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Ray Hadley 2GB Sydney Derby coverage

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Guest mickisnot

this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.


  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.

Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.

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Any publicity is good publicity. Let them talk. We know who we are and know what we do.


I retract this comment. Absolutely ashamed.


Unfortunately the amount of new people flocking in overpowers or established  culture. We had more people who are not RBB pretending to be RBB and it was out of control. This is embarrassing.

i thought it was a strange comment from you mate.

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.


  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.

Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.


sigh. why do we even bother

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2GB just paid a fortune for the nrl radio rights so they will be biased views... plus haddleys a muppet, I wouldnt be paying to much attention to anything he says


the march was the worst this year in terms of people being f*ckwits.


i'm surprised it's taken this long for stuff to come out.


I'm with you bro....


Saturday was just a festival of f**kwitts, from start to finish... There is no justification for that behaviour at all.

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pretty hard to defend this:




This is absolutely disgusting and the RBB members with the exception of these ****s will agree this behaviour is not on.


That is right, we do not condone that type of behaviour, FFS the bloke is just trying to have a meal before the match, so what if he is wearing a smurf jersey. This is the type of sh*t that will ultamitly kill of the club.

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.

  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.
Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.

sigh. why do we even bother

Unfortunately some people are using the RBB as an excuse to be f***wits. The only thing we can do is talk up and stand for what the RBB truly believes in when we see it. Hopefully it will encourage others to do so and the f***wits will realise their behaviour is not welcome.

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Hadley has just had the bloody Commissioneron line & he has advised that they may review our right to March.


This is one of the great aspects of our support & our match day experience & I'd hate to lose that privilege & I'd hate moreso to see all the hard work of those intimately involved go to waste because of a few loose cannons.

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?

Obviously not everyone knows the match route of the RBB. Heaven forbid someone supporting a local business if he did.

Call me cynical i think he knew

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numbered seats won't work. i don't even know what my seat number is.


members only in the RBB is how i can see it going. and i would be all for that.

the whole rbb end must be members only no ga admission then so no one can take rbb seats.i was sitting near rbb and didnt enjoy seeing the blow ins ruining all that which you guys have created.

I'd also be up for card carrying paid RBB membership (in addition to club red/black season ticket). Show your RBB card for entry in to 55,56,57. The biggest and best active support groups around the world are very well organised and disciplined along these lines. Check out Torcida's website. They have their code of conduct and group rules published on their site, and they control who is in and who is not. Membership of these groups is seen as an honour, not a right. We should be the same. Want to be a member of the RBB? This is how we expect you to conduct yourself.

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?

Obviously not everyone knows the match route of the RBB. Heaven forbid someone supporting a local business if he did.

Call me cynical i think he knew


Why does it matter?  He was out for a feed supporting local businesses.  It's not his fault.

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What gets me is that there are other Smurf supporters around and yet it is just that one guy getting picked on, something tells me there is more to it than the video suggests.


also Ray Hadley bullies on weak people, the second you stand up to yourself, he will back down and crawl back up into his mummies arms...

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?


Because we live in free country and we all have the right to eat a meal, without some f**kwitt giving you sh*t for the shirt you're wearing.


What f**kin sh*ts me the most, is I travel to away games, and I'm the poor c**t who has to defend himself because of the behaviour of these clowns...

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?


People can eat wherever the **** they want to eat and they deserve to do so in peace. Not have ******* glasses thrown at them or be harrassed. Shops should be able to conduct business without having to ******* worry about whether there storefront is going to be damaged or if a flare is going to be lit inside the store.


People need to seriously learn to show some respect. Its not you at the end of the day who has lost business as a result of flare in your restaurant or the costs that any damage has been done to the shopfront.

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Guest mickisnot



this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.


  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.

Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.


sigh. why do we even bother




I have nothing to work with here.

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?

Obviously not everyone knows the match route of the RBB. Heaven forbid someone supporting a local business if he did.

Call me cynical i think he knew

does it f*cking matter ?


he was having dinner, with wanderers fans in a restaurant in Parramatta.


I've been to Perth and Brisbane to support the team this season and shared beers with their active supporters groups at their pubs, without a problem at all.

this guy was having dinner at a restaurant on the march route (not at our pub btw) and it's his fault ? please

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Why would you grab a bite to eat as a smurf along the march route?


its the famous church street strip of restaurants.....some great food and we should encourage away fans to dine there because local businesses are west too and taking ESFC money is great!


plus its a great spectacle to watch


i'm sure they would have been happy to cop some passionate chants and boos from the marchers ......just not what a few wankers dished out

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Im lost for words people...that video is bad, there is no defence for that. I suspect that would be just the tip of the iceberg of what actually occurred..those poor people trying to enjoy a meal. I went to several away games and took my family to restaurants before the game, and I can tell you that if this **** happened to me I would be outraged..This make me seriously consider the future viability of this club if this is a taste of what's to come. We have had such a good thing and I fear it will be taken over by a growing bunch of like-minded dick heads and in doing so turn away genuine people that bring family and enjoy the pride in the Wanderers.


PLEASE sort out the idiots now take ownership and stop the blame game..before its too late...

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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.

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 The guy fell off the fence onto the field and would of jumped right back over it and back to his seat until cops got a hold of him.


From where i was, it looked like he jumped over the fence, i saw him go from the right side of the bay to the left side and end up on the field, i maybe mistaken and i may have missed something, but from where i was, what i saw was that he jumped over the fence...

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this is the same attitude that has gotten us to the point we aren't allowed Tifo's, and have restrictions as to what we can do on game day.


the march on saturday was disgraceful. people walking down the middle of the road banging on car windows and windscreens, people banging on shopfront windows. showing absolutely no respect for the community which all season have got behind us and supported the wanderers.


it's the flogs fault. they ruin it for us.

the flogs know to light flares the moment players walk onto the p*tch ? the flogs know to light flares on the bridge when we do the WDWSF chant ?


bullsh*t. pull the other one. we can argue and make excuses about police and security all we want, but A LOT of the problems we have brought on ourselves.



saturday night was supposed to be the greatest night in the history of the west sydney wanderers. it was disgusting, embarrassing, and all we did was bring more unwanted attention onto us.

^ Sorry, but, not this


We haven't brought any negative attention on ourselves, they have brought negative attention on us, for no reason other than passion. Flares and soccer go hand in hand, watch a match in Europe.

Btw I'm not RBB, My parents were born in Croatia but I don't know how to use a flare.


You're buying into the argument that Ray Hadley is actually presenting.


  • Saturday night was great, I loved it. I was seriously worked up beyond belief, I was so angry and passionate for the Wanderers I almost died from a heart attack. So why be so negative for?
  • Banging on cafe windows? Were there Sydney FC fans inside? Maybe you should of checked. I saw a lot of smiley faces from the owners.
  • Walking on the road? Have we ever asked the council if we can do march on the road? It might be a good idea? There were loads of people. Plus you could PROTECT the RBB by releasing a statement saying "RBB not to banging on windows etc. etc." Then police KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between RBB and trouble makers.
  • Security and Police were shocking, I have watched every match with my partner, been to many away matches and every time it's terrible. I don't want to hear about how we can do less. The less I do, the more they push.
  • 1% are always going to cause trouble, It's human nature, just be mindful of that.

Sorry Pup, I don't want to hear it. Ray Hadley is a loser. We're fine.


sigh. why do we even bother




I have nothing to work with here.


Mate, there's a lot of work the RBB do that you don't know of. They work with the council/community and police to keep this away from the game.

The Wellington/sydney FC protest has lost credibility because of the minority.


If I took my family out to an away game, I would not want to expierience this ****.

Edited by xposedPatricK
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Guest mickisnot

I can't stand Ray Hadley, I don't even listen to this garbage. I like ABC Radio, where the British Commentator says that the RBB is very passionate.


If people actually buy into this garbage, have we thought about our own "Spectator Code of Conduct"


It would be a very powerful argument, when losers like Hadley have their own rant.

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yeh i hadn't seen the footage. I thought it was more of the anti-flare stuff...


I'm truly saddened ay. Problem is these kunts are nowhere to be seen. Right now they are at work, laughing telling the story and they might come to another big match next season and do it all over again. Us, that travel to away games, help out, sing our hearts out...we are the ones that are going to cop it.


ffs; Marshalling, I had people laugh at me, push me, shoulder barge me, insult me and more. There is no excuse for any of this and just shows peoples complete disregard for what is being built. The culture is not well established enough for the mass influx of people we have coming into the home end. So their stupidity in mass numbers is too overwhelming for the culture itself to iron out.

Edited by Pistola
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numbered seats won't work. i don't even know what my seat number is.


members only in the RBB is how i can see it going. and i would be all for that.

the whole rbb end must be members only no ga admission then so no one can take rbb seats.i was sitting near rbb and didnt enjoy seeing the blow ins ruining all that which you guys have created.

I'd also be up for card carrying paid RBB membership (in addition to club red/black season ticket). Show your RBB card for entry in to 55,56,57. The biggest and best active support groups around the world are very well organised and disciplined along these lines. Check out Torcida's website. They have their code of conduct and group rules published on their site, and they control who is in and who is not. Membership of these groups is seen as an honour, not a right. We should be the same. Want to be a member of the RBB? This is how we expect you to conduct yourself.

 it would make as look a lot more professional as an organization

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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.


I didnt listen to him, but still disgusted at the video. Problem is the media will have another field day

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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.


To be fair mate, I just watched the video and didn't read the article..


it is what it is..

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So....I open this topic to see who was dumb enough to actually listen to a neophyte such as Ray Hadley.


There's a vid linked here and I watch it (as I missed the march to keep bay 56 clear for la banda); The vid starts off with a bit of banter and a mere handful of flogs go too far with it. Note: There was ZERO violence in that video, but a f*ckwit is still a f*ckwit.


I decide to risk IQ points and listen to Hadley for a minute. He's ending a sentence with "violent sockah hooligans" then starts to waffle on about rugby league and one of his old buddies at the Parramatta Eels. He ends his rant threatening that if anyone wants to continue to disrespect this mate of his, they'll be getting a fight from Hadley "in every shape and form" (that is a direct quote).


Now I won't excuse the flogs who acted like f*ckwits in that video but I will say this:


Those flogs acted in the heat of the moment, they were f*ckwits at a time of high emotion. Some people here made a choice to listen to the king of f*ckwit hypocrits in Ray Hadley, and those people are also f*ckwits but decided to be so in a calm and concsious manner.


I am absolutely disgusted that any so-called Wanderers fan would listen to this imbecile much less believe that we are "violent sockah hooligans" when it's a claim made by someone who threatens physical violence live on air in the next breath.


I didn't listen to Ray Hadley.... I just watched the footage in this thread, and I don't like it... No to mention, that this is exactly what feeds f**kwitts like Ray Hadley... Whether we like it or not, this is the sort of thing will always bite us on the ass...

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