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Ray Hadley 2GB Sydney Derby coverage

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 I agree..PASSION IS NOT A CRIME...but using passion as an excuse to be a dick head is just wrong.




For the march at the home final, I will marshall again and I think I may see if its ok to marshall within the march, ESPECIALLY when we walk past people eating t restaurants, and extra especially that restaurant after Church St bridge. I heard there was trouble there this weekend. Which is just so stupid.


you know what the derby dickhead flogs reminded me of?? The Bulldogs fans of mid 2000's. Im a Dogs fan so know what im talkin bout here - its the EXACT same dickhead mentality

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i saw three little farkwits taking receipt roles adn some other stuff out of there pockets and throwing them through the fence just before the security at gate c before the game (in that massive line lol) and straight away went and grabed one of the cops and pointed it out to them and had them confescate all the ****. call me a dog or a rat but i will not have some little ******* hoodlems bad name or contaminate the image of our great club. note if i see anyone with that **** i will either kick the **** out of you or if police are present i will not hesitate to inform them of what is intended. i knoiw these kids probablly arnt on these forums but just thought i would infom everyone of how some of the **** gets in. so please if you enter the stadium via the north end entrances and you see anything on the ground on the other side of the gates that shouldnt be there please point it out to anyone with authority ie police capos or core mebers

end rant... 

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Some people are just dicks though and deserve to be batonbashed by riot squad.

I don't understand all these farkwits that feel the need to rub old pensioners heads that are at a bus stop during the march - can you imagine how intimidating that is for them?

Also, why do these same farkwits feel the need to bash the plastic walls of all the cafes they walk past and hit every bus window because someone inside may have been a SFC fan.

These idiots just accentuate the whole hooligan image. Its like as soon as they are in a large group of people on match day they feel its ok to be farkwits and karnts.

Probably the same dicks that try and get people singing pre and post game in the street and are captain flogs in the stadium.

edit: typed this at same time as boban, and it seems we are talking about the same kinds of people

^^^this! A mate of mine manages a restaurant along the march route and was absolutely filthy! Parra council got behind the Wanderers all week, draping the city Red & Black and encouraging the local businesses to do the same. The place was a buzz and all the local cafe's and restaurants were reaping the rewards until the march when a select few felt the need to behave like absolute tools in front of patrons (who were there spending money in our local economy) Why **** in our own backyard?

What happened to his restaurant??


Anyway there is nothing we can do about these baboons and that's the whole problem. If you confront them, you get threatened. Stand your ground and you'll soon be on it. These people are the results of success. Sad but true. I still cant get over the unmentionable inside Oportos....... so so bad. And I never saw the pensioner thing mentioned by Erebus, but if I had I would've got my knocked out. COz there would be no way I wouldn't have said something. These pricks are a blight and the wuicker they grow up or **** off forever the better. Boils my blood

I'll rather not say it on the forum as I think it just gives the likes of Ray Hadley and ch. 9 ammunition to tar all of us with the same brush. I'll PM you

smart. good man :good:  :good:  :good:

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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 

Edited by PaulyAi
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Our fans need to behave because we r going to kill this club


i was at a church st cafe on saturday, with my family. when the march went past me and my 4yo got up and watched it go by, joined in some chants and generally enjoyed ourselves.  There was no trouble at all were we where, just opposite of one world sports.


in fact, the only trouble we had was getting the little one back into the cafe to finish dinner, she didnt want to leave the march.


Hadley is obviously protecting his patch, his aging listeners and league fans wont ever want anything to do with us anyway.

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The smokie in oporto was ****ed, whoever did that deserves to have their ****ing balls cut off, how stupid and inconsiderate can you be? I hope they have CCTV footage and they wind up getting raped in gaol for the next 5 years by a large tattooed man with a penchant for sharing heroin needles. I seriously wish that upon you you stupid ****. 


I didn't care so much about the flares at the game (even though inhaling all that smoke made me spew after the game... but I knew it may happen where I was standing so I can't blame anyone for that). But seeing about ten dudes beat up one other guy was something I hoped I'd never see in the RBB, and hey, it's not even the end of the first season. The only case in which that's really okay is if that one bloke murdered your mother or something. Otherwise you're probably just a group of dickheads. 


Everyones talking about flogs and blowins in bay 56? There were more people acting like 'flogs' down the front of the bay than throughout it. I'm going to assume for my own sanity that these people were in fact people who aren't there every week, but they know who they are. 


Edit: It wouldn't be fair to write all that without offering a few positive notes


- WSSKIN putting his arse on the line to stop the bottle throwing should be commended with a medal. As soon as it happened I thought '****... hes gonna get arrested' but he had a talk to the good cop and it was all good.


- From everyone OUTSIDE the RBB, the reports are all that the atmosphere was electric. This includes Jim Wilson on Sunrise this morning, he said other codes could learn from us and they showed footage of the RBB going off after Cole's goal (no smokies in sight of course) saying how awesome the support is. 


- There were FAR less sky blue shirts throughout parramatta stadium as there were in the first derby there. On tele there was a distinct blue section and a distinct red section, with hardly any sky blue throughout it. Looked like a true european stadium atmosphere and although I haven't experienced football over there, I imagine it felt a lot like it too. 

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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 


Ray Hadley is a right wing, rugby league loving tool.  His listeners are mostly from his own parish.  He has zero credibility on most issues.

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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 


Ray Hadley is a right wing, rugby league loving tool.  His listeners are mostly from his own parish.  He has zero credibility on most issues.

This. And also the fact that anyone who seriously listens to him and takes anything he says seriously is someone that would probably never come to an A-League match anyway

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2GB just paid a fortune for the nrl radio rights so they will be biased views... plus haddleys a muppet, I wouldnt be paying to much attention to anything he says


the march was the worst this year in terms of people being f*ckwits.


i'm surprised it's taken this long for stuff to come out.

Edited by Pup
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2Gb and hadley have alot of  pull around these issues and political persuasiveness. Any negative media is a worry, id say more so when its someone like 2gb V another station.


But agree ive heard his in for a rough few months.. 


Ray Hadley is a right wing, rugby league loving tool.  His listeners are mostly from his own parish.  He has zero credibility on most issues.

This. And also the fact that anyone who seriously listens to him and takes anything he says seriously is someone that would probably never come to an A-League match anyway


And this.

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hadley is a nrl grub and doesnt know **** about soccer will say anything for ratings.bombard the dog with phone calls explaining how 3 out of 19500 fans were arrested as opposed to the violent events around the streets of sydney over the weekend.


nrl drug cheats wanker perhaps he should be talking how kids must watch a nrl match on tv and have to put up with knobs like tom waterhouse shoving gambling down families throats.telling them before/half time and after the game to put bets on.disgracefull nrl put a bet on it

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2GB just paid a fortune for the nrl radio rights so they will be biased views... plus haddleys a muppet, I wouldnt be paying to much attention to anything he says


the march was the worst this year in terms of people being f*ckwits.


i'm surprised it's taken this long for stuff to come out.



and im really surprised that its a NRL rights holder that has blown it up  </end sarcasm>

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hadley is a nrl grub and doesnt know **** about soccer will say anything for ratings.bombard the dog with phone calls explaining how 3 out of 19500 fans were arrested as opposed to the violent events around the streets of sydney over the weekend.


nrl drug cheats wanker perhaps he should be talking how kids must watch a nrl match on tv and have to put up with knobs like tom waterhouse shoving gambling down families throats.telling them before/half time and after the game to put bets on.disgracefull nrl put a bet on it

Or better yet just ignore him. Hadley is nothing but a troll and doesn't deserve to be acknowledged. All you do by ringing up is giving him exactly what he wants.

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2GB just paid a fortune for the nrl radio rights so they will be biased views... plus haddleys a muppet, I wouldnt be paying to much attention to anything he says

the march was the worst this year in terms of people being f*ckwits.


i'm surprised it's taken this long for stuff to come out.

Pup I agree some of the behaviour on saturday night was disgraceful, both during the march and in the stadium... my point was that haddley and 2gb only talk about the a league negatively, dont hold your breath waiting for a positve story from them

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2GB just paid a fortune for the nrl radio rights so they will be biased views... plus haddleys a muppet, I wouldnt be paying to much attention to anything he says


the march was the worst this year in terms of people being f*ckwits.


i'm surprised it's taken this long for stuff to come out.


For the most part Pup, I agree with you about our tools (who need a swift kick up the arse in some form).


But Hadley is a man without balance in any way, shape or form.  My issue is with him as a person and his personal agenda against anything does not fit in with his personal preferences.  

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there is one way to solve the issues on the marches.

and this is to ***** CLOSE CHURCH STREET FOR 15MINS.


when are they going to realise this?

i saw three little farkwits taking receipt roles adn some other stuff out of there pockets and throwing them through the fence just before the security at gate c before the game (in that massive line lol) and straight away went and grabed one of the cops and pointed it out to them and had them confescate all the ****. call me a dog or a rat but i will not have some little ****ing hoodlems bad name or contaminate the image of our great club. note if i see anyone with that **** i will either kick the **** out of you or if police are present i will not hesitate to inform them of what is intended. i knoiw these kids probablly arnt on these forums but just thought i would infom everyone of how some of the **** gets in. so please if you enter the stadium via the north end entrances and you see anything on the ground on the other side of the gates that shouldnt be there please point it out to anyone with authority ie police capos or core mebers

end rant... 

its only a reciept roll. it adds to the atmosphere.

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.


You are spot on there.

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Ah of course it is the media bias (and flogs) to blame.


When are we gunna wake up and see what is going on here?  The guy who has given his video to 2GB is an ex copper....to the general public that spells credibility.  The video and the eye witness account shows our fans kicking and punching the weatherproof "tent" they are sitting in.  It shows fans throwing at least one glass from a table at the SFC fan in the restaurant.  The eye witness is reporting ppl were spitting into the restaurant at the bloke.  He did nothing hut stand up and acknowledge the fans when they started heckling him.  So which person here wants to say that behavious is acceptable?

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Hadley is a goose. We know this. But we got to take it in balance. They'll blow anything out of proportion, but as well we got to take responsibility for the one or two that get carried away and move them on. 

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.


You are spot on there.

Well said Pup.

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We still have issues to work out but off course Ray Hadley will blow it up out of all proportion. I urge those who are on the march to Intervene when you see something thats not welcome.

Please dont bang on the shopkeepers windows and doors as you go past. Be friendly and open to diners and patrons especially with kids present. I would much prefer you give a high five or ask a kid " who do u sing for". They love it and its so much better for our club. Just show some common sense because I love going on the march and I want it to continue.

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Hadley is a goose. We know this. But we got to take it in balance. They'll blow anything out of proportion, but as well we got to take responsibility for the one or two that get carried away and move them on. 


Sorry mate but which part of this incident is blown out of proportion?  One or two idiots is not what we all saw on Sautrday night.  We can keep on lying to ourselves and blaming everyone else but it's not true and we are seriously deluded.

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