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Ray Hadley 2GB Sydney Derby coverage

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.


  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.

Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.


sigh. why do we even bother




I have nothing to work with here.


Dude, the major leagues in Europe have separated from Flares to a large extent, look at the Bundesliga just recently with their 12:12 silent protests.


I haven't listened to Ray Hadley - barely ever do unless its a cast for the Rugby League.


- Its awesome that you're excited and passionate for the Wanderers on Saturday night - I just hope that you have this type of excitement for every match and its not just for Sydney FC (not bagging you out here - trust me)

- Bangning on Cafe Windows - dude, do you go around the street banging on people's windows because you saw it in a RBB march? So why would it be fine to do in a RBB March - its just a respect thing mate - its the small businesses that own that property or are leasing that property and I'm pretty sure they don't want it damaged.

- Walking on the road - this march was probably near impossible to have on the footpath, but respect should be given to Marshalls and the Police during this as there are people that aren't there for football that are enjoying Church Street.

- Some Security and some Police were poor - I agree. But the behaviour exhibited on Saturday night because some of the good security or good police were doing their job is ridiculous - I'd dare say 80% of the people could barely see what happened but were more than willing to ark up and shout 'ACAB'.

- You're right Ray Hadley is a loser but it doesn't excuse the behaviour of the few that ruin it for the many and the problem is that the few is now growing.


Unfortunately - its the above behaviour that has limited us access to Tifo's on game day and other rights we use to have,

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We must also remember that this is just the beginning.

This video will be all over the news stations tonight and the bad publicity is only going to get worse.

It'll be all over tomorrow's papers.

As big a ****wit as Hadley is (and he is), this will not go away quietly.

Geez I've got the shits about this. We have to all work together to rid the Wanderers of the ****wits that are undoing ALL the good work that has been done this season.



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theres always going to be problems but the main thing is we want the families and the children to come along and support football. There was many restaurants/cafes filled with both sides of fans and parramatta it was amazing to see that a derby football match can have this much passion. Youths with testoserone levels on the max and marching in a large crowd sometimes are gonna go beyond and act stupid and been caught on camera im sure they will get theirs sooner or later. There not welcomed in society period thats just being stupid and criminal.

If they wanna act hard they can travel on their own to an away match and have a beer by themselves in full wsw colours and wait till a few hundred of the opposing team walk past them, im sure these flog hards underwear will turn a shade or two brown.

The only thing i hate about this footage is why did this guy stop filming after that incident why did he not keep recording to see what happened after?? its very easy to record the bad but its not so easy to record and show the good of the wsw fans and that 99 percent of us dont condone this behaviour.

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Guest Southy

Why does it matter if two guys were eating along your march route ?


it was two people eating in a cafe to have 20-30 more people start throwing things at him, whilst he stood up for friendly banter throwing glasses at him is hardly called for.



I have had another friend tell me that there was a family eating in another cafe to have members of the march walk into the cafe throw the food in their face and chuck rubish on his wifes food. The people that witnessed this activity were borderline wanderers fans (friends of mark bridges family) Now don't want to follow the wanderers.



You need to face facts that people in the area are going to have food where ever you should continue with your march this type of stuff may see your march cancelled.




If you’re the big community club you say stop alienating yourselves and giving these idiots like ray Hadley ammunition.






Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?

Obviously not everyone knows the match route of the RBB. Heaven forbid someone supporting a local business if he did.

Call me cynical i think he knew
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I didnt listen to him, but still disgusted at the video. Problem is the media will have another field day

No, the problem is that because of the pulling power this particular media moron has;

1. Our march is in jeopardy of being completely shitcanned.

Hadley had the police commissioner on air saying how he disagreed with allowing us to lodge a form 1.


2. Police presence from the derby, which we all thought was excessive, will pale in comparison to what comes next.

Police commissioner again.


3. Everything we stood up for regarding transparency in the banning process will be shot down in flames.

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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.


i flicked over in a similar manner to yours, to see what was being said. to hear that the things that many people have worked so hard to acheive are being threatened by a few people is worrying. It doesnt matter what you think of him, we all think the same, the guy has had the Commissioner on his radio station promising to crack down on sokkah hooligans, threatening our march etc. to suggest that listening to what this moron has to say (& more importantly his guests in positions of power) is worse than what happened is missing the point.

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I really hope that SOME of that mob there causing issues, and throwing things are on this forum and read this, ill put in big bold letters for you. 

For the next game STAY HOME.


This is in no way a acceptable, we don't need YOU to give the west a worse name to the media then they already have.






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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.

I didn't listen to Ray Hadley.... I just watched the footage in this thread, and I don't like it... No to mention, that this is exactly what feeds f**kwitts like Ray Hadley... Whether we like it or not, this is the sort of thing will always bite us on the ass...

I saw the incident happen, I was just behind this group of **** wits... it was a disgrace and shameful.... but what isnt seen in the video is everyone who jumped up and stopped these ****wits and moved them on.


The **** wits should be castrated, but those who stepped should also be commended

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We know media will jump down footballs throat at every opportunity. Punch ups occur all the time - if it happens in football it is a national story.


We all know this.


But some of the behaviour last week was disgraceful. I wont go into detail here, but some things I saw were unnaceptable. It is a minority - ruining for everyone. 


The vast majority of fans were fantastic, but it is as fans out duty to protect the club and its image and that means weeding these idiots out. 

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I didnt listen to him, but still disgusted at the video. Problem is the media will have another field day

No, the problem is that because of the pulling power this particular media moron has;

1. Our march is in jeopardy of being completely shitcanned.

Hadley had the police commissioner on air saying how he disagreed with allowing us to lodge a form 1.


2. Police presence from the derby, which we all thought was excessive, will pale in comparison to what comes next.

Police commissioner again.


3. Everything we stood up for regarding transparency in the banning process will be shot down in flames.


Agreed. My intranet is flooded with this issue atm

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numbered seats won't work. i don't even know what my seat number is.


members only in the RBB is how i can see it going. and i would be all for that.

the whole rbb end must be members only no ga admission then so no one can take rbb seats.i was sitting near rbb and didnt enjoy seeing the blow ins ruining all that which you guys have created.


I did mention this in the other thread on Saturday night and I do hope these are considered for next season and beyond


I reckon these needs to be considered.

- Bays 55-57 should only be for active support.


- Bays 55-57 should also be members only, if people want to be in the active support bays, they have to buy a membership, no ifs or buts about it. This should be the way not to have flogs in the active support area.


- When you sign up as a member in the active bay, you will have already agreed to be part of the active support by participating in songs and chants with RBB, if they choose not to participate their membership should be revoked and be re-sold via the club.


- People may not agree with this but we need to stop the flogs walking into the active support bay, to do this, anyone who wants to get into the active support bay, they must display their ticket/membership to the secco before entering, if they dont have the membership to the active support bay, they will be refused entry to there.


- In regards to the gates outside the stadium, Gate C is hard to get into, people are pushing and shoving to get in and there are only 3 turnstiles while there are a couple of thousands of people trying to get in through there, I know there is another gate outside the NT and I think it will be wise to have gate c only for members and the other gate for the fans who have bought tickets online or at the stadium.

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Why does it matter if two guys were eating along your march route ?


it was two people eating in a cafe to have 20-30 more people start throwing things at him, whilst he stood up for friendly banter throwing glasses at him is hardly called for.



I have had another friend tell me that there was a family eating in another cafe to have members of the march walk into the cafe throw the food in their face and chuck rubish on his wifes food. The people that witnessed this activity were borderline wanderers fans (friends of mark bridges family) Now don't want to follow the wanderers.



You need to face facts that people in the area are going to have food where ever you should continue with your march this type of stuff may see your march cancelled.




If you’re the big community club you say stop alienating yourselves and giving these idiots like ray Hadley ammunition.






I never thought the day would come, but I agree with you.... Nothing good will come of this behaviour...


Hahaha... Thanks for the transparency too.

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Why does it matter if two guys were eating along your march route ?


it was two people eating in a cafe to have 20-30 more people start throwing things at him, whilst he stood up for friendly banter throwing glasses at him is hardly called for.



I have had another friend tell me that there was a family eating in another cafe to have members of the march walk into the cafe throw the food in their face and chuck rubish on his wifes food. The people that witnessed this activity were borderline wanderers fans (friends of mark bridges family) Now don't want to follow the wanderers.



You need to face facts that people in the area are going to have food where ever you should continue with your march this type of stuff may see your march cancelled.




If you’re the big community club you say stop alienating yourselves and giving these idiots like ray Hadley ammunition.






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Will be talking to Mike Cockerill tonight and he has some interesting to say about Hadley and RBB.

I hope you are aware that the RBB have designated spokespeople and ANY media request should be passed on to the moderators of this forum to then pass on to said spokespeople to deal with.



Agreed. My intranet is flooded with this issue atm

I can only imagine.


i flicked over in a similar manner to yours, to see what was being said. to hear that the things that many people have worked so hard to acheive are being threatened by a few people is worrying. It doesnt matter what you think of him, we all think the same, the guy has had the Commissioner on his radio station promising to crack down on sokkah hooligans, threatening our march etc. to suggest that listening to what this moron has to say (& more importantly his guests in positions of power) is worse than what happened is missing the point.

Can you evidence this alleged suggestion? I'm damn sure I made no such thing.

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Guest mickisnot

Mate, there's a lot of work the RBB do that you don't know of. They work with the council/community and police to keep this away from the game.

The Wellington/sydney FC protest has lost credibility because of the minority.


If I took my family out to an away game, I would not want to expierience this ****.


There's lots of work I don't know of, but I understand that it does in fact exist. I've worked in other organistions, I'm not ignorant to the process.


Ray Hadley is a paid NRL commentator, and just an all round loser. He seems to just point out human behaviour in such negative light, that people actually believe it's a wide spread problem. I've seen pre-game NRL fights and post-game NRL fights, but why is it when it happens at the football matches is it so bad?


Went to the Tigers vs. Parra game just the other week, zero atmosphere, was bored for the most part.

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Mate, there's a lot of work the RBB do that you don't know of. They work with the council/community and police to keep this away from the game.

The Wellington/sydney FC protest has lost credibility because of the minority.


If I took my family out to an away game, I would not want to expierience this ****.


There's lots of work I don't know of, but I understand that it does in fact exist. I've worked in other organistions, I'm not ignorant to the process.


Ray Hadley is a paid NRL commentator, and just an all round loser. He seems to just point out human behaviour in such negative light, that people actually believe it's a wide spread problem. I've seen pre-game NRL fights and post-game NRL fights, but why is it when it happens at the football matches is it so bad?


Went to the Tigers vs. Parra game just the other week, zero atmosphere, was bored for the most part.


To be honest, IMO, Hadley has nothing to do with this... The behaviour in the footage is f**ked, end of story.

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That whole thing could of been avoided if church st had been closed, and people were kept off the foot path. Everyone knew it was a big game, big rivalry and things could escalate quickly. How hard is it for the police and all authority to be proactive instead of being reactive and overzealous after crap happens.


If people think and expect other people to be able to self police and for drunk fans to have self control in situations like these then you have no idea about society and live in a bubble. Go take a walk in the city on a Saturday night and you'll see things 1000x worse than this. The point is the rbb and supporters need to be worked with not against but the people at the top are too thick headed to realise it. Go take a look at how things work in Europe and South America where rivalries are 10x worse. The thing is here supporter groups aren't respected as much so people think they can come in act like king **** and do whatever they like.

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the people in the video throwing **** & that arnt in wanderers colours just blow in knobs have a good look.


i have a 10minute video i made of the march which is in good spirits put im not going to bother posting it as it maybe taken out of context and used as ammo for biased media outlets like ray hadley,its a shame that ray hadley can use his position to attack an a-league club as apposed to using his power to tackle bing drinking/drugs and city night club,crime,nsw government corruption, were worse things happen.


anyone else with march videos dont post on youtube/etc as will be used as ammo for biased nrl media


however some of those people should be held accountable for there actions in the march and publicly shamed.make an example of them to deter thugs from joining the march 

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I am a host of the show soccer stoppage time we are big supporters of the Wanderers, we do everything to promote our team. Listen to show tonight and give us a call.

i think Chubba is a DJ or something Kop, not just talking about the RBB.


i recall him saying something about hosting a radio show.

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This is getting out of hand, too many people want to talk about this crap to the media and broadcast it without knowing or understanding what we might want to say.


Even people who write in for feedback to shows like Hadley's aren't necessarily doing anyone a favour as they're fueling the fire.


I also hope that the people who sent those videos in were not Wanderers supporters. The only ammo that Hadley had was those two videos and people writing in to him giving him opportunities to pick and choose which part of emails he reads out.


We have people who represent us to the media, and they should be the only ones talking to anyone else about this stuff.


It's just too easy for the media to manipulate and take out of context anything people could say, or for people to unintentionally mis represent the RBB

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Guest mickisnot

Dude, the major leagues in Europe have separated from Flares to a large extent, look at the Bundesliga just recently with their 12:12 silent protests.


I haven't listened to Ray Hadley - barely ever do unless its a cast for the Rugby League.


- Its awesome that you're excited and passionate for the Wanderers on Saturday night - I just hope that you have this type of excitement for every match and its not just for Sydney FC (not bagging you out here - trust me)

- Bangning on Cafe Windows - dude, do you go around the street banging on people's windows because you saw it in a RBB march? So why would it be fine to do in a RBB March - its just a respect thing mate - its the small businesses that own that property or are leasing that property and I'm pretty sure they don't want it damaged.

- Walking on the road - this march was probably near impossible to have on the footpath, but respect should be given to Marshalls and the Police during this as there are people that aren't there for football that are enjoying Church Street.

- Some Security and some Police were poor - I agree. But the behaviour exhibited on Saturday night because some of the good security or good police were doing their job is ridiculous - I'd dare say 80% of the people could barely see what happened but were more than willing to ark up and shout 'ACAB'.

- You're right Ray Hadley is a loser but it doesn't excuse the behaviour of the few that ruin it for the many and the problem is that the few is now growing.


Unfortunately - its the above behaviour that has limited us access to Tifo's on game day and other rights we use to have,


I don't know whether or not I'm arguing against you guys or I'm arguing against the system sometimes.


When my mum used to organise protests for national wildlife reserves, she would talk about "Rent A Crowd", she used to say that if people catch wind of a march you would just have tag alongs that just wanted to loot.


I think I'm asking the wrong questions in this thread. Because when you say it was near impossible to have it on the footpath, I say why? I've seen so many marches along Church Street Parramatta, why can't we have one? Probably not the questions for this thread.


Either way, I really enjoyed this season, I seemed to miss out on all the negativity! Even when Channel 9 and 7 were just telling us all about the massive fights and violence at the games I attended at the start of the season, I seemed to miss out on them. Didn't see them, and I feel the same way about this Ray Hadley rant, just more negative media.

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the people in the video throwing **** & that arnt in wanderers colours just blow in knobs have a good look.


that's the 3rd or 4th time i have seen you post this mate.....and it's not true.


i always wear colours, but there are plenty of good RBB guys who don't,

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i flicked over in a similar manner to yours, to see what was being said. to hear that the things that many people have worked so hard to acheive are being threatened by a few people is worrying. It doesnt matter what you think of him, we all think the same, the guy has had the Commissioner on his radio station promising to crack down on sokkah hooligans, threatening our march etc. to suggest that listening to what this moron has to say (& more importantly his guests in positions of power) is worse than what happened is missing the point.

Can you evidence this alleged suggestion? I'm damn sure I made no such thing.


I read it as you suggesting that people who tuned in to listen to what Hadley (like yourself) were as much an issue as those invloved in the ugly scenes caught on film. i apologise if i have misunderstood the nature of your post.

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the people in the video throwing **** & that arnt in wanderers colours just blow in knobs have a good look.


that's the 3rd or 4th time i have seen you post this mate.....and it's not true.


i always wear colours, but there are plenty of good RBB guys who don't,


Yeah looks like an away jersey to me.


Any idea on who the bald guy with no shirt was?  I can't tell but it looked to me that he was trying to talk to the ppl in the restaurant at the end there.

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In terms of securities treatment of the bloke who landed on the field..it was utterly disgusting. The guy fell off the fence onto the field and would of jumped right back over it and back to his seat until cops got a hold of him.





And this is where you lose me buddy, mainly because you ignore the whole picture.


How he got on the field is one thing and I have no problem accepting that it might of been as accidental as you describe it.  


However, how he carried on thereafter was the talk of the stands and was not a good look.  I thought I saw him spit and attempt to headbutt the security and police officers once they got a hold of him.  Why the hell didn't he just go with them and explain what happened?  Any chance he had of neutralising the situation is now surely all but gone.  

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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 


Ray Hadley is a right wing, rugby league loving tool.  His listeners are mostly from his own parish.  He has zero credibility on most issues.

This. And also the fact that anyone who seriously listens to him and takes anything he says seriously is someone that would probably never come to an A-League match anyway


And this.

Although your idea is he has zero credibility the fact of the matter is within the click of his fingers whether you like it or not he has the police commissioner and premier of the state on the phone bringing this issue to light and they ARE the ones who can act and make things happen. He has links in high political places so him talking about this is a problem that is not as easily solved by ignoring him.

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F*ck Ray Hadley. If he had a brain he'd be downright dangerous. But... 100x more than Ray Hadley, F*CK EVERY DICKHEAD WHO WOULD DARE WEAR WANDERERS COLOUS AND ACT LIKE THIS!!




They are the school-yard bullies.

They are the guys who can't hold down a job but will blame the world instead.

They are the guys who will stare into a mirror all day looking buff, but cannot look into a mirror to see what a massive piece of sh*t they are.

They are the guys you hear about who bash their girlfriends and blame her behaviour for it.





They should be identified, reported to police and have the book thrown at them.


I guarantee the Oporto's flare incident was done by asswads like this.


Ian, vest me up again for the next march! I'm making it my mission to stop this sh*t from happening again. I know its a drop of water in the ocean, and in reality there's f*ck-all I could do on my own, but I cant handle seeing this sh*t anymore. It's bringing everything down and making dimwitted inbreds like Ray Hadley's job waaaay too easy.


Enough is enough - we need our clubs support. We need to pull together. Call in the cavalry.


First tifo's are banned. Next the march will be banned. Then the entire RBB. This simply MUST stop.

Edited by srsen
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