't about him.  It's about the behaviour of our fans.  Is the behaviour acceptable?  If not, what can be done about it.

Possible scenarios:


One thing is there will be no more marches.

RBB will be disbanded.


All you will hear next season will be:


"Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!Wanderers! Clap! Clap!"




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Do WE need a media release stating that we distance ourselves ENTIRELY from the actions of these idiots?? Send it direct to Ch7,9,10 and all radio stations.


Then if they ignore it we can say that statements were released which you chose to ignore. It would bring their creditability down. I'd be proud to put my name to such a release and circulate the sh*t out of it.


Not your concern, or anyones concern for that matter.


This is being discussed amongst the appropriate parties so we will leave it out.


Just a warning for anyone who thought of taking it upon themselves to talk to the media...


(not having a go SRSEN, just the perfect time to raise the point!)


All good mate :) 100% agree with and get what you're saying :good:


Good thing to put out there coz lots of people, like myself, are seriously fired up after seeing the vision of the idiots and knowing what an impact it could have. I would NEVER take it upon myself to do anything like speak to media or anything though ay :)

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First of all I went to hit quote but collected the 'report' button.

I think I back tracked successfully .....   :ninja:


Anyway ...........


Your idea has tremendous merit.

But, I think though, we should arrange a 'chant/protest/sit in' whatever is the apt description for our home final that actually derides this behaviour. This is more the RBB's style.


Show the rest of the fans we do not want this behaviour.

Show the people who think its cool, that it actually is NOT cool.






Do WE need a media release stating that we distance ourselves ENTIRELY from the actions of these idiots?? Send it direct to Ch7,9,10 and all radio stations.


Then if they ignore it we can say that statements were released which you chose to ignore. It would bring their creditability down. I'd be proud to put my name to such a release and circulate the sh*t out of it.

Edited by WhoDoWeSingFor
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