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2016/17 EPL & F.A Cup thread

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I must admit I was in love with the tactics that Pulis pulled out. Whilst others looked to push Chelsea's wing backs into more defensive positions, Pulis did the opposite. His 4-4-2 at times resembled a 6-3-1, Rondon I don't think touched the ball all game, just ran ran ran. Full credit to him, he didn't stop all game.


I thought WBA were going to pull it off and then costa didn't give up on a lost cause & finished with so much class. What. A. Goal.


United vs Spurs

Mourinho sounds like popa right now, pre game "playing well but aren't getting results". What a goal by HM, what a way to announce yourself after nearly 2 months of being on the sideline. Carried off on a stretcher & just hope they aren't ankle ligaments.


In all honesty great performance by United, trying to watch two games at once so wasn't able to ascertain whether it was a poor Spurs side or United just stopped them from playing.


******* hell the guy is an arrogant bastard. The only reason he put Fellani on was to justify his decision last week to put the same player on who gave away a penalty. Why? Just why! I think all of Old trafford would give him some special treatment if Fellani was to lead to another goal! Instead of doing what's best for the team, he uses a football club to fight his battles. Frustrating character.


What happened to Kane today? Was like he wasn't on the field!

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Everton won a game!


Against Arsenal!





Let's start an Everton thread to celebrate


In other Everton related news


I'm ordering one of these



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Arsenal fan tv going off haha


I'm not watching that tripe.  I'm just going to wait for the main course around Feb/Mar time.



Nah it's must watch YouTube TV. Doesn't matter what they result, everyone's post-match interview is top stuff.


DT will his realistic approach and Troopz with his "ham rolls blood, yeah?!"

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Arsenal fan tv going off haha


I'm not watching that tripe.  I'm just going to wait for the main course around Feb/Mar time.



Nah it's must watch YouTube TV. Doesn't matter what they result, everyone's post-match interview is top stuff.


DT will his realistic approach and Troopz with his "ham rolls blood, yeah?!"



I have actually watched a few.  It's when the season falls apart after so much promise in March that it's like cutting to the action sequence bit at the end of the film  Complete road crash stuff and compelling viewing.  The one they did last year at West Ham after being 2-0 up and not closing out the game.  A clip for the ages.

Edited by KGee
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I thought on the basis of Barkley not being sent for an early beer, we were primed to concede a late header, playing high-ish up the pitch and having him bulldoze his way through to goal.


Alas a Danny Studge made a diffefence and Sadio Mane became Happio Mane.

Good to see some pyro lit too  :xbop:

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I thought on the basis of Barkley not being sent for an early beer, we were primed to concede a late header, playing high-ish up the pitch and having him bulldoze his way through to goal.


Alas a Danny Studge made a diffefence and Sadio Mane became Happio Mane.


Good to see some pyro lit too  :xbop:

i thought it was interesting that Klopp didnt pull up a garden chair and sit on the 4th officials lap, i mean seriously take him out to dinner first klopp. 


any other manager would have been sent to the stands the amount that bloke was in the 4th officials face.


and on the ross tackle 100% should have been a second yellow but if you watch it live it looks like a yellow and that is all mike dean had to go off. Plus apart from that one call he did a pritty decent job of keeping the lid on the game so hopefully that one bad call doesnt follow him around, for a derby he did an excellent job imo.

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