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Ray Hadley 2GB Sydney Derby coverage

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Remember back at the very start of the season when we were campaigning to march on the street due to large numbers? Remember when the cops told us to **** off because it'd be safer on the footpath?


****ing tools. This behaviour is ridiculous but could've easily been handled if the police would give us some more cooperation rather than treating everything we try to do as criminal.


Yea...go shove thousands of people onto a footpath in between local businesses and tell us it's a much safer route to take then just closing down church street for 15 minutes. How can you get any dumber?


And you know what sucks worse is that they probably won't cop any of the blame at all. Those cops who are meant to be there for the safety of the public and the safety of the march.


Its true that these ****tards have no place in the RBB, but some of you need to stop listening to this media garbage, and start realising that it will never stop. Ever. We will always cop **** from the media, videos will always surface of random wanderers fans doing dumb ****. You guys are quick to jump on the forums and tell us to handle it yet you've got barely a clue as to what it takes to control this many people. "Something needs to be done" yadda yadda. Tell the cops to drop the bullshit and close the road for us and maybe you'll stop seeing wanderers fans banging on signs and windows.


It's a heavily passionate march with alot of alcohol. The same thing happens at any event with huge numbers a huge alcohol supply. It isnt just us, it isn't just the RBB. So stop with this self loathing and put your energy into helping us be better and helping us fight the over-the-top cops and seccies. Like the seccy at parra stadium who punched a 57 year old in the face, broke his nose, then dissapeared.


Or the 7 or so seccies + cops who got what was coming to them when they jumped on an rbb member who fell off the capo stand and onto the field accidentally.


Stop coming on here and throwing **** at the rbb when you very well know these clows are not rbb. It was derby day, this **** happens and will keep happening. In seasons to come these pricks will dissapear and we'll be left with the people who'll carry this on for years to come.


**** incident, but stop buying into this media bullcrap. For ****s sake, you'd think by now that some of you would realise that the media will jump on anything tasty. Just live with it, focus on the positive and move the **** on before coming on here and telling us we need to do things better.


And the flares? Well, it also seems alot of you dance around phones out having a ****ing blast in the terrace when they go off. Then act all **** righteous afterwards. Get over it.



I don't know where to start with this because the whole post is a collection of contradictions.  


1. Firstly, we marched on the road.  That didn't stop the incidents that every reasonable person considers unacceptable.  


2. We have too many people like you that want to blame the cops for everything.  The safety of the marchers was never in issue, so why would you even raise it other than to have a go at the police. 


3. Why blame the police for idiots banging on shop windows and then excuse it by raising the use of alcohol as some sort of mitigating circumstance.  Of course it was the cop's fault.


4. How did the seccos and police get what was coming to them when your mate 'accidently fell' onto the field, wandered about, resisted the seccos, then the police, then spat at them and tried to head butt them.  Of course we know that he had no time to jump back over the fence and this was all the seccos and copper's fault.  But he is OK because he is RBB.  


5. However you say "Stop coming on here and throwing **** at the rbb when you very well know these clows are not rbb".  You can't have it both ways mate.  Anyone who sits in your section is RBB as far as everyone else is concerned.  Whether they are your mates or not is irrelevant.  But I guess if they were your mates, then they would be RBB and of course it would be the copper's fault for not controlling his intake of alcohol or whatever else he took that day.


6. On the flares, well quite obviously, you and your attitude are part of the problem.  You are a part of the RBB from the early days and you condone them.  


Stop making excuses Stabtag.  The seccos and cops are not the reason for the **** we see.  Like I said before, they have their issues, but you seem intent to blame them for everything.  Why don't you tell me how your mate who accidently fell on the field is a another innocent victim.





- Us spilling out onto the road was not something that was planned. The authorities have never allowed us to walk church street, so its obvious that our spillage onto the road just cements the fact that we should not be on the footpath in the first place.


- Im not blaming the cops for everything, but you've got to be incredibly naive if your to tell me that if they would've just listened to our requests to march on the road since the start of the season, well then maybe we wouldn't have retards crammed onto a 2m wide footpath eh? There's no shops signs or windows on the road mate. There's no families eating diner 30cm away on the road mate. At the beginning of the season when working out the march with the cops we did everything in our power to try to get ourselves on the road, because its obvious that our numbers (even back then) are too great to pack onto the footpath. We did that because we aren't stupid, and contrary to what you believe about my "rbb ruining mentality", we did that for the good of the rbb, march and fans in general. So yea, i blame the cops for dumb **** like this happening. No **** doubt.


- Seccos and police took it too far when he fell onto the field. Why not let a bloke get back up jump back over the fence and continue supporting? Not sure why a man needs to be restrained for that, sure he got pissed and went at them, but with the bullshit we've seen from them i don't blame them. Like i said, go have someone tell you about the bloke who got his nose broken by a seccy. By all means, go off and defend them all you like after it if you still feel like they're being reasonable.


- Apologies boban but this is the first time that i disagree with almost everything you've said in your reply. My mates? You think im defending people because they are my close buddies? Mate i probably dont know half the chaps, dont even know the name of the bloke who fell in the field. They dont have to be my mates for me to defend what i feel is unjust. But obviously these guys arent YOUR mates, so you could barely give a stuff huh. It goes both ways.


- I am very sorry you don't like the flares. Please join the rest of them in complaining then lose your **** on game days when it looks spectacular and even the media are giving us praise.

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Remember back at the very start of the season when we were campaigning to march on the street due to large numbers? Remember when the cops told us to **** off because it'd be safer on the footpath?


****ing tools. This behaviour is ridiculous but could've easily been handled if the police would give us some more cooperation rather than treating everything we try to do as criminal.


Yea...go shove thousands of people onto a footpath in between local businesses and tell us it's a much safer route to take then just closing down church street for 15 minutes. How can you get any dumber?


And you know what sucks worse is that they probably won't cop any of the blame at all. Those cops who are meant to be there for the safety of the public and the safety of the march.


Its true that these ****tards have no place in the RBB, but some of you need to stop listening to this media garbage, and start realising that it will never stop. Ever. We will always cop **** from the media, videos will always surface of random wanderers fans doing dumb ****. You guys are quick to jump on the forums and tell us to handle it yet you've got barely a clue as to what it takes to control this many people. "Something needs to be done" yadda yadda. Tell the cops to drop the bullshit and close the road for us and maybe you'll stop seeing wanderers fans banging on signs and windows.


It's a heavily passionate march with alot of alcohol. The same thing happens at any event with huge numbers a huge alcohol supply. It isnt just us, it isn't just the RBB. So stop with this self loathing and put your energy into helping us be better and helping us fight the over-the-top cops and seccies. Like the seccy at parra stadium who punched a 57 year old in the face, broke his nose, then dissapeared.


Or the 7 or so seccies + cops who got what was coming to them when they jumped on an rbb member who fell off the capo stand and onto the field accidentally.


Stop coming on here and throwing **** at the rbb when you very well know these clows are not rbb. It was derby day, this **** happens and will keep happening. In seasons to come these pricks will dissapear and we'll be left with the people who'll carry this on for years to come.


**** incident, but stop buying into this media bullcrap. For ****s sake, you'd think by now that some of you would realise that the media will jump on anything tasty. Just live with it, focus on the positive and move the **** on before coming on here and telling us we need to do things better.


And the flares? Well, it also seems alot of you dance around phones out having a ****ing blast in the terrace when they go off. Then act all **** righteous afterwards. Get over it.

Perfect post. Pretty much what I tried to say earlier but much better put forward, agree with everything. It's easy to sit outside looking in and when something like this happens coming here and telling us how the rbb needs to fix itself and something needs to be done etc etc but these people don't offer anything on trying to actually fix the situation. 

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Remember back at the very start of the season when we were campaigning to march on the street due to large numbers? Remember when the cops told us to **** off because it'd be safer on the footpath?


****ing tools. This behaviour is ridiculous but could've easily been handled if the police would give us some more cooperation rather than treating everything we try to do as criminal.


Yea...go shove thousands of people onto a footpath in between local businesses and tell us it's a much safer route to take then just closing down church street for 15 minutes. How can you get any dumber?


And you know what sucks worse is that they probably won't cop any of the blame at all. Those cops who are meant to be there for the safety of the public and the safety of the march.


Its true that these ****tards have no place in the RBB, but some of you need to stop listening to this media garbage, and start realising that it will never stop. Ever. We will always cop **** from the media, videos will always surface of random wanderers fans doing dumb ****. You guys are quick to jump on the forums and tell us to handle it yet you've got barely a clue as to what it takes to control this many people. "Something needs to be done" yadda yadda. Tell the cops to drop the bullshit and close the road for us and maybe you'll stop seeing wanderers fans banging on signs and windows.


It's a heavily passionate march with alot of alcohol. The same thing happens at any event with huge numbers a huge alcohol supply. It isnt just us, it isn't just the RBB. So stop with this self loathing and put your energy into helping us be better and helping us fight the over-the-top cops and seccies. Like the seccy at parra stadium who punched a 57 year old in the face, broke his nose, then dissapeared.


Or the 7 or so seccies + cops who got what was coming to them when they jumped on an rbb member who fell off the capo stand and onto the field accidentally.


Stop coming on here and throwing **** at the rbb when you very well know these clows are not rbb. It was derby day, this **** happens and will keep happening. In seasons to come these pricks will dissapear and we'll be left with the people who'll carry this on for years to come.


**** incident, but stop buying into this media bullcrap. For ****s sake, you'd think by now that some of you would realise that the media will jump on anything tasty. Just live with it, focus on the positive and move the **** on before coming on here and telling us we need to do things better.


And the flares? Well, it also seems alot of you dance around phones out having a ****ing blast in the terrace when they go off. Then act all **** righteous afterwards. Get over it.

Perfect post. Pretty much what I tried to say earlier but much better put forward, agree with everything. It's easy to sit outside looking in and when something like this happens coming here and telling us how the rbb needs to fix itself and something needs to be done etc etc but these people don't offer anything on trying to actually fix the situation. 


When the mindset is, we don't have a problem, it is thew flogs, cops, seccos, clubs fault then what sort of advice can be offered.  People won't be willing to do anything to chanbge if they don't see the need to change.

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Too much booze.

Exactly. This is a social problem, not a Western Sydney Wanderers or "soccer" problem. Had these boys not been intoxicated the situation would have been very different. Shouting and banging definitely,glass throwing? Hardley (ha similar word to Hadley).


Hadley's favourite phrase when people used to ring the sports shows to have a quick chat about soccer. "Mate I don't wanna hear about it, get back to your nil all draws, bye"

Let's not forget how Hadley used to give AFL a pounding but the year he lost the rights to call NRL there he was like the dog he is commentating a Swans match.

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Apparently will be something on Channel 7 tonight.


They will mention how (insert number) of people were injured, (insert number)were arrested and then go on about how we will do the same next week in Newcastle, Newcastle people better watch out.

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- I am very sorry you don't like the flares. Please join the rest of them in complaining then lose your **** on game days when it looks spectacular and even the media are giving us praise.

Look, if you speak on behalf of the RBB, then why do you condone the use of flares? Can I remind you of the RBB's official stance:


Flares and Incendiary Devices:

*The supporters group does not condone the use of flares, smoke bombs or other incendiary devices. Anyone who lights an incendiary devices does so on their own initiative. Anyone who uses an incendiary devices must take personal responsibility for his or her actions if they subsequently suffer consequences for lighting it.

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boban if u have an issue with me...feel free to confront me in person


I have been diligent in my dealings all season round


like stabs - i dont even know who the bloke was who fell on the field. u know why? I was standing on the hill the whole second half talking with stadium security about reporting an incident which involved a security guard punching a 51 year old man (who I don't even know) square in the nose (breaking his nose)


This 51 year old man was helping the security guard over the fence to assist in the incident you speak of..and what does he got? a haymaker to the face.


So sorry for sacrificing my entire match day to assist in helping others I don't even know


I understand your a lawyer or barrister which means you probably have greater intelligence then me, but don't ever question my knowledge on the football scene and what is right and wrong nor my commitment to this club.


The day you start taking days off work to meet with police, security, ffa then you may criticize me

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Remember back at the very start of the season when we were campaigning to march on the street due to large numbers? Remember when the cops told us to **** off because it'd be safer on the footpath?


****ing tools. This behaviour is ridiculous but could've easily been handled if the police would give us some more cooperation rather than treating everything we try to do as criminal.


Yea...go shove thousands of people onto a footpath in between local businesses and tell us it's a much safer route to take then just closing down church street for 15 minutes. How can you get any dumber?


And you know what sucks worse is that they probably won't cop any of the blame at all. Those cops who are meant to be there for the safety of the public and the safety of the march.


Its true that these ****tards have no place in the RBB, but some of you need to stop listening to this media garbage, and start realising that it will never stop. Ever. We will always cop **** from the media, videos will always surface of random wanderers fans doing dumb ****. You guys are quick to jump on the forums and tell us to handle it yet you've got barely a clue as to what it takes to control this many people. "Something needs to be done" yadda yadda. Tell the cops to drop the bullshit and close the road for us and maybe you'll stop seeing wanderers fans banging on signs and windows.


It's a heavily passionate march with alot of alcohol. The same thing happens at any event with huge numbers a huge alcohol supply. It isnt just us, it isn't just the RBB. So stop with this self loathing and put your energy into helping us be better and helping us fight the over-the-top cops and seccies. Like the seccy at parra stadium who punched a 57 year old in the face, broke his nose, then dissapeared.


Or the 7 or so seccies + cops who got what was coming to them when they jumped on an rbb member who fell off the capo stand and onto the field accidentally.


Stop coming on here and throwing **** at the rbb when you very well know these clows are not rbb. It was derby day, this **** happens and will keep happening. In seasons to come these pricks will dissapear and we'll be left with the people who'll carry this on for years to come.


**** incident, but stop buying into this media bullcrap. For ****s sake, you'd think by now that some of you would realise that the media will jump on anything tasty. Just live with it, focus on the positive and move the **** on before coming on here and telling us we need to do things better.


And the flares? Well, it also seems alot of you dance around phones out having a ****ing blast in the terrace when they go off. Then act all **** righteous afterwards. Get over it.

Reading posts like these make me burn.

And then we have a so called leader who reckons he "nailed it".


Your replies say it all for me. You don't respect the core then you dont have my respect.

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- Us spilling out onto the road was not something that was planned. The authorities have never allowed us to walk church street, so its obvious that our spillage onto the road just cements the fact that we should not be on the footpath in the first place.


- Im not blaming the cops for everything, but you've got to be incredibly naive if your to tell me that if they would've just listened to our requests to march on the road since the start of the season, well then maybe we wouldn't have retards crammed onto a 2m wide footpath eh? There's no shops signs or windows on the road mate. There's no families eating diner 30cm away on the road mate. At the beginning of the season when working out the march with the cops we did everything in our power to try to get ourselves on the road, because its obvious that our numbers (even back then) are too great to pack onto the footpath. We did that because we aren't stupid, and contrary to what you believe about my "rbb ruining mentality", we did that for the good of the rbb, march and fans in general. So yea, i blame the cops for dumb **** like this happening. No **** doubt.


- Seccos and police took it too far when he fell onto the field. Why not let a bloke get back up jump back over the fence and continue supporting? Not sure why a man needs to be restrained for that, sure he got pissed and went at them, but with the bullshit we've seen from them i don't blame them. Like i said, go have someone tell you about the bloke who got his nose broken by a seccy. By all means, go off and defend them all you like after it if you still feel like they're being reasonable.


- Apologies boban but this is the first time that i disagree with almost everything you've said in your reply. My mates? You think im defending people because they are my close buddies? Mate i probably dont know half the chaps, dont even know the name of the bloke who fell in the field. They dont have to be my mates for me to defend what i feel is unjust. But obviously these guys arent YOUR mates, so you could barely give a stuff huh. It goes both ways.


- I am very sorry you don't like the flares. Please join the rest of them in complaining then lose your **** on game days when it looks spectacular and even the media are giving us praise.


There was never any argument about the best location for the march.  Even the coppers I speak to during the march agree with that.  But they are there to do their job and it was the RBB's responsibility to provide the marshalls and manage the crowd.  We have packed the footpath for every march without the need for the dickhead behaviour, including the flare.


When I say your mate, you know what I mean.  The guys I consider to be mates within the RBB are not lifelong friends but guys who share a common interest.  If I thought that they were dickheads, I would not associate with them, regardless of that common interest.  My Sydney FC supporting mates rank far higher than any dickhead that happens to be a WSW fan  


As to the guy falling in.  From my perspective, the guy never looked like he was trying to get back off the field, nowhere near it.  What he did thereafter was indefensible.  Not even using the example you give about another incident changes my mind on that.  If a scumbag secco punched a guy for no reason, then I hope he get what's coming to him in the legal sense, but again it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.  That is just deflection.


You are wrong about the flares and unfortunately your stance is not uncommon within the RBB.  The W-League match proved that beyond any doubt.  The most unfortunate part is that your view will probably be tolerated on these forums (despite everything that has been said in the past) because you have a bit of history with the RBB.


I wish you would just focus on the singing and chanting because that is where the strength of the RBB lies.

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I dont know if it has been posted just yet, but channel 9 are on this at the moment




does anyone else feel ashamed? 


No, Channel 9 show NRL and are NRL biased media, look at the, drugs scandal, hardly did they talk about it, had it been Football, can you imagine their headlines?

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I dont know if it has been posted just yet, but channel 9 are on this at the moment




does anyone else feel ashamed? 


No, Channel 9 show NRL and are NRL biased media, look at the, drugs scandal, hardly did they talk about it, had it been Football, can you imagine their headlines?


Very good point.

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Man I totally agree that whole nth terrace should be rbb active members only ga should be put in the south end. Did anyone see 2 Sydney fc supporters lining to get in the north terrace. Bloody wander4 members buying smurfs tix. Freaken fuming

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Personally I'd like to see allocated seating for the whole northern end, make it completely active but all allocated. It will help (not completely solve) identifying trouble makers.


That said the police in Australia, along with stadium security, simply cannot understand the type of supporter experience with football. Their ignorance has created an us vs them mentality (take AAMI security not stopping the Heart fans changing ends, disgraceful).


I fear that should the unprepared security/police and those who claim 'support' WSW by being abusive and violent continue to create issues then things will only get worse. 


The reputation that the RBB and the WSW are getting within the general public is now verging on criminal (rightly or wrongly in some cases). Speaking to some friends that are WSW fans they are now rethinking memberships for next year because of the violence on TV and the conduct of those on the march towards opposition fans. As much as we know the media blow things out of proportion it does have an impact.


Personally I am worried that the conduct of a few idiots will permanently impact the reputation of the club moving forward. A few bad seeds not being dealt with correctly by authorities has manifested into a disease that could threaten the club and the game as the whole in Australia.

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^^^ I had one of my uni lecturers today cracking a joke about bad behaviour and referencing Wanderers fans when doing it. All the **** heads in my class laughed. I threw my hand up "Are you serious? Do we all believe everything the media tells us now". Class argues with me and I sit fuming for the rest of the lesson. They can all get f*cked for all im concerned. The Smurfs in the class loved it. I was surprised how much I felt insulted.

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^^^ I had one of my uni lecturers today cracking a joke about bad behaviour and referencing Wanderers fans when doing it. All the **** heads in my class laughed. I threw my hand up "Are you serious? Do we all believe everything the media tells us now". Class argues with me and I sit fuming for the rest of the lesson. They can all get f*cked for all im concerned. The Smurfs in the class loved it. I was surprised how much I felt insulted.

 You fought the good fight.

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^^^ I had one of my uni lecturers today cracking a joke about bad behaviour and referencing Wanderers fans when doing it. All the **** heads in my class laughed. I threw my hand up "Are you serious? Do we all believe everything the media tells us now". Class argues with me and I sit fuming for the rest of the lesson. They can all get f*cked for all im concerned. The Smurfs in the class loved it. I was surprised how much I felt insulted.


Take four bags of confetti to the next lecture... That'll learn 'em

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